Elements of a similar kind are seeking and coming together to try to give international cover to their deviations; some even pretend to be “ideologues” of a world current. They shamelessly deny or push aside Stalin; others even more daring, influenced by great opportunism, taking as an excuse an article in a Russian newspaper, propagandize their rejection of the policies applied by the great leaders of the USSR and by the Communist International. This can be read in an article published in the press of the KKE (Communist Party of Greece)* where clearly its author is trying to strike Stalin, the CI and Dimitrov in one blow. They are joining the bourgeois campaign and the Trotskyist chorus, “analyzing” and reaching conclusions of the “errors” that did not exist, since they were a central part of the victory in the Second World War.
With great manipulation he is raising doubts about the maturity at the time of creating the C.I. to attack and even more, to try to correct the undefeated leaders of the most glorious past of Marxist-Leninist communism. He acknowledges that his conclusions are different from those of the journalist who wrote the article that serves as an excuse and cynically praises the search for useful conclusions for the current struggle. But instead of analyzing or contradicting the basis of the material, he launches his own conclusions and forgets about the initial question: “Were we overestimating the forces when we formed the International?” said to have been made by Stalin according to Dimitrov’s diary.
It is evident in the development of the article that there is a lack of understanding of the orientations of Lenin in his theses on the national and colonial problem, of Stalin on the different types of revolutions, the program of the CI, the teachings of Dimitrov, of the work in the Popular 132
Front. This not only led to the victory over fascism in the Second World War and the advance after it, until the new revisionist gang of Khrushchev. This was obligatorily anti-Stalinist, joined the chorus of detractors of Marxism-Leninism and splitters of the communist movement, destroying what they had built with great effort.
Not only was the policy promoted by Stalin successful in continuing the postulates of Marx, Engels and Lenin, but it theoretically enriched the understanding of imperialism, the fundamental role of the colonies and dependent countries. It also managed in practice with these premises to seize power and advance in the dictatorship of the proletariat, while the Trotskyists have always been shouting and boycotting the advances of the working class, peasants and peoples in the struggle for national liberation and the building of socialism. Marxism-Leninism and its practical, concrete and historical experiences of the seizure of power and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat is based on the particular conditions of the countries, not on revisionist gibberish. For a policy to advance in the class struggle, Stalin teaches us that it is necessary to assess the type of revolution in each country and the specific stage, the auxiliary forces and reserves, the periods of ebb and flow, for a policy leading to the seizure of power by the proletariat. These elements are basic in Marxist-Leninist tactics and strategy. Not to take this up is not to understand the ABC of the proletarian revolution.
On the 68th anniversary of the death of Stalin we wish to remind the revisionists that with manipulation and maneuvering they will not be able to erase the work of the great Koba.
Note: * This refers to the article “100 Years of the Communist International,” at https://inter.kke.gr/en/articles/100-YEARS-OF-THE-COMMUNIST-INTERNATIONAL
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