Orders of the Day, November 24 & 26, 1944

Order of the Day, November 24, 1944

Order of the Day, addressed to Marshal Govorov and Admiral Tributs, announces that troops of the Leningrad Front, supported by ships of the Baltic Fleet, as a result of stubborn engagements, on November 24, completed the clearing of the Island of Saare Maa (Oesel), which the Germans had made into a strongpoint covering the approaches to the Gulf of Riga.

Thus the territory of Soviet Esthonia has been completely liberated from the German invaders.

The Order mentions 52 commanders of troops, sailors, artillerymen, tankmen, airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have distinguished themselves.

A salute of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.

Order of the Day , November 26, 1944

Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Petrov, announces that troops of the Fourth Ukrainian Front, on November 26, captured on Czechoslovak territory, the towns of Mikhal-jovce and Humenne, important communications junctions and strongpoints in the enemy defence.

The Order mentions 55 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen, airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have distinguished themselves.

A salute of 12 salvoes was fired from 124 Moscow guns.

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