International Communist Movement

Resolutions of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations Held in Denmark, October 2002

No to the Free trade Agreement of the Americas!

No to the Annexation of Latin America by the U.S.

‘Our objective with the FTAA is to guarantee American businesses control of a territory that stretches from the Arctic to the Antarctic, with free access, without difficulties of any kind, for our products, services, technology and capital throughout the hemisphere.’

This statement of General Colin Powell, U.S. Secretary of State, makes clear the intentions of U.S. imperialism to annex an enormous market of 34 countries, all of Latin America and the Caribbean, with the exception of Cuba. This represents the largest captive market in the world, the largest free trade area, with 800 million inhabitants and a Net Internal Product of 11 trillion dollars. This is an economic area that will favour the large U.S. monopolies, which can count on facilities to extract cheap raw materials and to exploit the ever more impoverished workers of the region.

To confront the rapacious character of these policies of U.S. imperialism, we call on the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, their working class, all the working people, the intellectuals, the progressive men and women, to confront this Yankee endeavour, to form committees against the FTAA that will take various initiatives, street actions, hold seminars, forums with the aim of raising the consciousness of its nature and consequences and to accumulate the necessary popular forces to stop this offensive of imperialism.

We add our voices and contingents to the forces of the workers and peoples that were expressed in Quito, Ecuador, in the continent-wide day of struggle against the FTAA.

Yankee Claws Out of Latin America and the Caribbean!

Long Live the Unity of the Workers and Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean!

Communist Party of Benin
Revolutionary Communist Party of Brazil
Revolutionary Communist Party of Burkina Faso
Communist Party of the Workers of Denmark
Communist Party of Labour of the Dominican Republic
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
Communist Party of the Workers of France
Communist Party of Germany
Marxist-Leninist Organization of Greece
Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)
Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of the Proletariat of Italy
Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist)
Marxist-Leninist Organization Revolution of Norway
Communist Organization October of Spain
Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey
Red Flag Party of Venezuela.

Resolution on Plan Colombia

1. The Yankee imperialists have contrived a devastating plan for the peoples of the Andean region and especially for Colombia to maintain an iron military, economic and political control, to continue to plunder the area. They have set up a smokescreen, a supposed fight against drug trafficking, while they are the ones who allow this and encourage this.

2. The Andean Regional Initiative or Plan Colombia, foresees the establishment of U.S. bases in Colombia and the neighbouring countries, the utilization of the civil and military infrastructure and logistics, the formation of a multinational army.

3. In the struggle of the different imperialist powers for control of Latin America, Plan Colombia, while it represents the most urgent interests of all the imperialists, emphasizes the Yankee predominance in the region, to keep Latin America as its back yard.

4. In our Latin America and especially in Colombia the structures of imperialist domination have deteriorated to such a point that, without escalating the reactionary war, they will not be able to defeat the popular insurgency and they will not be able to control the masses.

5. In Latin America one can feel with great force the aspirations of the struggle of the peoples, and their hatred for the growing control, exploitation and oppression by the imperialist of all stripes.

6. Imperialism has developed very close links with the local bourgeoisies in order to maintain its control and conceal its work of causing confusion and plotting intrigues to divert the revolutionary struggle from its strategic objectives.

7. The plans of the Colombian government are nothing more than an adaptation of the Yankee dictates to national conditions. Our Conference denounces these plans, which only serve the interests of the financial oligarchy and imperialism, and which attack the interests of the working class and Colombian people.

8. The workers and peoples of the countries that imperialism has involved in Plan Colombia should reinforce their actions to oppose the utilization of their countries, their material resources and national armies in the total war against Colombia and its people that U.S. imperialism is preparing.

9. Our Conference expresses its solidarity with the Colombian people and calls on them to struggle against imperialism and the bourgeoisie, to develop the class struggle for a free and democratic Colombia.

10. We salute the struggle of the working class and people of Colombia, of the guerrilla movement of the FARC, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, the ELN, Army of National Liberation, and the EPL, Peoples Liberation Army; the work of the left-wing and revolutionary political parties and organizations and in particular the work of the comrades of the Communist Party of Colombia (Marxist-Leninist).

Stop the Imperialist War Against Iraq
Stop the Wars That Bush Wants to Launch

The president of the U.S., Bush, is preparing its gigantic war machine for a second war against Iraq, in order to install a regime favourable to the interests of U.S. imperialism.

This war is another war of criminal aggression. Under the hypocritical pretext of destroying weapons of mass destruction and of establishing ‘democracy,’ the U.S. wants to obtain Iraq’s large oil reserves and total control of this important strategic region, in the military as well as in the political and economic sphere.

The U.S. plans are being carried out with the aid of its allies, Tony Blair of the United Kingdom (England) and Ariel Sharon, butcher of the Palestinian people. They are determined to carry out this war, a war condemned by the peoples of the world as well as by the majority of States. This war, besides being a deadly threat to the Iraqi people, who have already suffered for years, also threatens new crimes against the Palestinian people who are waging a just struggle to achieve an independent Palestinian State.

More than a million Iraqis and more than 500,000 children have died due to the unjust and genocidal sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the United Nations. Another war will only add more suffering to the current suffering.

Only a mobilization against this war by the peoples of the world can prevent it. The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations supports the call for a world mobilization against the war in Iraq. The Conference is working actively to develop a broad mass movement against this war and the ‘unlimited war against terrorism’ launched by the Bush government.

The Bush doctrine, summed up in the document ‘strategy for national security,’ openly proclaims the global hegemony of U.S. imperialism, the only superpower in the world today. The U.S. arrogates to itself the right to attack any nation, people or organization that opposes its interests. Under the pretext of ‘pre-emptive strikes,’ it wants to launch a war without end, without excluding the use of nuclear weapons. The war against Afghanistan was the first of those so-called ‘wars against terrorism,’ a war that extends from the Philippines to Colombia and other countries and regions of the world.

The Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations call on the working class and peoples of the world to rise up, in a massive and revolutionary way, against U.S. imperialism and its allies, who are trying to perpetuate and intensify the global system of exploitation and repression.

Stop the new war for oil! Not a drop of blood for oil!
For a free and independent Palestine!

International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations

Denmark, 2002

No to the Europe of the Monopolies!
No to the Imperialist European Union!

During the Danish presidency of the European Union, a presidency that finishes at the end of 2002, the European Union will decide on the incorporation of ten new member countries. This extension of the European Union is an inseparable part of its efforts to create a ‘United States of Europe’ and to establish an imperialist superpower, collaborating and competing with U.S. imperialism.

For the interests of the monopolies and the larger European powers, headed by Germany, the process of unification of Europe is occurring at the expense of the workers, the peoples and the small nations of Europe. The creation of an imperialist superpower with its own state, military, economic and political institutions, and with its own currency, aims at intensifying the imperialist globalisation and the exploitation of the peoples of the whole world.

The European Union has declared itself an ally of the United States of America in its so-called ‘war against terrorism,’ and its member countries have approved a series of reactionary laws limiting the democratic rights of the workers and peoples, including the right to political protest. The European Union is a reactionary formation in the hands of the monopolies.

The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations calls on the workers and peoples of Europe and the rest of the world to support and participate in the demonstrations and protests against the Europe of capital, globalisation and the imperialist war during the summit of the European Union that will be held from December 12 to 14 in Copenhagen.

Resolution On Venezuela

The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations has dedicated a great part of its work to an analysis of the political situation in Venezuela.

On the basis of its anti-imperialist, democratic and revolutionary principles, the conference denounces the serious death threats against the leaders of the Red Flag Party and calls on the working class and people of Venezuela to unite in the struggle against imperialism and the oligarchy, the only way to avoid a reactionary civil war of which they will be the principle victims.

Communist Party of Benin
Revolutionary Communist Party of Brazil
Communist Party of Colombia (Marxist-Leninist)
Communist Party of the Workers of Denmark
Communist Party of Labour of the Dominican Republic
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
Communist Party of the Workers of France
Communist Party of Germany
Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Greece
Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)
Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of the Proletariat of Italy
Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist)
Marxist-Leninist Organization ‘Revolution’ of Norway
Communist Organization October of Spain
Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey
Red Flag Party of Venezuela
Revolutionary Communist Party of Volta

To Comrade Francisco Caraballo,

Dear comrade:

The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations sends you its revolutionary and fraternal greetings.

At this moment, when imperialism and reaction are intensifying their aggression against the peoples everywhere; when Yankee imperialism is trying to reinforce its hegemony in the world and is preparing new wars of pillage, we communists are seeking to mobilize the peoples, in the first place the working class, to confront imperialism, reaction and the bourgeoisie in each country.

Our tasks and struggles are difficult and complex, but we face them with enthusiasm and optimism, as is the habit of communists.

Comrade, we know that even in the difficult conditions that you are in, you are following our struggle closely and, to the degree that you can, you are taking part in them.

We want you to know that your example is always present at our meetings, which encourages us and gives us strength. Although we know that it is not necessary, we encourage you to continue in the struggle, we know that your spirit does not weaken and that you are holding firm to our principles.

All our Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations send you fraternal greetings and assure you of our solidarity.

We are sure that it will not be long before you will be physically present among us in the common struggle for the liberation of the peoples and the revolution.

Greetings, Comrade!


International Conference of Marxist-Leninists Parties and Organizations

Defend the democratic rights of Jose Maria Sison!

Stop the persecution of progressives and revolutionaries under the pretext of ‘anti-terrorism’!

Jose Maria Sison, founding chairperson of the Communist Party of the Philippines, and presently the chief political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, has been put on the list of ‘terrorists’ by the U.S. and the Dutch government. Since 1987, Sison has resided in the Netherlands where he is seeking asylum as a political refugee. Invoking the label of ‘terrorist,’ the Dutch government has withdrawn all social support to which Sison is entitled as an asylum seeker. Jose Maria Sison has a long history as a prominent fighter for the independence and sovereignty of the Philippines and for the social progress of his people and country. By labelling him a ‘terrorist,’ the U.S. and Dutch governments have shown that they are trying to fight the progressive, revolutionary and peoples liberation movements under the pretext of ‘fighting terrorism.’ Jose Maria Sison is a fighter for freedom, not a terrorist. Since 1987 Jose Maria Sison has requested asylum from the Dutch government. Since 2002, he has been in danger of being extradited to the U.S. where he would be persecuted, and could face the death penalty.

The International Conference of Marxist-Leninists Parties and Organizations declares its consistent support for the defence of the democratic rights of Jose Maria Sison and joins the worldwide campaign for the re-establishment of all his rights. The persecution of progressives and revolutionaries under the pretext of ‘anti-terrorism’ must stop. The Conference asks the Dutch government to remove his name from the list of terrorists, to reinstate his full rights as an asylum seeker and to reject any demand for his extradition.

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