Developments in Turkey and India


Our Plenary meeting was held a few days after the barbaric massacre in Ankara, in which 103 people were killed who were demonstrating for work, peace and democracy, while hundreds were wounded.

Among those killed we mourn 16 brave comrades of our fraternal Party of Turkey, including a member of the Central Committee.

The 21st Plenary of the ICMLPO gives its deepest condolences to the Party of Labour of Turkey and the families of those comrades killed, and wishes speedy recovery for all the wounded.

We pay tribute to the memory of our comrades killed in this attack, as well as to all the victims of this atrocious crime.

Their example, courage and ideals will always live in our struggle and strengthen our will to fight for a new society without exploitation of the workers or oppression of the peoples.

Comrades, the great number of members of our fraternal Party who were killed in the attack is not accidental. The political purpose of the massacre in Ankara is clear: to attack the most advanced force, the most determined members of the workers, popular and democratic movement in Turkey, to strike the leadership in order to terrorize the masses.

We know who is politically responsible for the cowardly attack on October 10. It is the reactionary and militarist regime of Erdogan, who after the fascist attacks and provocations in Djarbakir and Surug raised the level of provocation and confrontation through war and fascist terror, in order not to lose power.

This ferocious attack marks the beginning of the end of Erdogan, his party and his government. The working class and the Turkish and Kurdish peoples will give a just response to those responsible for this massacre.

The workers and peoples of Turkey will not be stopped by terrorist and fascist provocations; they will not surrender to the policy of war of the government that is leading the country to ruin and chaos.

The reaction of the workers and the popular masses after the massacre was united and determined. In many factories, workplaces and cities they strongly expressed their denunciation of the infamous policy of the regime.

In the heat of the struggle against the reactionary AKP government the future of a democratic, progressive and socialist Turkey is being prepared.

We reiterate our closest internationalist ties with the workers and peoples of Turkey and Kurdistan; we express our full solidarity with their struggle; we energetically condemn the policy of war and terror of the reactionary Turkish government and we demand its end and the punishment of the perpetrators and instigators of the massacres.

We assure our fraternal Party, EMEP, its leaders and members, of our fraternal support and solidarity in the struggle that they are waging in their country for a true democracy, national rights and social change.

Long live the struggle of the Turkish and Kurdish workers and peoples!
Long live the Party of Labour of Turkey!

The ICMLPO notes with concern the developments in India after the coming to power of the Hindu Right NDA government a year and half ago.

It condemns the stronger turn to neo-liberalism in the economy of the country leading to greater imperialist penetration.

It is shocked at the reduction of the rights of the workers and of the trade unions.

It calls for the release of the Maruti workers who are jailed for over one year.

It condemns the attack of the international and Indian bourgeoisie on the lands of the Indian tribal peoples which contains great mineral wealth and which have led to the displacement of the peoples.

It condemns the attacks on the rights of the people of Kashmir and the North-East of India which has led to a great loss of life.

It further condemns the killing of the rationalists in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh by the Hindu Right.

It also condemns the attacks and the communal killings of the Christians and Muslims which have been organised by the Hindu Right.

It calls on the upholding of the secular norms which are embodied in the Indian constitution.

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