Unity & Struggle No. 28, September 2014

20 Years of Unity and Struggle for the Revolution and Socialism

ICMLPO: Prologue

ICMLPO: Statement on the 20th Anniversary of the ICMLPO

ICMLPO: Imperialists and your henchmen: Get your filthy hands out of the Middle East!

ICMLPO: No to the anti-social, anti-democratic and militarist European Union

Guest writer Nils Andersson: The origins of the Marxist-Leninist movement in Europe

Guest writer Carlos Hermida: Marxist historiography and political commitment: the example of Pierre Vilar

Brazil: Only Socialism can save humanity from barbarism, Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR)

Burkina Faso: Africa is pregnant with democratic, anti-imperialist, anti-reactionary and anti-bureaucratic revolution, Revolutionary Communist Party of Volta (PCRV)

Colombia: Historical validity and necessity of revolutionary violence, Communist Party of Colombia – ML

Denmark:The People’s Movement against the European Union, Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark (APK)

Dominican Republic: On reform and revolution!, Communist Party of Labour (PCT)

Ecuador: Latin America: The “progressive governments", the  current situation and the people’s movement, Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador (PCMLE)

France: The struggle for the revolution in the imperialist  countries, and the struggle of the dominated peoples for their national and social liberation, Workers’ Communist Party of France (PCOF)

Germany: Twenty years of the ICMLPO, Organisation for the Construction of the CP of Germany (Arbeit Zukunft)

Iran: Unity statement, Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) / ML Organization of Toufan – Rahe Ayandeh

Italy: The Communist Movement and women’s liberation, Communist Platform

Mexico: Necessity and relevance of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Communist Party of Mexico – ML

Norway: Preface to the Norwegian edition of Georgi Dimitrov’s report to the 7th Congress of the Communist International (1935), Revolusjon

Peru: The situation in Peru and the international context, Communist Party of Peru – ML

Spain: Enver Hoxha, consistent Communist and Internationalist, Communist Party of Spain – ML (PCEML)

Tunisia: The struggle against opportunism and revisionism, a necessary condition for the victory of the revolution, Workers’ Party of Tunisia

Turkey: Historical meaning of international communism, Labour Party (EMEP)

Venezuela: The lessons of the Third International, Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela (PCMLV)

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