Our Conference is determined to wage an uncompromising, open ideological struggle against all slanderous and deceptive views and tendencies that are capable of deviating the unity and struggles of the working class and toiling peoples of the world.
We are witnessing developments that cannot be underestimated in the economic redistribution of the world according to the changing powers of the imperialists. Russia did not tolerate the opening up of Ukraine to the expansion of the US and the EU and its membership in NATO. It invaded this country. There is now an imperialist war going on in Ukraine, with the US, Britain and European countries and their war organization NATO on the one hand, and Russia, supported by China, on the other. Israel, with the full support of the US, Britain, Japan, Australia, Canada and European imperialists, is waging a reckless war of aggression against the Palestinian people, whose land it occupies, and is committing genocide. The aggression of Israeli Zionism, supported by the vast majority of imperialists, especially the USA, is affecting the whole world by raising the peoples of the world, including the relations between imperialists. While the imperialists are fighting in Syria and Libya through their proxies, the local conflicts in Africa and the successive coups are proof that the imperialist conflicts for the redivision of the continent continue. China, for example, is now competing with the dominant imperialists of these continents in Asia, Africa and Latin America. With its investments, loans and credits, it is challenging American imperialism in particular. So far, the response has been escalating trade wars followed by the overhaul of supply chains and transportation routes, and barriers to investment and technology transfer.
The imperialists' tendency to challenge each other is seen in the increase in armament expenditures. The imperialists, armed to the teeth, are trying out new weapons and accelerating the production of weapons while depleting their old stocks of weapons in wars like Ukraine. The imperialists not only accelerate armaments and make huge investments in military-industrial complexes, they have also embarked on the militarisation of capitalist society by extending militarism to every field.
These direct consequences of the inter-imperialist conflict have a negative impact on the world economy. Arms expenditures on the backs of the people, which are supposed to stimulate production, actually play a destructive role in the economy. Moreover, not only Germany, which stopped buying gas from Russia, has been trying to recover its economy for two years. Starting last year, the growth rate of world trade volume has been falling. The slowdown in growth rates also applies to industrial production. Moreover, two big American banks and one big Swiss bank have just gone bankrupt. These topicalities are symptomatic of the general decay of capitalism.
Undoubtedly, the contradictions and conflicts between the imperialists are not the only reason for the slowdown in the development of the capitalist economy. The capitalist imperialist system based on exploitation and plunder is constantly producing crises. The purpose of capitalist production is to increase the profits of the monopolies, and this is the root of all evil. The increasingly sharpening contradictions and conflicts between the imperialists, together with the capitalist crises, an example of which was witnessed in 2021, deepen the general crisis of capitalism. The general crisis of capitalism aggravates all its economic, financial, social, political... contradictions and their effects.
The problems of the world economy, aggravated by the intensifying contradictions between the imperialists, as well as monopoly exploitation and impositions, make the living and working conditions of the exploited masses more difficult.
The old claims of the international bourgeoisie and the ideologues of capitalism promising peace and prosperity are long gone. The dominance of capitalism, which is driving up inflation and plunging back into recession, confirms that social problems are insoluble within this system. Real wages are falling, poverty is generalizing and spreading, including in advanced capitalist countries.
The world's working class and oppressed peoples are in the grip of poverty caused by falling wages, cuts in social services and new tax hikes. They are finding it increasingly difficult to meet their needs for food, shelter and heating.
A direct consequence of the evils of capitalism and the bourgeoisie's attacks on workers and peoples is the revival of the world labour movement. Now, the proletariat, right down to the most developed countries, is taking a stand against the capitalist aggression targeting it. The massive labour movement and strikes in the US, Britain and France are proof that the attacks are not going unanswered.
In the face of the growing proletariat movement, the bourgeoisie in many countries tends to throw off the mask of "democracy" and reintroduce fascism. The enactment of new reactionary measures follows one after another and the need for struggle against fascism grows. The struggle against fascism is an integral part of the struggle against the bourgeoisie and imperialism.
On the other hand, none of the imperialists, who are bent on redividing the world, are friends of the proletariat and peoples. They are all exploiters and plunderers. They are interested in conflicting with each other, seizing the riches of the peoples and expanding their spheres of domination. Those who claim to be friends of the peoples and come to their aid are just lying.
There is nothing good about the imperialist powers that are at each other's throats. The imperialist ambition to redivide the world and plunder the peoples only prepares for a new imperialist war. ICMLPO warns the peoples of the world against the impending danger of World War 3.
The ICMLPO calls on the working class and oppressed peoples of the world to fight against all imperialists who covet their sources of wealth.
ICMLPO declares once again that it supports all oppressed peoples and liberation struggles, especially the Palestinian, Kurdish, Cuban and Venezuelan peoples.
Our conference calls on workers from all countries to unite and organize to fight against capitalism and overthrow the rule of capital, without pinning their hopes on any bourgeois party or imperialist.
Our conference calls on the oppressed peoples and nations of the world to raise their struggle for social and national liberation.
November 2023,
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2024 index.