Imperialism, which has sunk Haiti into the most absolute misery, is shedding crocodile tears and is speaking of the ‘Biblical curse’ that is ‘punishing’ the Haitian people for the ‘sin’ of having led in the first great social revolution in the Caribbean and having created the first free Republic in the Caribbean. These poor people, full of dignity, from the beginning of the earthquake have taken up the fight for survival and mutual aid. This is the way the Canadian writer of Haitian origin, Dany Laferrière, describes it who visited Port-au-Prince at the time of the earthquake (read his testimony at http://www.lemonde.fr/ameriques/article/2010/01/16/haiti-le-temoignage-bouleversant-de-l-ecrivain-dany-laferriere_1292475_3222.html.)
But Haiti is the homeland of great revolutionaries: Rosalvo Bobo, the leader of the first anti-imperialist insurrection in 1915, Charlemagne Peralte, the leader of the second insurrection (1918-1920), Jacques Roumain, great intellectual founder of the Haitian Communist Party, Antoine G. Petit, Professor Gerard Pierre Charles...
…the Initiative Committee for the Formation of the Communist Party of Haiti (COIFOPCHA), the New Communist Party of Haiti, the Popular National Party and mass organisations such as the workers’ front Batay Ouvriye, the peasant organisation Tet Kole Ti Peyizan Axisyen,...
The future of Haiti depends on ending imperialist political and military interference, the revolution in the neighbouring Dominican Republic and in the Caribbean would be strengthened, the Haitian revolutionary organisations inside and in the diaspora would be rebuilt and the country is receiving the sincere solidarity of the countries of the world.
Obama has sent the genocidal Bush and the no less bellicose Clinton at the head of 10,000 marines, aircraft carriers and aircraft that are going to ‘help’ Haiti. This already lets one see the imperialist intentions: to keep the country in misery and submission in order to put pressure on Cuba and to prevent the revolution in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Jamaica.
National Communications Commission of the Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action) PC (AP)
January 17, 2010
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