Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR)
On October 25 (November 7) 1917, the world experienced the greatest political and economic event in its history: the Second Congress of Soviets of Russia, consisting of 650 delegates, overthrew the bourgeois system, established the socialist system in the country and proclaimed the socialist revolution of the workers and peasants, the great Socialist Russian Revolution.
The next day, October 26, V.I. Ulyanov, Lenin, the leader of the revolution, introduced in the Congress the Decree on Peace, withdrawing the country from the imperialist war and denouncing it as the greatest crime against humanity, thus fulfilling the first and most deeply felt demand of the proletarian masses.
In the following days, the Second Congress approved the replacement of private ownership of land by the ownership of the whole people and handed over 125 million hectares to the peasants. The Revolutionary Government continued to take measures to advance and consolidate the socialist state. Transport, the merchant fleet, foreign trade, the factories and banks of the powerful capitalists, as well as the production and distribution of their products, passed into the hands of the workers and peasants, of the Soviet state.
The Bolshevik Revolution rapidly made the headlines in the world bourgeois press and awakened the exploited masses in dozens of countries. At the same time the capitalist exploiters, seeing their economic and financial interests directly affected, organized a military intervention against Russia trying to overthrow the workers’ government.
In a few years the revolutionary wave that arose in old and backward Russia became a tsunami. The gains of the workers, women, youth and the entire Russian people were the signal that the revolution was a reality and that it was possible to maintain it by means of the broadest international solidarity and the support of the Russian proletarian masses. This solidarity had a special character, since it could only be voiced by those who had experienced and suffered the same conditions of exploitation, hunger and misery that the Russian people had experienced: the proletarians and working people of other countries. Proletarian internationalism, taking the struggle for the revolution in one’s own country as a way to prevent the advance of bourgeois reaction and the encirclement of the newly formed Soviet State and to support the consolidation of the world proletarian revolution, is the fundamental basis of this solidarity
In December 1922, five years after the revolution, the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics (USSR) was founded. Ukraine, Byelorussia and
Transcaucasia took the first step and united with the Russian Socialist
Federation, expanding the borders of the new Soviet State. Later, over
11 nations made the same decision and unified into the Soviet Union.
Defence, industrial, agricultural, intellectual and cultural
production, the ranks of the Party and the conditions to most
effectively support the revolts and popular uprisings worldwide
increased significantly. Likewise, proletarian ideology strengthened
throughout the world, socialism ceased to be a dream and became a
reality. The viability of the socialist system, its ability to resolve
in the shortest time the promises of centuries that were never
fulfilled by the masters in power, such as the right of the peasants to
the land, the end to the dual exploitation of women, the right of
nations etc., showed the masses that another world is possible.
These extraordinary historical events revealed the strength of popular unity against the exploiters and reaffirmed Lenin’s words that “the only way to win the war between slave owners for the redivision of the world is by making the war of the slaves of all nations against the slave owners of all nations.”
The solidarity of Socialism with humanity
But, despite the resounding defeat in all fields where it resolved to fight, the enemy was not dead.
Soviet power, supported by its materialist ideology and dialectical conception of the world, was clear about this situation and constantly prepared for new confrontations. The USSR, led by Stalin after the death of Lenin, knew that this confrontation would be of global proportions, since the international bourgeoisie was not prepared to lose control of the economy and wealth in more than half of Europe and almost 2 /5 of Asia, that is, in 1/6th of the surface of the Earth.
In 1939, 22 years after the Bolshevik revolution, World War II broke out, provoked by German Nazism, that is, the most terrorist form of the bourgeois dictatorship. The Nazi plan, initially supported by the principal capitalist powers, was to destroy the Soviet socialist republic in obvious economic, political and social growth and a real beacon for the masses exploited by the bourgeoisie of the other countries.
World capitalism was in a deep crisis, unemployment affected the majority of the workers and the misery of the masses and hunger grew enormously. However, the USSR had full employment, comprehensive literacy, unrestricted access to health care, sports and recreation, to the universities, secondary school courses and vocational training. All this was free, without taking a penny more from the wallets of the workers. No one could conceal the superiority of socialism compared to capitalism.
Despite being very young, the Soviet regime had a big experience in the art of war, because from its birth it survived by fighting the ferocity of the capitalist enemies, which acted against the state through acts of sabotage, massacres of villages, assassinations, civil wars, etc., besides having defeated the foreign intervention of 28 countries.
With the war declared by Nazi Germany, the USSR was forced to overcome its defensive weaknesses and accelerate the development of its military capability. In the four years of the conflict, there was no greater proof of the heroism, dedication, revolutionary discipline and love for humanity than that practiced by the Soviet peoples and their powerful Red Army. The Soviet Union not only freed its people from the Nazi invasion, but it was decisive for the liberation of all humanity from Hitler’s terrorism.
The affects of the war were devastating for the peoples of the Soviet Union and for the country, since besides the severe blows suffered to much of its industry and agriculture, it caused 25 million deaths.
However, the Nazi beast was defeated and the immediate consequence of this crushing defeat was the people’s democratic revolution and the establishment of the revolutionary governments in various countries of Eastern Europe, expanding the control of the peoples over their own destiny and diminishing still further the control of the great economic and financial monopolies and imperialist puppet governments over vast expanses of the Earth.
This revolutionary offensive against the “slave owners of all nations” during the Second World War not only reinforced the tactics of the communists against the predatory wars of imperialism, but also converted world Bolshevism into a theory, a program and tactics of the international proletariat and its political organizations, for, as Dimitrov said, “actions speak louder than words.”
Internationalism and revolution
Thus, the internationalism of the Soviet State expanded the revolution and socialism throughout the world. In August 1945, north Korea joined with the Bolsheviks; on October 1, 1949, the largest country in the world freed itself from the bonds of slavery, the reactionary government of Chiang Kai-shek and the new colonialism of the United States and proclaimed the People’s Republic of China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. It was the strong support of the Bolshevik Party, the Soviet State and the Red Army which, besides arms and combatants, placed its scientists and technicians at its disposal to support the revolution. The revolutionary and socialist world thus came to constitute more than one third of the surface of the planet.
To stop the offensive of the proletarian revolution and make up for the huge losses caused by changes in the economies of the liberated countries, imperialism intensified its policy of exploitation of the workers, particularly in the less developed countries, which provoked more movements for liberation. On January 1, 1959, Cuba, a small Caribbean island 90 miles from the principal representative of world capitalism, dealt a mortal blow to the U.S. by making the revolution. In 1975, the U.S. suffered the biggest defeat in its whole history. The Communist Party of Vietnam, after years of resistance and revolutionary guerrilla warfare, defeated the most powerful capitalist army in the world and founded the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
“Not only the general European, but the world proletarian revolution is maturing before the eyes of all, and it has been assisted, accelerated and supported by the victory of the proletariat in Russia. All this is not enough for the complete victory of Socialism, you say? Of course it is not enough. One country alone cannot do more. But this one country, thanks to the Soviet power, has done so much that even if the Soviet power in Russia were to be crushed by world imperialism tomorrow, as a result, let us say, of an agreement between German and Anglo-French imperialism – even granted that very worst possibility – it would still be found that Bolshevik tactics have brought enormous benefit to Socialism and have assisted the growth of the invincible world revolution.”
These prophetic words of Lenin in his pamphlet “The Proletarian
Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky,” written in 1918, showed the
degree of the significance of the betrayal of internationalism and the
socialist revolution by Khrushchev and its terrible consequences for
the world working class. On the other hand, it showed the greatness of
the internationalism practiced by the Soviet working class and how far
it was able to advance the struggle of the entire working class in the
world for the liberation of humanity and for socialism.
Indeed, today as before, the bourgeoisie is acting as a single class, combining and adopting common measures not only in the world economy but also in politics, as the aggression of the imperialist countries against Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine, Kosovo, Mali, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc. clearly reveal.
Therefore, in the same way that the capitalists around the world unite and are always having their meetings and organizing their alliances against the working people, the workers need to unite on an international level.
The Third International, as an international political organization of the workers, was a fundamental weapon for the unity of the communists on a world scale, mainly because it counted on the political, ideological and material growth of socialism in the Soviet Union.
During the period of its existence, from 1919 to 1943, it allowed the workers and revolutionaries from around the world to carry out an offensive against capital and the exploitation it imposed on the masses. It was a period of development and the foundation of the communist parties, of the Popular Fronts, of the guerrilla organizations and revolutionary armies aiming at the popular and socialist revolution in various countries.
Hence the importance of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO) and its activity today, in the sense of returning to that level of organization of the revolutionary communists worldwide, with the objective of overthrowing the reactionary governments and establishing revolutionary governments and socialism in these countries, regions and finally throughout the world.
Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!
Long Live Socialism
Revolutionary Communist Party – Brazil
April 2014
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