Unity & Struggle

April 2016, Volume XV, No. 1


Brazil: Resolution of the PCR on the current situation, Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR)

Burkina Faso: People have carried out a popular insurrection of historic significance, Revolutionary Communist Party of Volta (PCRV)

Colombia: Notes on the history of the CPC (M-L), Communist Party of Colombia ML

Denmark: Everything must be privatized under the control of the multinationals, Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark (APK)

Dominican Republic: Philosophy, values and revolutionary practice, Communist Party of Labour (PCT)

Ecuador: 8th Congress of the PCMLE, Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador (PCMLE)

France: Break with the neoliberal policies of Hollande, Communist Party of the Workers of France (PCOF)

Greece: Some questions and answers about the current situation in Greece, Movement for the Reorganization of the KKE (1918-55) of Greece

Italy: The role of the working class in the policy of United Front and Popular Front, Communist Platform

Mexico: Two urgent tasks to confront the offensive of the neoliberals in the country (II), Communist Party of Mexico – ML

Morocco: The current situation in Morocco, Democratic Way

Norway: The nation’s robbers and hucksters, Revolusjon

Peru: Senderismo and its counter-revolutionary practice, Communist Party of Peru ML

Spain: Borders, alliances, imperialist contradictions... it is the people who suffer, Communist Party of Spain – ML (PCEML)

Tunisia: The Popular Front and the revolutionary process in Tunisia, Workers ’Party of Tunisia

Turkey: Turkey and Islamic terrorism in Paris, Labour Party (EMEP)

Venezuela: The situation in Venezuela and the aggression of US imperialism, Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela (PCMLV)

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