Revolutionary Democracy

Vol. XXII, No. 1, April, 2016

Peasant Rebellion, 1957, Chittaprasod (1915-1978)

'Hostages', 1948. Bronze, Monument in Urkhe,
Fragment, Zdenko Kalin (1911-1990)

'Hostage', 1945, Bronze, Boris Kalin (1905-1975)
The Case of Rohith Vemula, C.N. Subramaniam

The Budget: Recalibration of Economic Policy to Mask a Political Crisis, Gautam Mody

India’s New Economic Challenges and the Chinese Economic Crisis, Dr. N. Bhattacharya

Between Tolerance and Intolerance: The Army And its Nation, Dr. Malem Ningthouja

Settlement Won by Contract Workers in Chhatisgarh Cement Works, Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha

How Democracy ‘Uses’ a Colonial Law, PUDR

MSAD solidarity to JNU and the Critique of JNU Nationalism, Seram Rojesh

The Elections in Venezuela, Pablo Miranda

The Left in Bangladesh, Badruddin Umar

Recollections of the Events in Georgia of 4-9th March, 1956, Grigor Oniani

Preface to the Indian Edition of the Textbook of Political Economy of 1955, Vijay Singh

On Work Among Women, ICMLPO

First Meeting of the Women of Latin America and the Caribbean, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 24-27, 2015

XXI Plenum of the ICMLPO:

     On the International Situation and our Tasks, ICMLPO

      Towards the 100th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

      Developments in Turkey and India

      No to the politics of war, terror and misery! ICMLPO

A Farewell Letter to A.B. Bardhan, Vineet Tiwari

A Condolence Meeting in Memory of M. Rajan, Kuldip Sin

Remembering Prof. Randhir Singh, Gautam Navlakha

Pankaj Singh (1948-2015): Reminiscence, Karan Singh Chauhan

Concerning the Materials on the Situation in the Communist Party of India (3rd February 1951), CPSU (b)

L. Trotsky’s Theory of Imperialism and the Universal Crisis of Capitalism, V. Serebryakov

Women in the Art of Chittaprosad, Ashok Bhowmick

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Additional articles only on the web:

EMEP: Withdraw from Syria for the War to End!

Final Declaration of the 25th International Anti-Fascist and Anti-imperialist Youth Camp 

Political Declaration of the Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations of Latin America

Final Declaration of the 20th International Seminar: Problems of the Revolution in Latin America  

Movement against the El Khomri Law: Consolidate the gains

ICMLPO: After ’Brexit’:  The struggle against ‘United Europe’ of the monopolies and neoliberalism must be intensified  mainly fighting against one’s “own” bourgeoisie

The Events in the Donbass

Declaration of the regional meeting of the European members of ICMLPO

Manifesto for May Day 2016

Solidarity and support to the people of Ecuador

Brazil: No to the step backward! The solution to the crisis is people’s power!

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