Revolutionary Democracy

Vol. XVI, No. 2, September, 2010

M.G. Lysenko,
In the torture-chambers of fascism,
Fragment, 1935. Gypsum

Leopoldo Mendez,
The Accident.
Wood engraving, 1934

Nguyen Thu,
Uncle Ho is still Leading our Military Operation.
Poster paint with graphite and ballpoint under drawing, on machine-made paper, May 1970

Bhopal and Ayodhya – Two Legal Judgements, C.N. Subramanian

Food for Rats, Damodar

Manipur Mortgaged, Malem Ningthouja

Why Afzal Must Not Be Hanged, Nandita Haksar

On the Assassination of Azad, Citizens' Statement

Trading Indian People’s Life for Multinational’s Profit, Janpaksh

Resistance of Birbhum’s Tribals, Mahasweta Devi

Sri LankaThe 18th Amendment to the Constitution, NDMLP

The Debt Crisis and Neo-Liberalism, Pratyush

Unilaterally Suspend the Payment of the Greek Debt, Anasintaxis

‘Where are you Enver!’ 16 Tetori

Marxism and Feminism, Amna Hafeez

The Katyn Mystery, Yuri Yemilyanov

My Comrades and Friends, Tufail Abbas

Book Review: The Cultural Revolution in a Chinese Village, George Gruenthal

Documents: Ajoy Ghosh, the CPI and the Question of Stalin 1952-56

At the Root of the Economic Theories of Modern Revisionism: Bogdanov/Bukharin’s Theory of Equilibrium II, Rafael Martinez

Letter to Awami Manshoor from the Marxist Communist Party of India (United)

Ecuador: Regarding the Events of September 30th, MLCPE

Statements of the International Conference of the Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations

The Strong Voice of the Revolutionaries of Latin America, 14th International Seminar, Quito

Final Statement of the 22nd International Encampment of the Anti-Fascist and Anti-Imperialist Youth


The Path Which Led Me to Communism, Ho Chi Minh

The Poetry of Ho Chi Minh

Dalit Poems from Pakistan

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