Dear Com. Vijay Singh,
I have been receiving regularly complimentary copies of Revolutionary Democracy for the last many years published by you from New Delhi. It provides very useful and first hand information regarding the revolutionary movements of our own country as well as in many other countries of the world. The articles on political and economic matters are also well prepared and illustrative for the latest developments in these fields.
Much more useful information is for us certain material unearthed from archives of Russia, especially contribution of Com. Stalin, not only for the Soviet Union but also for the entire Socialist Camp and the world communist movement. The information regarding the interviews of Com. Stalin and certain leaders of the CPSU in 1951 with a delegation of CPI have been more beneficial for the communist cadre in India. With due regards for Revolutionary Democracy my party MCPI (U) has also produced it in a pamphlet form.
Revolutionary Democracy has been helpful in carrying forward the revolutionary struggles in our own country. Its editorial board as well as many other contributors do not confine their activities as academic intellectuals only. They impart their services for the actual development of the revolutionary movements.
My party as well my own self consider the publication of Revolutionary Democracy helpful in the development of the movement under the guidance of our own party.
I preserve all its issues in my library. Please convey our personal regards to your colleagues of the editorial board of Revolutionary Democracy.
J.S. Lyallpuri
General Secretary
Central Committee
Marxist Communist Party of India (United)
833/3, Krishna Nagar, Opp. Aarti Cinema
Ferozepur Road, Ludhiana, Panjab
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April 2010 index.