Draft Letter from Lavrentiy Beria to Aleksandar Rankovic

“T” to Rankovic

I am using this opportunity to pass to You, Comrade Rankovic, warm regards from Comrade Beria, who remembers You well.

Comrade Beria assigned me the task of informing You personally in strict confidentiality that he and his friends stand for the necessity of a fundamental reconsideration and improvement of relations between the two countries.

In relation to this, Comrade Beria has asked You to personally inform Comrade Tito on this, and if You and Comrade Tito agree with this viewpoint, then it would be expedient to organise a confidential meeting of people who are specially authorised on this. The meeting could be held in Moscow, but if you consider this unacceptable for some reason, then also in Belgrade.

Comrade Beria expressed confidence that no one will know about this conversation except You and Comrade Tito.

RGASPI F. 82. Op.2. D. 49. LL. 113.
Underlining by V.M. Molotov

Translated from the Russian by Vitaly Pershin

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