The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union warmly greets and congratulates the fraternal Communist Party of Japan on the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary.
The Communist Party of Japan has traversed a splendid path of struggle for the cause of the working class, for the interests of the popular masses of Japan. The Communist Party of Japan fights courageously today when Japan is under the yoke of the occupationists, and its people subjected to national humiliation. Workers, peasants and intelligentsia see for themselves that the Communist Party alone is capable of uniting the democratic forces of Japan and of taking the country onto the broad highway o national regeneration, of establishing genuine democracy, of organising the economic upsurge of the country.
Under the leadership of the Communist Party the popular struggle for freedom and for the national independence of Japan, against foreign imperialism and its Japanese henchmen is growing stronger. This struggle of the Japanese people is-a vital factor for preserving peace in the Far East and has the support of the democratic forces of the whole world.
The Communist Party of Japan is celebrating its 30th anniversary armed with the New Programme which embodies the hopes and aspirations of the Japanese people. On the basis of this Programme the Party is successfully consolidating the unity of its ranks as the most important prerequisite for the victory of the progressive forces of Japan.
We wish the Japanese Communists further success along their glorious pathway.
Long live the friendship of the peoples of the Soviet Union and Japan!
Long live the fraternal Communist Party of Japan!
Central Committee, Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
July 14, 1952.
Everywhere throughout the country the people of Japan celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Communist Party—meetings and rallies were held in all towns.
The special jubilee issue of the newspaper “Akahata”, which appeared on July 15, carried an article by Tokuda, General Secretary of the Party, “The 30th Anniversary of the Communist Party of Japan”, the full text of the Party’s New Programme and a detailed article headed “Highlights of the Present Struggle” written by the Central Body of the Communist Party.
Twenty-four meetings and rallies, including eight in Tokyo, were held on July 12. July 13 saw 12 meetings attended by over 5000 people. The Government, acting on orders from the U.S. occupationists, did its utmost to prevent the rallies and demonstrations in honour of the 30th anniversary of the Communist Party. Tokyo and its Western suburbs and particularly Musashino, were virtually under martial law, the entire state police and 27.000 Tokyo municipal police were mobilised. On July 15, in different parts of the country ever 80 meetings and rallies were held with more than 50,000 people taking part.
The newspaper “Rodoshya”, which resumed publication on July 15, printed a message of greetings from the Congress of Industrial Trade Unions of Japan— which stresses that the Communist Party of Japan shows the way to be taken by the Japanese nation.
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent greetings to the Communist Party of Japan on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. Greetings to the Communist Party of Japan were also received from the Central Committees of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, the Hungarian Working People’s Party, the Rumanian Workers’ Party, the Communist Party of Bulgaria and from other Communist and Workers’ Parties.
For a Lasting Peace, For a People’s Democracy”,
No. 29 (193), Friday_ July 18, 1952.
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