Joint Statement of the Balkan Communist Parties Condemning the NATO Intervention

The threat of war is again hanging over the peoples of the Balkans. The NATO countries' ruling classes, especially the United States, following their self-serving imperialist interests, have been, since already ten years, kindling conflicts among the Balkan peoples.

At this particular moment, they are bracing themselves for an open aggressive attack against a sovereign state. Tomorrow, they are able to plunge the whole Balkan area in a fratricidal war.

The Communist Parties of the Balkans condemn the NATO intervention in our region. They express the conviction that both Serb and Albanian peoples; as well as the other peoples of the Balkans, are able, by themselves and without any foreign intervention, to solve their problems peacefully.

We call upon the peoples of the Balkans to strengthen their anti-war struggle against NATO and United States intervention, against any foreign intervention, to avoid a fratricidal war among the Balkan peoples.

March 24, 1999

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