Revolutionary Democracy

Vol. III, No. 2, September 1997

'Shaheed Chandrashekar,
Former JNUSU President
murdered in Siwan, Bihar
on 31st March, 1997
Sketch by Bibhas Das

Imperialist Globalisation and Labour, Ashim Roy

The Tribal Question and Tribal Movements in Central India, C.N. Subramaniam

'Gaddar' Speaks

The Discussion with Sergei Eisenstein on the Film Ivan the Terrible, J.V. Stalin

Marxist Methodology and the Current Stage of the Indian Revolution, Moni Guha

A Critique of the Contemporary Adherents of the Views of M.N. Roy, Evgeny Varga and Leon Trotsky on the Current Stage of the Indian Revolution

Reply to Comrade Mironyuk: A Wrong Conception of the Dialectical Dying off of Commodity-Money Relations in Socialism or a Concealed Theory of Market Socialism, Inter

'Continue Your Glorious War of Liberation'. The Correspondence of J.V. Stalin and Mao Zedong, January 1949

Problems of the Labour Movement in the Delhi Region, Rajesh Tyagi

Russia: Interview with Vyerin

Albania: Interview with Hysni Milloshi, Michel CoIlon

Hands Off Albania!

Colombia: New Guerrilla Victory

Trotskyism Revisited, Red Youth and Mao Zedong

Book Review: The Seamy Side of Success, Tanvir


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