Revolutionary Democracy

Revolutionary Democracy is a half-yearly theoretical and political journal published in April and September from India. It contains materials on the problems facing the communist movement, particularly relating to Russia, China and India, the origins of modern revisionism, the restoration of capitalism in the USSR and developments in the international communist movement.

Volume 1, No. 1 (Third Series) April, 2024

New articles:

The Outcome of General Elections 2024 in India Posted June 30, 2024

General Elections In India 2024 Posted April 22, 2024

New in Archives:

Message to the 19th Congress of the CPSUB, 1952 Posted June 30, 2024

Pakistan and Indian National Unity, G. Adhikari, 1942 Posted May 14, 2024

A Short History of the Communist Party of Indonesia, D.N.Aidit, 1955 Posted May 10, 2024

Mountbatten Award and After, 1947 
Posted May 2, 2024

Report on Pakistan, 2/1948 Posted May 2, 2024

National Unity for the Defence of the Motherland, CPI, 1942-43 Posted April 26, 2024

Fascism, the Danger of War and the Tasks of the Communist Parties, Kuusinen, 1934 Posted April 26, 2024

Unity in Action, Communist Party of India, 1943 Posted April 3, 2024

Working Class and National Defence, 1943 Posted March 31. 2024

India's Plutocratic Dynasties, A. Leonidov, 1948 Posted March 28, 2024

Yugoslav Muslims’ Message to India, Dr. Zajim Sarac, 1947 Posted March 28, 2024


Ismail Shammout (1930-2006 ), tableau
"Palestine", painted  in 1967
Christmas/New Year Card by Walter Crane, 1894
Israel is committing a massacre in Gaza: It is a genocide, not war!, ICMLPO.

The elections to the state assemblies in the five states of India in 2023, C.N. Subramaniam.

Budget 2024: Development for the few, Mandir for the many, New Trade Union Initiative

The initiation of operation Kagar: a large-scale mobilization of paramilitary in Abujmarh under the guise of countering Maoism, Facam.

The Rot Among the Communists of Nepal is Helping the Hindutva Takeover, Karan Varma.

Will Pakistan achieve economic and political stability?, Shaukat Ali Chaudhry.

No to the Imperialist war in the Ukraine! Rafael Martinez.

The Partition of India, Badruddin Umar

Lenin’s and Stalin’s Exposure of Bogdanov’s Tektology and Equilibrium Theory, A.V. Shchegolov (Intro only) (49 p.)

28th ICMLPO Conference calls for the working class and peoples to unity and struggle against the bourgeoisie and imperialism! 

Socialism and Education – An Historical Overview from the Anabaptists to the Utopian Socialists, C.N. Subramaniam. (74 p.)
Report of the Meeting between Comrade J.V. Stalin and the Secretary of the Central Committee of the French Communist Party, Thorez, (November 18, 1947). (32 p,)

Report of the CC of the CPC to the CC of the CPSU (B) with the Comments of J.V. Stalin,  (4th July 1949).(Intro only) (27 p.)

India’s New Constitution (1950), Communist Party of India. 1

On our Programme, Prokash, (July 1951), Communist Party of India

Book ad: Clara Zetkin: Rosa Luxemburg’s Views on the Russian Revolution

Book ad: This Land Is Their Land

Prices for Revolutionary Democracy

Indian bookstores where Revolutionary Democracy is available

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Editorial Board
Tahir Asghar, Ashim Roy, Vijay Singh, C.N. Subramaniam.


E-mail addresses

All the articles from the Apr. 2022, Sept. 2022 & Apr. 2023  issues are now posted on the web.

The ones added have been marked as New on that issue's index.

Views expressed in signed articles are those of the authors and not necessarily of the Editorial Board.

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