Greetings to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Pakistan Mazdoor Mahaaz
The ten years of people’s war based in the countryside and the alliance
of the communists with the seven-party coalition which was a force in
the urban areas sparked off the April uprising of the Nepalese people
and has ended the 237 year old feudal monarchy despite its being
supported by US imperialism and Indian reaction. The negotiations
between the CPN (Maoist) and the Seven Party Alliance led to the
signing of a comprehensive peace accord: the enforcement of a ceasefire
and the decision to establish an interim constitution. These were
crucial stepping stones towards the abolition of the feudal monarchy,
the establishment of a democratic republic, and the setting up of the
constituent assembly. The state of Nepal which existed as a Hindu
kingdom has been converted into a secular state. These successes are
founded on a democratic understanding of the necessity of a resolution
of the agrarian, nationality, women and dalit (‘untouchable’) questions
and the establishment of a federal republic. They are also based on the
correct Bolshevik tactics of combining all forms of struggle in the
national-revolutionary democratic process, the legal and non-legal,
peaceful and non-peaceful, the parliamentary tactic and the armed
revolution. The revolution gained the support of the middle class by
the protection of their property. The democratic principle of
self-determination and autonomy of the nationalities and the
establishment of a multi-national federal republic preserves the
democratic unity of the peoples. It is to be expected that resistance
to these developments will take place. US imperialism continues its
interference in the internal affairs of Nepal, Indian reaction,
especially Hindu communal-fascism, are trying to break the democratic
unity of the peoples and fomenting rebellions against the new
dispensation. The reactionary Pakistan regimes in the past have
supplied arms to the royal Nepal governments. Serious attempts were
made to postpone and cancel the elections to the constituent assembly
in order to preserve the interests of imperialism and feudalism.
Despite all obstacles the democratic forces achieved great successes in
the elections. At present the Congress Party headed by Koirala is
trying to obstruct the formation of the new government and the drafting
of a democratic constitution. The democratic revolution in Nepal is
scoring great successes against imperialism which is the common enemy
of the peoples of the world. It receives, in return, the support of the
democratic forces across the globe. Here in Pakistan our journal Awami
Manshoor has been regularly carrying news about the struggles of the
democratic movement in Nepal. We, workers of Pakistan, united in the
Pakistan Mazdoor Mahaaz, hail the revolutionary process in Nepal.
Long live the Nepal revolution!
Tufail Abbas,
Pakistan Mazdoor Mahaaz
Karachi, 11th July 2008
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