Orders of the Day, August 22 - September 23, 1944
Order of the Day, August 22, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Malinovsky, announces that
troops of the Second Ukrainian Front, going over to the offensive, with
the support of massed blows from artillery and aircraft, smashed the
strong and deeply echeloned enemy defences north-west of Jassy and
during three days offensive engagements, advanced up to 60 kilometres,
expanding their breakthrough up to 120 kilometres along the front.
In the course of the offensive, the troops of the Second Ukrainian
Front captured the powerful strongpoints in the enemy defences the
towns of Jassy, Tyrgu-Frumos and Ungen, and captured in fighting more
than 200 other populated places.
The Order mentions 105 commanders of troops artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 22, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Tolbukhin, announces that
troops of the Third Ukrainian Front, going over to the offensive with
the support of massed blows by artillery and aircraft, broke through
the strongly fortified and deeply developed enemy defences south of
Bendery, and during three days offensive engagements advanced up to 70
kilometres and expanded the breakthrough up to 150 kilometres along the
front, liberating more than 150 popolated places, including the large
ones of Kaushany, Chimishlia, Leipzig and Tarutino.
The Order mentions 58 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 23, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Malinovsky, announces that,
on August 23, troops of the Second Ukrainian Front, as a result of a
swift blow by tank and infantry formations, captured the town of Vaslui
- an important communications centre and strongpoint of the enemy
defences between the Rivers Sereth and Pruth.
The Order mentions 18 commanders of tankmen, troops, artillerymen and
airmen whose units and formations have distinguished them-fselves.
A salute of 12 salvoes was fired from 124 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 23, 1944
Order of the Day, addresed to Army-General Tolbukhin, announces that,
on August 23, troops of the Third Ukrainian Front, continuing their
offensive, carried by storm the towns Bendery and
Byelgorod-Dniestrovsky (Akkerman), important strongpoints of the enemy
defences on the Lower Dniester.
The Order mentions 18 commanders of troops, artillerymen, airmen,
seamen and sappers whose units and formations have distinguished
A salute of 12 salvoes was fired from 124 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 23, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Marshal Koniev, announces that, on
August 23, troops of the First Ukrainian Front, developing their
offensive, carried by storm the town of Dembica, a large aircraft
industry centre and important communication centre in the Cracow
The Order mentions 31 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 12 salvoes was fired from 124 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day,
August 24, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-Generals Tolbukhin and Malinovsky,
announces that troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, with vigorous
collaboration of
troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, as a result of a skilful outflanking
manœuvre and a frontal attack to-day, August 24, captured by storm the
capital of the Moldavian S.S.R. – the city of Kishinev, an important
communications junction and powerful strong-point in the enemy
The Order mentions 35 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 24 salvoes was fired from 324 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 24, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Malinovsky, announces that
troops of the Second Ukrainian Front, as a result of a vigorous
offensive of tank formations, cavalry and in-Tantry, routed the enemy
grouping south of Jassy and, on August, 24, captured the towns of
Roman, Bacau, Barlad and Husi, strategically important strongpoints of
the enemy defences covering the roads to the central districts of
The Order mentions 63 commanders of tankmen, Don Cossacks cavalry,
troops, artillerymen,airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and
formations have distinguished themselves.
A salute of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 25, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Maslennikov, announces
that, on August 25, troops of the Third Baltic Front, continuing their
offensive, carried by storm the town and large communications centre of
Tartu (Yuryev Derpt), important strongpoint in the German defences
covering the roads to the central area of Esthonia.
The Order mentions 53 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 26, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Tolbukhin, announces that
troops of the Third Ukrainian Front, developing their offensive, on
August 26, carried by storm the Regional centre of the Ukraine, the
town and fortress of Izmail, important strongpoint in the enemy
defences on the Lower Danube.
The Order mentions 16 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 20 salvoes v/as fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 27, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Tolbukhin, announces that,
on August 27, troops of the Third Ukrainian Front captured the town of
Galatz - large railway junction and most important port on the Danube.
The Order mentions 23 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 27, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Malinovsky, announces that
troops of the Second Ukrainian Front, as a result of a vigorous attack
by tank formations and infantry, carried by storm the towns and large
communications centres of Focsani and Romnicul-Sarat (Rymnik),
important strongpoints of the German defences.
The Order mentions 28 commanders of tankmen, troops, artillerymen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished thmselves.
A saint of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 28, 1944
Order of the Bay, addressed to Army-General Tolbukhin, announces that
troops of the Third Ukrainian Front, on August 28, captured the town of
Brailov, a large river port and important defence strongpoint of the
German invaders on the Danube.
The Order mentions 14 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 12 salvoes was fired from 124 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 28, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Admiral Oktyabrsky, announces that ships
and landing detachments of the Black Sea Fleet, having forced the
Danube, captured the town and port of Tulcea and, as a result of a
landing operation from the sea, captured the port of Sulina – important
naval base of the German invaders on the Black Sea.
The Order mentions 16 commanders of sailors, marines, airmen and
signallers whose units and formations have distinguished themselves.
A salute of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 29, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Tolbukhin and Admiral
Oktyabrsky, announces that, on August 29, troops of the Third Ukrainian
Front, as a result of a swift offensive by motorised and tank
formations, in co-ordination with vessels and troop landings of the
Black Sea Fleet, captured the town and most important port on the Black
Sea - Constanza, which fpr three years has served as the main base of
the navy of the German-fascist invaders.
The Order mentions 34 commanders of troops, tankmen, artillerymen,
sailors, airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
Order of the Day, August 30, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Malinovsky, announces that,
on August 30, troops of the Second Ukrainian Front, continuing their
offensive, captured in battle the town of Ploesti, main centre of the
Rumanian oil industry. Thus, with the capture of Buzau and Ploesti, the
liberation of all the Rumanian oil regions from the German invaders has
been completed.
The Order mentions 27 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, August 31, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Malinovsky, announces that,
on August 31, troops of the Second Ukrainian Front, as a result of a
vigorous offensive, routed the grouping of German troops in the area of
Ploesti and south of Ploesti and entered the city of Buca-rest, having
liquidated the German threat to the capital of Rumania from the north.
The Order mentions 44 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 24 artillery salvoes was fired from 324 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, September 6, 1944
Troops of the Second Byelorussian Front today, September 6, captured by
storm the town and fortress of Ostrolenka, an important strong-point in
the German defences on the Narew River.
In the fighting for the town and fortress of Ostrolenko, distinction
was won by troops commanded by Col,-Gen. Gorbatov, Lt.-Gen. Grish-in,
Maj.-Gen. Chuvakov, Maj.-Gen. Urbanovich, Maj.-Gen. Terentyev,
Maj.-Gen. Kuznetsov, Col. Abilov, Maj.-Gen. Kubasov, Col. Grekov,
Maj.-Gen. Slits, Col. Verevkin, Col. Konovalov, Maj.-Gen. Kirillov,
Col. Tarasov, Col. Mikhal-itsin, Maj.-Gen. Nikitin and Maj.-Gen.
Gaspar-yan; artillerymen commanded by Lt.-Gen. of Artillery Sokolsky,
Lt.-Gen. of Artillery Semon-ov, Col. Dergach, Col. Mikhno, Col.
Malofeyev, Col. Roshchin and Col. Korytko; tankmen commanded by Col.
Aparin, Col. Rasskazov, Col. Dagilis and Lt.-Col. Zirka; airmen
commanded by Col.-Gen. of. Aviation Vershinin, Maj.-Gen. of Aviation
Getman, Lt.-Gen. of Aviation Osipenko, Col. Smolovik, Lt.-Col.
Kazachenko and Maj. Bershanskaya; sappers commanded by Maj.-Gen. of
Engineering Troops Zhilin, Col. Shchitikov and Col. Artsishevsky; and
signallers commanded by Maj.-Gen. of Signal Troops Mishin, Col.
Khilchenko, Capt. Nyrkov, Capt. Zaichko and Capt. Borisov.
To commemorate the victory, the units and formations which particularly
distinguished themselves in the fighting for the capture of the town
and fortress of Ostrolenka will be recommended for conferment of the
name Ostrolenka and award of orders.
Today, September 6, at 21,00 hours (Moscow time), the capital of our
Motherland, Moscow, in the name of the Motherland, will salute with 12
artillery salvoes from 124 guns our gallant troops of the Second
Byelorussian. Front which captured the town and fortress of Ostro-lenka.
For excellent military operations I express my thanks to all the troops
under your command which took part in the fighting for the liberation
of Ostrolenka.
Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the struggle for the freedom and independence of our Motherland!
Death to the German invaders!
J. Stalin
Marshal of the Soviet Union
Supreme Commander-in-Chief
Order of the Day, September 9, 1944
Troops of the Third Ukrainian Front on September 8 crossed the frontier
between Rumania and Bulgaria, and in two days advanced up to 170
kilometres, captured the important communication .centre Sumen (Sumla),
the large Danube port Russe (Rustchuk) and, in collaboration with the
Black Sea Fleet, captured the towns and important Black Sea ports of
Varna and Burgas.
Our troops commenced operations in Bulgaria because the Bulgarian
Government was unwilling to sever relations with Germany and was
harbouring German armed forces on Bulgarian territory. As a result of
the successful actions of our troops, the aim of these military
operations has been achieved: Bulgaria has severed relations with
Germany and declared war on her. Thus Bulgaria has ceased to be a
support of German imperialism in the Balkans, as she had been for the
last 30 years.
During the operations carried out on Bulgarian territory, distinction
was won by troops commanded by Lt.-Gen. Shlemin, Lt.-Gen. Gagen and
Lt.-Gen. Sharokhin; tankmen commanded by Maj.-Gen. of Tank Troops
Zhdanov, Maj.-Gen. of Tank Troops Katkov and Lt.-Gen. of Tank Troops
Sukhoruchkin; sailors commanded by Capt. of the First Rank Derevyanko,
Capt. of the Second Rank Ratner and Maj. Katanov; and airmen commanded
by Lt.-Gen. of Aviation Yermachenkov.
To commemorate the success achieved, the units and formations which
particularly distinguished themselves in the operations on Bulgarian
territory will be recommended for conferment of the names Rustchuk,
Sumla, Varna and Burgas and for award of orders.
Today, September 9, at 23.00 hours (Moscow time), the capital of our
Motherland, Moscow, shall in the name of the Motherland salute with 20
artillery salvoes from 224 guns our gallant troops of the Third
Ukrainian Front and the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet who
distinguished themselves in the operations on Bulgarian territory.
For excellent operations I express my thanks to all troops, ships and
units under your command which took part in the operations in Bulgaria.
J. Stalin
Marshal of the Soviet Union
Supreme Commander-in-Chief
Order of the Day, September 13, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Zakharov, announces that on
September 13, troops of the Second Byelorussian Front, as a result of
stubborn engagements, captured the town and fortress of Lomzha, an
important strongpoint/ of the German defence on the Narew River.
The Order mentions 50 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers v/hose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 12 salvoes was fired from 124 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, September 14, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Marshal Rokossovsky, announces that
troops of the First Byelorussian Front, as a result of prolonged and
stubborn fighting, on September 14 captured the fortress of Praga, a
suburb of Warsaw and an important strongpoint in the German defences on
the eastern bank of the Vistula.
The Order mentions 55 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, September 19, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Maslennikov, announces that
troops of the Third Baltic Front, going over to the offensive, have
broken through the enemy defences and, on September 19, captured the
town and large railway junction of Valga, a powerful strong-point of
the German defences in southern Esthonia.
The Order mentions 54 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 12 salvoes was fired from 124 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, September 19, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Army-General Bagramyan, announces that
troops of the First Baltic Front, passing over to the offensive,
supported by massed blows of the artillery and air force, broke through
the strong, deeply echeloned enemy defences south-east of the city of
Riga, and in four days offensive fighting advanced up to 40 kilometres,
widening the breakthrough to 120 kilometres along the front.
During the offensive the troops of the Front captured important
strongpoints of the Germans defences – Bauska, Ietsava and Vecmuizha
and Jaunjelgava and Tekava on the Western Dvina River – and also in the
fighting captured more than 2,000 other populated places.
The Order mentions 82 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, September 20, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Marshal Gonorov-, announces that troops
of the Leningrad Front, passing over to the offensive from the area
north of Tartu, have broken through the strongly fortified enemy
defences,and in the course of four days offensive fighting advanced 70
kilometres and widened their breach to 120 kilometres along the front,
liberating more than 1,500 populated places, including the large ones
of Magdalena, Mostve, Iygeva and Avinurme.
Simultaneously, west of the town of Narva, troops of the Leningrad
Front in three days fighting advanced 60 kilometres, capturing more
than 300 populated places, including Iyhvi, Kuremyae-Kula, Vasknarva
and the Sonda railway junction.
The Order mentions 59 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 20 salvoes was fired from 224 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day,
September 22, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Marshal Govorov, announces that troops
of the Leningrad Front, as a result of a vigorous offensive,
to-day, September 22, captured the capital of the Esthonian S.S.R., the
town of Tallinn (Reval), an important naval base and large port on the
Baltic Sea.
The Order mentions 49 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 24 salvoes was fired from 324 Moscow guns.
Order of the Day, September 23, 1944
Order of the Day, addressed to Marshal Govorov, announces that troops
of the Leningrad Front, continuing their offensive, on September 23,
captured the town of Paernu (Pernov), important port in the Gulf of
The Order mentions 30 commanders of troops, artillerymen, tankmen,
airmen, sappers and signallers, whose units and formations have
distinguished themselves.
A salute of 12 salvoes was fired from 124 Moscow guns.
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