
From: Leningrad, Russia

On Sunday, January 16 at 10 pm armed forces of the criminal bourgeois regime of Yeltsin-Putin of Russia, using this time regular army troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have attempted for the second time in two months to assault the building of the Cellulose plant occupied by the workers on a strike for wages unpaid for close to one year.

This time the troops were successful and occupied the whole territory of the cellulose plant in the Vyborg district near Leningrad.

The bourgeois regime of Russia is trying to drown in blood the peaceful struggle of the workers for the right to work in this now foreign-owned enterprise. Regular troops are used to suppress the unarmed civilians, using all kinds of means and weaponry, including chemical substances.

During the last month the hands of the bourgeois criminals have shed the blood of many workers in the Leningrad and Cheliabinsk region and also in the Kuzbass region.

We call on the proletariat of Russia to intensify the class struggle with the oppressing class as a response to the cruelties committed by the ruling criminal regime.

We call upon the proletariat of the world to support the heroic struggle of the Russian workers against the bourgeois exploiters and assassins.

Demand from your government to break off diplomatic relations with the criminal regime of Russia!

Proletarians of all countries unite!

Editorial Board of Proletarskaya Gazeta,
Marxist-Leninist organization of Communists in Russia,
Union of Labour Unions of Russia,
'Defence of Labour'.

From: Florentino, San Marino

Thank you for all the information about the elections in India and for sending the issues of Revolutionary Democracy for 1999. It is after many years (about 10) I got to read Communist news as it was in the 1980s and the years further back.

My father was a founder of the Communist Party of San Marino in the 1940s, was a Stalinist all his life; he died in July 1995 at the age of 82 years, an anti-fascist to the end. I will always be like my father (I am 57 years old, a worker).

Your issues are very interesting and are important in order to understand politics in the world and India (which I know very little). Revolutionary Democracy is full of well-founded articles and historical facts, articles on contemporary issues, current facts and poems. Thank you, Comrades, for this wonderful journal.

Comradely yours,
Aldo Righi

From: Turkey

We have recently visited your new web site and wanted to congratulate you on this valuable work. As you might have known, we have no other way to obtain Revolutionary Democracy here in Turkey. Keep up the good work!

By the way, the web site of our Labour Party has some documents translated to English. You may be interested:

Best regards,
Taylan Bilgic,
‘Evrensel Daily’

From: Calcutta, West Bengal

I have not been too well lately, this is why I have delayed writing to thank you for the Dimitrov number of your 'Revolutionary Democracy', I have found it of much interest, especially because in 1982, the centenary of Dimitrov's birth I had written a book on him 'Titan of our Time: A Study of Georgi Dimitrov'. The Bulgarian ambassador in Delhi, who was a good friend of mine, had specially asked for it and had helped with some material.

Our movement, basically one, is so multi-furcated that an old timer like me continues to hide in his heart a torment which I shall carry to the end. Meanwhile, kudos to you and others who bear the cross in different ways.

Please do not mind this inadequate letter.

Best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Hiren Mukherjee

From: Calcutta, West Bengal

Apropos of the article 'Liberalisation and the Growth of Unemployment' by N. Bhattacharya (Vol. V, No. 1, April, 1999) I must congratulate you for printing a very informative article. Shri Bhattacharya has provided the reader with up to date data and information. The major political developments of this decade, both in and outside India, have been indicated and as an exposition of modern political economy the article is indeed useful.

The intricacies of the financial dominance of world finance on the majority of the third world countries was never an easy field of investigation. To link up this very special and advanced form of world exploitation with the class analysis of a country is all the more challenging a work. For a genuine investigator the road to the truth must invariably start from the Marxist-Leninist classics – since we are still, broadly speaking, in the age of Imperialism and financial oligarchies. Matters have been more complicated by the unspoken, yet omnipresent, fear of imperialism of the revolutionary temper of the world people. The imperialists have taken their lesson from this century of upheavals, and have tried/are trying their very best not to create an organised working class in the neocolonial colonial countries. It is in this light that the small and medium scale sector of our industry, the various land reform measures etc. must be looked upon. The avarice of finance capital and its striving for super-profits still remains the driving force of the world economy (the raison d'être of WTO, TRIPS, TRIMS) and gives rise to the various contradictions at the national and international level.

A thorough investigation and comprehension of these forces at work in the realm of political economy will be of immense help to the class analysis of our country and in delineating the forces of revolution. Shri Bhattacharya’s article is a step in this direction.

I hope to get more from his pen.

With comradely greetings,
Sandip Mitra.

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