Revolutionary Democracy

Textes en Français

Les Sept Congres Mondiaux de l’internationale Communiste
(Not printed in the English Revolutionary Democracy)

Staline et la lutte pour la réforme démocratique, première partie, Grover Furr
(Not printed in the English Revolutionary Democracy)

Rapport au Congrès du Parti Communiste d’Albanie, Enver Hodja, 1948
(From Archive Section of Revolutionary Dmocracy)

Les Jeux olympiques de Beijing et la question du Tibet, Vijay Singh
(The Beijing Olympics and the Question of Tibet, printed in English in Vol. XIV, No. 1)

Sur le 90ème anniversaire de la Grande Révolution Socialiste d’Octobre, Revolutionary Democracy
(On the 90th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution, printed in English in Vol. XIV, No. 1)

Racines de Classe de la Contre-Révolution dans l'Union soviétique, Alexei Danko
(Thoughts about the Class Roots of Counter-Revolution in the Territory of the Soviet Union, printed in English in Vol. XIII, No. 1)

La Recherche de la Vérité à propos de Staline, Youri Yémélianov
(The Quest for the Truth about Stalin, printed in English in Vol. XII, No. 2)

Comment la Démocratie Soviétique travaillait dans les années 1930, Sam Darcy
(How Soviet Democracy Worked in the 1930s, printed in English in Vol. XI, No. 2)

Correspondance: Article de Ché Guévara, George Gruenthal
(Letter: Article on Che Guevara, printed in English in Vol. XI, No. 2)

Che Guevara et l'Économie Politique du Socialisme, Rafael Matinez
(Che Guevara and the Political Economy of Socialism, printed in English in Vol. XI, No. 1)

Entretien entre J. Staline et Charles de Gaulle, décembre 1944
(Discussions of J.V. Stalin and Charles de Gaulle, printed in English in Vol. XI, No. 1)

La Vie et l’Époque de Josef Staline, par M.R. Appan, George Gruenthal
(The Life and Times of Joseph Stalin, by M.R. Appan, printed in English in Vol. X, No. 2)

Le Testament de Lénine et le XIIIe Congrès du Parti, Lazar Kaganovich
(The 'Testament' of Lenin and the XIII Congress of the Party, printed in English in Vol. X, No. 1)

Le Capitalisme Avec les ‘Caractéristiques Chinoises’, Proletarskaya Gazeta
(Capitalism with 'Chinese Characteristics', printed in English in Vol. X, No. 1)

L’Avenir Des Despotes Fabriques Par l’Impérialisme: Le Cas du Liber, Jean Claude Abadya,
(The Future of Tyrants Created by Imperialism, printed in English in Vol. X, No. 1)

La Guerre Impérialiste Contre l'Irak, Vijay Singh
(The Imperialist War Against Iraq, printed in English in Vol. IX, No. 1)

Où Conduit le Nationalisme du Groupe de Tito en Yougoslavie
(Where is the Nationalism of Tito’s Group in Yugoslavia Leading To, printed in English in Vol. VIII, No. 2)

Sur les Relations entre Lénine et Staline, Maria Ulyanova
(On the Relations between Lenin and Stalin, printed in English in Vol. VIII, No. 1)

Le Mécanisme de la Machine Économique Soviétique, Hekuran Mara
(The Mechanism of the Soviet Economic Machine, printed in English in Vol. VIII, No. 1)

Critique de l'Économisme et Idéalisme Historique de Bettelheim, Claude Varlet
(Economism and Historical Idealism in the Writing of Charles Bettelheim, printed in English in Vol. VII, No. 2)

La Contrefaçon du 'Testament de Lénine', V.A. Sakharov
(The Forgery of the 'Lenin Testament', printed in English in Vol. VII, No. 1)

Cinq Conversations avec des Économistes Soviétiques 1941-52, J.V. Stalin
(Five Conversations with Soviet Economists, printed in English in Vol. IV, No. 2)

Staline et la Création de l'Économie Politique du Socialisme, Vijay Singh
(Stalin and the Political Economy of Socialism, printed in English in Vol. IV, No. 2)

Juin 1957, Lazar Kaganovich
(June 1957, printed n English in Vol. IV, No. 1)

La Contribution de J.V. Staline au Marxisme-Léninisme, M.B. Mitin, M.D. Kammari, G.F. Aleksandrov
(The Contribution of Stalin to Marxism-Leninism, printed in English in Vol. IV, No. 1)

Le PCUS (B), le Gosplan et la Question de la Transition à la Société Communiste en Union Soviétique 1939-1953, Vijay Singh
The CPSU(b), Gosplan and the Question of the Transition to Communist Society in the Soviet Union, 1939-1953, printed in English in Vol. III, No. 1)

Thermidor de Khrushchev, Ubaldo Buttafava
(Khrushchev's Thermidor, printed in English in Vol III, No. 1)

Sur l'Objet de l'Économie Politique, Inter
(On the Object of Political Economy, printed in English in Vol. II, No. 2)

Commentaires d'une Lettre de V.M. Molotov, Vijay Singh
(Comments on a Letter of V.M. Molotov, printed in English in Vol. II, No. 2)

Deux Critiques Contemporaines du Vingtième Congrès du Parti Communiste de l'Union Soviétique, Neil Goold et Moni Guha
(Two Contemporary Criticisms of the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, printed in English in Vol. II, No. 1)

La Signification Historique du Vingtième Congrè, Inter
(The Historical Significance of the Twentieth Congress, printed in English in Vol. II, No. 1)

Bolchevisme et Question Nationale
(Bolshevism and the National Question, printed in English in Vol. I, No. 2)

Staline et la Question du «Socialisme de Marché», Vijay Singh
(Stalin and the Question of "Market Socialism," printed in English in Vol. I, No. 1)

Le Caractère Capitaliste des Rapports de Production en Union soviétique
(The Capitalist Character of the Relations of Production in the Soviet Union, from Socialist Albania, July, 1980)

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