Revolutionary Democracy

Türkçe materyaller

New: 1951 tarihli Britanya’nın Sosyalizm Yolu: Bir Halk Demokrasi Programı, Vijay Singh
(Introduction to British Road to Socialism)

New: Britanya'nın Sosyalizm Yolu Üzerine
(British Road to Socialism)

Troçki – ABD İlişkisi 1939-1940
(The Relations of Leon Trotsky and the U.S. State 1939-1940, printed in English in Vol. XX, No. 1)

Aleksandra Kollontai ile iki röportaj
(Two Interviews with Alexandra Kollpntia, printed in English in Vol. XIX, No. 1)

Stalin – Mao Zedung Görüşmesi
(Record of the Two Meetings of I.V. Stalin and Mao Zedong in Moscow, printed in English in Vol. XIX, No. 1)
(On the British Road to Socialism, J.V. Stalin, printed in English in Vol. XIII, No. 2)

Bay Morrison’a Cevap
(Stalin: Apropos of the Statement of Mr. Morrison, printed in English in Vol. IX, No. 2.)

Enver Hoca'nın Ölümünden bu yana Arnavutluk'taki politik gelişmeler
(Albania: Political Developments Since the Death of Enver Hoxha, Unified Communist Party of Albania, printed in English in Vol. VII, No. 1.)

Stalin Ve Sosyalizmin Ekonomi Politiğinin Belirlenmesi, Vijay Singh
(Stalin and the Making of the Political Economy of Socialism,
printed in English in Vol. IV, No. 2.)

Sovyet Ekonomistleriyle Beş Görüşme, 1942-1952, J.V. Stalin
(5 Conversations with Soviet Economists, printed in English in Vol. IV, No. 2.)

Emperyalist küreselleşme ve emek, Ashim Kumar Roy
(Imperialist Globalisation and Labour, printed in English in Vol. III, No. 2)

Marksist Metod Ve Hindistan Devriminin Bugünkü Aşaması, Moni Guha
(Marxist Methodology and the Current Stage of the Indian Revolution, printed in English in Vol. III, No. 2)

Sovyetler Birliğinde SBKP(B), GOSPLAN Ve Komünist Topluma Geçiş Sorunu (1939-1953), Vijay Singh
(The CPSU(B), Gosplan and the Question of the Transition to Communist Society in the Soviet Union 1939-1953, printed in English in Vol. III, No. 1.)

V.M. Molotov'un Bir Mektubu Üzerine Yorumlar
(Comments on a Letter of V.M. Molotov, printed in English in Vol. II, No. 2. Note that the English version has all the footnote references that are missing in the Turkish version.)

Hindistan Devriminin Aşaması Üzerine
(Beginning of: On the Stage of the Indian Revolution, printed in English in Vol. II, No. 1. Hopefully the full translation will be completed shortly. Note that the English version has all the footnote references that are missing in the Turkish version.)

Lazar Kaganoviç'in Anıları: Haziran 1957
(June 1957, Lazar Kaganovich, printed in English in Vol. II, No. 1. Note that the English version has the footnote references in Vijay Singh's introduction that are missing in the Turkish version.)

Stalin Ve 2. Dünya Savaşı Sonrası Sb’nde ‘Pazar Sosyalizmi’ Sorunu, Vijay Singh
(Stalin and the Question of "Market Socialism" in the Soviet Union after the Second World War, printed in English in Vol. I, No. 1.)

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