The original Russian edition of J. Stalin's works as published by
decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet
Union (Bolsheviks) contains thirteen volumes and covers the period from
1901 up to January 1934 and has been published in English by the
Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow.
After this time, writings of J. Stalin in the English lanuage could so
far only be found in numerous pamphlets, Congress reports, newspaper
articles etc.
After reprinting the 13 Volume Moscow edition, we now present five
further volumes of works of J. Stalin. Three volumes: (14 - 16) contain
a collection of writings, speeches, messages, orders and reports. One
volume (17) contains war telegrams and messages as sent by Stalin to
Churchill and Attlee, Roosevelt and Truman: And volume 18 will be a
reprint of the History of the C.P.S.U.(B), short course, which has been
written under the close supervision of J. Stalin. The collection of
writings in the volumes 14 - 16 should give a close insight into
Stalin's politics and activities in the period up to his death in 1953,
but by no means can we claim that this collection could be complete. At
times, where no material seemed to be available, we have included
material that reflects Stalin's activity; as for instance in volume 14
there are some reports from Kolkhozine leaders to Stalin to show the
range of problems Soviet leadership had to handle and solve. As well in
volume 14 after Stalin's explanatory speech on the Draft Constitution,
we have included the full text of the Constitution as finally adopted
by the Supreme Soviet.
Not included in volume 14 though, is Stalin's article Dialectical and
Historical Materialism as it is to be found in the History of the
C.P.S.U.(B), short course, (volume 18) where it was originally
In assembling the material for volume 14; we have avoided splitting it
into different parts and appendices, so the partially indirect material
is to be found under its appropriate date. In researching the material
we have made use of the 17 volume German edition of Stalin's works as
published by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Germany
(Marxist-Leninist), and also of the recent French edition of Stalin's
works as published by "Nouveau Bureau d'Edition", Paris.
The Editors
Red Star Press
May 1978
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