The Editorial Board of the “Proletarian Gazette" appeals to the progressive public all over the world, especially to the proletariat and the Marxist-Leninist forces, to provide support to the oppressed masses of Donbass, who have organized themselves into an armed people's militia on the territory of the proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic, in the fight against direct military aggression of the Ukrainian army and the Ukrainian nationalist gangs of the puppet Kiev regime, representing the interests of US imperialism and Western Europe, and at the same time help to expose the reactionary selfish class essence of the Russian imperialists and their puppets from among the bourgeois forces of Donbass, as well as "volunteers" from among Russian nationalists .
The Editorial Board of the “Proletarian Gazette” calls on the progressive public all over the world, especially the proletariat and the Marxist-Leninist forces, to use all available measures of public pressure on the United Nations and the governments of their respective countries in order to:
1. Take decisive action to end the hostilities in Donbass and the withdrawal of the Ukrainian army beyond the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The agreed terms of the Minsk armistice agreements in the region are just temporary and unstable measures to end the bloodshed in the territory of Donbass. The next step in ensuring the transition from truce to peace, should be the withdrawal of the Ukrainian army and the expulsion of various "volunteer" armed gangs out of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
2. Compel the instigators of the devastating war in the Donbass – US and Western European imperialists, the Russian imperialists and their puppets – the Ukrainian government and the bourgeoisie of Donbass – to unconditionally and fully restore the war-shattered industrial and agricultural facilities of Donbass, housing and communal structures, repair the damage caused by war, and compensate the families of the killed and injured citizens of Donbass and the like.
The Editorial Board of the “Proletarian Gazette” recommends that the population of Donbass re-elect the authorities under the control of the People's Militia without any outside interference. We recommend, in these elections, to deprive all the volunteers and those residents who at the time of the elections are out of the territory of Donbass and do not live there permanently of the right to vote and be elected. We recommend conducting elections according to the proportional social and class principle, that is, the organs of power must include the workers' militia, the intelligentsia, the petty bourgeoisie, officials and other segments of the population in proportion to their quantitative presence as that would constitute real democratization of power in the Donbas.
"The Militia constitutes military formations, created during the war, of the civilian population which is not in military service..." – TSB, 3rd ed. 1974, Vol. 18, pp. 430.
The Editorial Board of the “Proletarian Gazette" recommends not to dissolve and disarm the people's militia until a full and democratic resolution of the status of the Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic is achieved, and to form a people's militia and other security forces on the basis of an armed people's militia, as well as of fully armed troops for the protection of the borders of these People's Republics.
The decision of the administrative and public affairs is an internal affair of the population and the newly elected government of Donbass.
Editorial Board of the “Proletarian Gazette”