United States
J. Cruz Guerrero
After one year at the head of the government of the U.S., President Barack Obama has dispelled all the expectations of liberalism that he created in U.S. and world public opinion, revealing himself as a ruler in the service of the dark interests of the U.S. oligarchy, providing continuity to the war policy of the Bush administration, from which it is distinguished only by his rhetoric.
These statements are not exaggerated if we look at the actions of the Obama government in various areas of the world, primarily in Latin America and the Caribbean:
The establishment of seven U.S. military bases in Colombia, which is a kind of annexation of Colombia to the United States, has turned that country into the spearhead at the service of the hegemonic U.S. interests in the region and threaten the national security of the countries of the continent that have decided to break the chain of humiliation linking them to the power of the North, particularly Nicaragua, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia.
The events in Honduras, where the legitimate government of President Zelaya was overthrown, have shown the leading role of Obama in this nefarious act. To this one must add the shameless diplomatic steps of this government to legalise the coup through elections that have the Secretary General of the Organization of American States and the President of Costa Rica filled with disgrace by their complicity with the U.S. Government in carrying out such an evil deed.
The continuing of the embargo against the Republic Cuba and the protection of the Cuban-American terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, wanted for extradition by the government of Venezuela, for his acknowledged responsibility for shooting down a Cubana de Aviación airplane in which the 76 people aboard died; the maintenance of a U.S. naval base and clandestine prison on the Cuban territory of Guantánamo; the continuation of the unjust imprisonment of the five Cuban heroes confined in United States prisons; these are facts that show that Obama’s policy are a continuation of those of Bush, with the difference that the former is an African American.
The transfer of the war operations in Iraq to Afghan territory, with the aim of perpetuating U.S. rule in these Islamic republics, should not surprise anyone, because this was a promise of President Obama’s election campaign.
This aggressive criminal record of the Barack Obama administration, a continuation of the war-like and interfering policy of Washington, are more than sufficient proof to conclude that the recently awarded Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama is undeserved and unjustifiable.
Lucha, Jan.-Feb. 2010