This land in ancient times was called “Wild Field”. Here were wandering warlike tribes: Scythians, Sarmatians, Ostgoths, Huns, Avars, Khazars, Pechenegs, Cumans.
The modern name of the region is associated with the names of the rivers Don and Seversky Donets, as well as with deposits of coal. The most powerful geological layers of coal are concentrated in the region with the city of Donetsk as its centre (with 1.5 million inhabitants), but also exist in four neighbouring areas. Thus, the name Donbass is an abbreviation for “Donets basin”, and it is one of the largest coal regions not only in Europe but in the world.
However, its economic importance and development began not with coal, but with the extraction of salt: in the XVII century, when these lands were called Novorossiya.
This troubled and, in fact, abandoned region was exposed to the raids of nomads, initially populated by the Cossacks, including the Ukrainian Orthodox Cossacks who fled from Catholic Poland. The eighteenth century was spent in many wars fought between Russia and Turkey. The victory of Russian arms led to more intensive settlement on the land by the Russian peasants and refugees from territories subservient to the Ottoman Empire. Among them were the Serbs, Greeks, Arnauts (Albanians), Moldovans, Armenians, etc.
At the same time here were founded colonies of Germans. During the reign of Catherine II, who was of German nationality, they were generously awarded in the New Russia arable land on fertile black soil.
The first coal fields began to be developed here in the mid-nineteenth century. Soon after the abolition of serfdom in Russia capitalism began to develop. This led to the growth of industry in the Donbass, the construction of railways and major cities.
The larger role was played by foreign capital, dominated by French and Belgian companies. They controlled more than half of the total coal production. Before the First World War, in 1913, there were 1200 coal mines. Annual coal production was 25 million tonnes. But this figure is hardly indicative of the success of the mining industry in tsarist Russia. For comparison: at the same time in England, four thousand mines have produced 200 million tons of coal per year.
Stalin’s Soviet industrialization doubled the number of mines in Donetsk and Luhansk – the two leading areas of Donbass. By the beginning of the Second World War, the Donbass was producing 85 million tons of coal for the country. The Soviet period of national history was a real “Golden Age” for Donbass. In 1920 half a million people lived here, in 1940, five million, in 1985 – already eight million.
It produced many eminent Soviet state and party leaders, major business leaders, outstanding scientists, famous generals, celebrities among intellectuals.
Thousands of local factories produced everything from typewriters to giant engineering designs for spaceports. Even after the destruction of the Soviet Union and a general decline in production, the share of the Donbass region (and this includes only two out of 24 Ukrainian regions) in the gross domestic product of Ukraine was 25%. In other words, Donbass fed many other regions of Ukraine, but in no way it was subsidized, despite all the broadcasts of today’s cynical leaders of Kiev.
In the 1960-70-80s Donbass had a reputation as one of the most developed regions of the USSR with a very wealthy population. Miners’ wages reached 600-700-800 rubles a month. Wages in other industries, especially of workers and servants, were less: from 150 to 350 rubles. Was it a lot or a little? Let’s take the prices of consumer goods, including luxury items and delicacies. Of course, they varied, but if rounded they looked like this:
Travel in public transport was 4-5 cents, a pound of bread – 15-20 cents, cinema tickets – 20-50 cents, school or student dinner – 30-40 cents, high quality chocolate (100 g) – 1 ruble, a kilo of meat – 1.5-2 rubles, a kilogram of sausage – 2-4 rubles, cotton chemise – 10 rubles, a three-week trade union trip to a resort – 20 roubles, selected bottle of vodka (500 ml) – 4-5 rubles, a bottle of elite cognac (500 ml) – 25 rubles, a kilogram of black caviar – 40 rubles (in the store) and 65 rubles (in the restaurant), a pair of leather shoes – 40-50 rubles, gold rings (without gemstones) 40-100 rubles, men’s wool suit – 120-180 rubles, bike – 60-90 rubles, scooter – 130-200 rubles. The cost of the motorcycle came to 1500 rubles. But there were also motorcycles for 500, and for 300 rubles. Cars like “Lada” cost from 5500 to 7500 rubles.
Monthly payment for utilities (electricity, gas, water, etc.) varied depending on the size of the property and the number of family members living in the apartment or in the cottage. Usually it was from a few rubles to ten or more.Needless to say that housing was provided for free to Donbass people, like to all Soviet people. But abroad, few people know that men could also buy property in the USSR. This housing was called a cooperative. One- bedroom cooperative apartment cost on average 3500 rubles, three bedroom – 5000 rubles. Of course, the Donbass people enjoyed free medical care and free secondary and higher education. Local universities and colleges were training free of charge huge number of foreign students. The USSR paid them a stipend of 90 rubles a month.
In the Soviet era in the Donbass there was an intensive process of ethnogenesis. No real socio-cultural differences were there between, for example, descendants of Ukrainians and Russians, the second generation began to speak the same language and showed the same mental and behavioural patterns of life. There are more than a hundred nationalities, but there never were any ethnic conflicts.
It was clear that the population of Luhansk and Donetsk (it restored the rights of the old name of their homeland – NovoRossia), brought up on ideas of friendship and the high level of Soviet patriotism, do not want to endure neo-Nazi processions with portraits of Bandera and other Nazi executioners. The absolute majority did not want entry into Europe at the expense of breaking ties with Russia and was strongly against Ukraine’s membership in NATO. The current regime in Kiev declared Bandera and his crony national heroes, although they were agents of the British, German and US secret service, the sworn enemies of the Ukrainians, Russians, all the Soviet people, who fought with the troops of the aggressors, and after the war to strengthen socialism.
Kiev radical nationalists, those servants of their Western masters, tried to force the Donbass to the worshiping of fascist idols and to accepting the subordination of Ukraine to NATO’s interests. Only blinded and brainwashed Westerners, not to mention the deliberate liars, can name as “democratisation” what is the very real fascistization of Ukraine: a process that, starting in 2014, became complete.
What happened?
Full-scale armed conflict in the Donbass, originated in the same 2014, can be divided into five main stages. They cover the period up to the signing of agreements known as the Minsk-1 and Minsk-2.
The first stage. April – May 2014
The Ukrainian army and nationalist paramilitary forces entered the rebellious Donetsk and Lugansk region. They occupied the Northern districts of Luhansk region, the West and part of the southern districts of Donetsk region. The indigenous population is arming and forms a militia to repel invaders. Fierce battles for the city of Slavyansk begins, where 2 thousand badly armed militias repelled three assaults by 10 thousand Ukrainian troops who were technically highly equipped and were continually receiving supplies and reinforcements. Already then neo-Bandera followers showed and continued to show abnormal cruel treatment of captured rebels and civilians.
Second stage. June – July 2014
Ukrainian general offensive. The goal is to cut off the Luhansk and the Donetsk People’s Republic (LPR and DPR) from Russia, to take the whole of the Russian-Ukrainian border. The attack came from two sides. However, Ukraine’s armed forces are unable to establish control over the main roads and the heights of the Donetsk region. They remained unable to occupy land borders with the Russian Federation for the length of about 100 kilometers. There began to form “southern boiler”, in which the major forces of the Kiev regime were locked.
The rebels were forced to retreat from Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. But the combined forces attacked in the area of Saur-graves, one of the strategic heights of the Donetsk ridge. As a result five thousand Ukrainian soldiers ended up surrounded in a “pot”. Not less than three thousand of them were killed. Into the hands of the people’s militia fell about 70 units of armoured vehicles, a lot of other weapons.
The third stage. July – August
The frenzied fascist junta in Kiev mobilized and started another general offensive. Their troops attempted to cleave and to isolate LPR and DPR from each other to get back to the Russian border, to save the remnants of the “South boiler”. Separately, the objective was aimed to capture the crash site and the wreckage of downed July 17 Malaysian Boeing. They wanted to cover up the traces of their own crime, to blame it on the People’s Republic.
Militias were forced out of the cities of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Popasnoe. Heavy fighting followed around Shahtersk. But there the Ukrainian military suffered a crushing defeat. Its total loss in tanks, combat vehicles infantry, armored personnel carriers was 125 units. The militias have defended Shahtersk.
Ukrainian command regrouped forces and redirected their troops to the capture of Ilovaisk and Khartsyzsk, to completely block Donetsk. The battle for the city Ilovaisk lasted twenty days, ending with the liberation of the city from neo-Bandera followers and surrounded enemy units in the four “cauldrons”. With severe losses, on which the official Kiev is silent, the remnants of the enemy fled. However, judging by what their commanders blabbed, just at Ilovaisk alone they lost more than 1 thousand troops.
The fourth stage. August – September 2014
A massive counter-offensive was launched by the armed forces of Novorossiya.
The following territories were freed from the Ukrainian army and punitive battalions of paramilitaries: Saur-grave, Marinovka, Stepanovka, Ilovaisk, Kommunar, Zhdanivka, Dokuchaevsk, Starobeshevo, Kuteynikovo, Telmanovo, Novoazovsk, Shirokino and many other towns. The militia came to the coast of the Azov Sea. This is the territory of the DPR.
In the LR they got under control: Metalist, Lugansk airport, Gravelly, Novoselovka, Lutugino, Merry Hill, Jubilee, Rodakove, Slavyanoserbsk, Krasny Luch, Khoroshee, Zheltoye. The militia threw the Ukrainian invaders from Luhansk to the North, beyond the river Donets.
The fifth stage. September – December 2014
The September Minsk agreement was not kept by the Ukrainian side. The declared cease-fire existed only on paper and in the speeches of diplomats.
Donetsk militias led trench warfare, thwarting attempts by Kiev troops to advance a bit into the DPR. Continued mutual shelling, raids and sabotage groups fighting in key strategic locations (Donetsk airport and the outskirts of Mariupol, etc.).
Lugansk militia, in response to provocations by neo-Bandera followers, forced them over the river Donets, squeezed out the Ukrainian troops, pushing them farther and farther from the city. Freed were Valuiskoye and Nizhneteploye. There were fights over the villages Luganskaya, Kolesnikovka, Old Aydar, Schastye, etc.
Intense fighting rolled over the turn of calendar 2014 and continues until mid-February 2015. But February’s Minsk agreement were also subsequently ignored by Kiev side, which was violating the ceasefire and killing civilians at every opportunity.
“Anti-terrorist operation” of Kiev authorities that was actually unleashed by them with the full support of the West, was in fact a civil war, and they failed completely. Arrogant puppet President Poroshenko claimed that it would take just a few days to achieve victory. And some of his commanders (apparently inspired by the West’s sending thousands of mercenaries and its generous military and financial help) were even speaking of just a few hours.
Wanting to justify their shame and not realizing that an armed nation is invincible, these “warriors” wailed about the “Russian aggression”. One can only laugh at their reference to what was supposedly “10-20-30 thousand Russian soldiers and officers invaded a defenceless Ukraine”. I think that this figure will increase with the escalation of military-political hysteria and psychosis that prevails in Kiev and among its Western backers. After all, they announced that the united army of Novorossiya has one hundred thousand soldiers. If there was such prodigious number, the Donbass people would have long freed all of Ukraine from those fascists. Of course, if you count how many ordinary people – workers, peasants, intellectuals, students, pensioners – initially took up their hunting and trophy weapons, including cold arms, to protect themselves from banditry of armed forces of Ukraine, this figure will rise, indeed, to hundreds of thousands. Later, people’s power supplied them real weapons of war, and it happened many times that Bandera occupants received serious blows from yesterday’s miners who have swapped the miners tools for a machine gun.
At the same time, the people of Novo Russia dream of Russia sending at least one regiment of the regular Russian army, after which the criminals in Kiev would have only one option left: to immediately pack their bags. Approximately 90-strong groups of Ukrainian troops thrown against the people, are powerless to cope with the greatly outnumbered by them military units of the DPR and LR. (Even the few volunteers who came from Russia and Europe to help the rebels were mostly non-military people, significantly behind in terms of professional thugs: Yankees, officers of the armed forces of Poland and other Western mercenaries.)
The armed conflict in Donbass has led to thousands dead, wounded and missing, to the masses of refugees, to the catastrophic destruction of industrial, agricultural and other infrastructure. People, especially children and the elderly, were dying of hunger, of an inability to obtain medical care. If not for the huge support from the Russian brothers, Donbass might have become a desert. Moreover, the Ukrainian chauvinists out loud, at the level of state leaders say they want to make the area deserted in order to settle here their “elected, full-blooded Ukrainians.”
According to the United Nations in the first year of the conflict the number of internally displaced persons (i.e. those who left to other regions of Ukraine) was half a million. The same number was granted asylum in other countries. But by now the number of refugees on Russian territory alone exceeds one million.
Official Ukrainian and foreign sources speak of roughly 5,000 killed in the conflict zone, civil and military people. There is every reason to believe that this figure should be multiplied at least by ten: 50.000 – and it is only the number of the dead.
Russia sends in Donbass troops and convoys with humanitarian cargo. They are sent not only by the government but also by the authorities of many Russian cities and public organizations. Dozens of trucks with food, medicines, clothes were sent by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
As for the Ukrainian Communists, it should be noted that the seizure of power by the gang of Poroshenko strengthened their influence on the liberated territories. There is no place here for the “decommunisation”, proclaimed by the Kiev regime and perpetrated on the rest of Ukraine by the hands of thugs. On the contrary. It is, so to speak, the Communisation that is taking place. On the one hand, it is humble. After all, the Communists do not have enough forces and means to lead a massive printed and other propaganda. On the other hand, it is huge. Because even those people who before were indifferent to the appeals of the Communists, now fully recognize the correctness of the ideas of Lenin and Stalin. The members of the different Communist organizations from the very beginning were actively involved in the struggle for the independence of Novorossiya. They created two teams, which are called “Communist brigades”. One is in Donetsk and one is in Luhansk Republic. Neo-Bandera followers are afraid to attack their positions. The soldiers of these brigades are inspired by a belief in what is right and by the banners with portraits of Communist leaders. (Images of Lenin and Stalin can be seen everywhere in the liberated territories of Donbass.)
Over the years I visited more than once the territories of LPR and DPR. First impressions came from one of my trips with the journalists of TV company “Pelikan Production” and IGCP. The abbreviation means “Group of information on crimes against persons in Ukraine.” The group was established by the Foundation of the “Actual historical research” (or “Historical memory”), headed by an authoritative Russian expert and public figure A. R. Dyukov. Our films-reports after each visit to the rebel areas of Donbass are hosted on Youtube – under ID igcpua.
This trip lasted 10 days. We visited the following cities and towns (in no particular order): Lugansk, Donetsk, Stakhanov, Ilovaisk, Shakhtersk, Thorez, Krasnodon, Lutugino, Irmino, Alchevsk, Bryanka, Novosvitlivka, Marinovka, Khryashchevatoe, Amvrosievka and many others.
Our film “The War in the Donbass. Diary” includes scenes filmed in these settlements. That was the first feature-length documentary film about the civil war in Ukraine. People – the living and the dead, the buildings – whole and shattered, armoured vehicles – ready for the battle and torn to pieces, the roads – safe and sweep, sounds of musical concerts and of mortar-gun cannonade, etc. All this is still before my eyes, ringing in the ears, to the heart. Where and how was it?
Almost 40,000 people lived here. Half of them fled at the onset of the Ukrainian gangs. They were shot by Ukrainian artillery. Some areas of the city were razed to the ground. The locals said that they buried about 700 civilians.
Working village near the South-Eastern outskirts of Luhansk. It was in the middle of the fighting, passed from hand to hand and is almost in ruins. LR militia eventually knocked out of Khryashchevatoe unfamous by their particular atrocities battalion “Aydar” and the Ukrainian airmobile brigade, deployed here from the city of Lviv.
Built in 1964. In the Soviet years up to 100 departures-arrivals were carried out here daily. It was connected by air lines with 70 cities in the country. In 2005-2006 it was reconstructed, which allowed it to accept the Airbus A-320 and Boing 737.
In May 2014 the airport was taken under the control by the Ukrainian military and became a reference point for the shelling of residential areas of the city. From here they planned to break into the capital of LR.
On the 14th of June militia shot down Ukrainian military transport aircraft Il-76 on approach to airport, killing those on board – 40 paratroopers and nine crew members. The air supply of the occupation forces, concentrated near the city of Lugansk, was thwarted. And then the main land routes of their supply were cut off.
In mid-August LR units went on the offensive and completely surrounded two thousand of the Ukrainian groups in the area of the airport and Lutugino. They were cut into pieces and by the first of September the Luhansk troops took the airport. Funeral team collected and buried more than three hundred corpses of the Ukrainian soldiers. Hundreds of dead among them were interred during the siege of the airport by the invaders themselves.
A large railway junction, the epicentre of fierce fighting in August 2014.
On the 29th of August, Russian President Vladimir Putin urged the militia to open a humanitarian corridor for the surrounded Ukrainian military to give them the opportunity to leave the area of fighting and to save their lives. The rebels agreed, adding that the encircled must get out of “boiler” without heavy weapons.
However, the Ukrainian army by orders from Kiev tried to break through the ring. Then the militia opened heavy fire. According to information from enemy sources just a few dozen soldiers managed to get out of the encirclement. The others laid down their lives by the fault of Kiev bigots not wanting to admit defeat. To this day they deny their Ilovaisk defeat.
Despite the attention of the general public in Ukraine and abroad to these battles, the information about them by the Kiev regime was made classified and generally unavailable. But video recordings that illustrate the lies of the Kiev puppets and the brutal truth of the freedom fighters of Novorossiya, have become the best proof of both.
It is a metropolis with dense residential and industrial buildings, reaching a diameter of 40-55 km. According to the 2001 census, half of the citizens called themselves ethnic Russians. The native language was Russian for even greater number of people – about 90%. (A similar situation is in Luhansk and in Crimea, whose population in 2014, refused to obey the Nazis who have staged a coup in Kiev.) For ethnic Ukrainians, Greeks, Jews, Tatars, Armenians, Gypsies and others, the local Russian language never was and never will be a foreign language. But the Kiev junta has made great efforts to eradicate the Russian language, declaring it to be “foreign” and forcibly introducing English instead.
The city was subjected to artillery and air strikes, the attacks of the Ukrainian terrorists and saboteurs. But it survived and it lives – working, studying, building.
Settlement in the city of Makeyevka with population of 5000. It is known by the bloody events of the civil war period in Russia after the Great October Socialist Revolution. Here the Whites executed 45 communist prisoners and 70 unarmed local miners, who joined the Bolsheviks. (This event is described in the famous novel by Mikhail Sholokhov “Quiet Flows the Don”.)
It has been 97 years since that massacre. In August 2014, near the mine “Kommunarskaya” those who dream to pull Ukraine to Europe, to NATO, to fascist slavery are executing people again. After the executioners fled from the village, we were shown graves of civilians with signs of torture. There were many cases. In one of the pits we saw the body of a pregnant woman. In another pit militia discovered the headless body of a woman with bound hands. Near was the burial with five executed prisoners, fighters of DPR. The commander of the militia (nickname “Alabai”) announced that here was a paramilitary unit consisting of approximately 500 people. They looted, drank, used drugs, and did not spare anyone.
From my diary, pieces that were not included in the film.
28.09. Arrived in Lugansk. Sunday. Evening. Empty streets. On the main street I counted only a dozen passers-by. In the park two old men sit on a bench. In one of them I recognize Nikolai Ignatievitch Gerasimov, the former Deputy Mayor. I ask him:
– How did you survive the shelling, bombing, blockade of Luhansk?
– Cheerfully. I have not got the strength to fight anymore. But at half past six in the morning with a few old men we went out daily for a physical walk. In spite of the enemies we walked under the bombs, and shells, and volleys of rocket fire. Nobody bowed to the enemy, nobody fell to the ground. We try to set an example to the young. I dream to hold on to see the victory and the collapse of this whole Pro-American gang.
29.09 Lugansk. Morning. It is lively. Central market. Heavily damaged Mall. A middle-aged woman deals with the exchange of money from owner: ruble and hryvnia, hryvnia into rubles. She shares with us:
– When it became very creepy, I with the child went to relatives in Vinnytsia (i.e. Western Ukraine. – S. G.). Found a job. Placed my girl in kindergarten. Just two days she’s been there. And on the third then I took Tanya home, we were walking down the street. On the corner their filthy yellow-blue flag was hanging. And suddenly my child was pointing a finger at it, and began screaming the Nazi salute: “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!” Can you imagine? Only two days have passed, and this is what they have taught her... Well, I think, no, I will not allow them to maim my child. I gathered all our stuff and returned to Lugansk. Well, what about shelling?! But over there they would have turned my daughter into a Bandera follower. She would grow up and would cut to pieces all those who disagree with her, including me. Never mind them, I will not let them to take over my Tanya!
29.09 Pervomaisk. Severely beaten local man. He requests not to photograph it.
– What happened to you?
– I’m not a volunteer. I tried to drive to my mother in neighbouring Lisichansk (in enemy-occupied territory. – S. G). After a truce was declared! At the Ukrainian checkpoint they asked: “How many roadblocks have you passed?”
I said:
– Two ours and two yours...
Instantly I got a kick in my face. They trampled on me with their boots until they got tired. My car was taken away. They took my money. Passport was burned. Well, at least I was not killed. I hobbled back to Pervomaisk. A truce... f*** such truce!
29.09. Pervomaisk. Cossacks stood on the protection of Donbass. An old man approached the commander of the Cossack brigade Pavel Dremov.
– Guys, give me some grenades.
– Why, father?
– I will throw them from the window when Bandera people will enter the city.
– They will not enter, father. While we are alive, they will not! – gravely declares Dremov, who was nicknamed the Cossack Che Guevara. (In December of 2015 Ukrainian bandits killed Dremov. But the enemy failed to break into the city. – S. G.).
30.09. Khryashchevatoe. Local farmer uncle Kolya says:
– I had five cows. Had a place to live, had what to live on. Now, no cows, no house...
Long and florid swearing follows. He lights cigarette and continues:
– But still the important thing is that we did not stay under Bandera. If Russia will hold out, we will again rebuild it, and again will have the cows, and I will work again…
01.10 Lugansk airport. Everything is broken. Demining is taking place. Our cameraman found a few packs of American honey, which was part of the Ukrainian soldiers’ rations.
– In the evening I will drink tea with it.
– Maybe you shouldn’t. You never know what they could have laced it with... You may all of a sudden start shouting in your sleep: “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!”
In short, we threw that honey away. To hell with it, together with its country – manufacturer!
01.10. Lugansk. One of the areas being raided. LR militia captured a group of saboteurs. They got in a week ago. Were hiding in the gardens. And when they ran out of food and morale, they came to the shop and tried to sell a Kalashnikov to local drinkers for 500 hryvnia, roughly 25 USD. It is necessary, they say, for getting some money to get home – to the Lviv oblast... Now men will find out if they have any bloody crimes on their hands, and if so, they will be shot.
Nicely dressed up children with flowers and parents pass us by on the way to school. The 1st of October in the Novorossiya is the beginning of the school year.
02.10. I have been living and working in Moscow for a long time. But I was born in the Donbass. All my ancestors are buried in the local cemeteries. I passed the years of my boyhood and youth in Lugansk. My first job was in Donetsk regional newspaper “Komsomolets of Donbass”. Now, to get from one city to another, it is necessary to zigzag around the place in order to avoid the enemy.
The taxi driver Sergey says:
– Once I was stopped, and asked: “Is there electricity in Lugansk?”. I replied “No.” – “Is there water?”. “No.” “Is there a grub to eat?”. – “It’s all up”. – And here they began to cheer: “That’s good!”. Freaks...
03.10. Lugansk. Military staff of the LR. In June, the Ukrainian aviation tried to bomb it.
Vladislav Barseghian, a young volunteer, who had been a prisoner of the battalion “Aydar”. He was exchanged. Hs hands are covered with scary cuts.
– They tortured me. Forced me to say that I am Chechen. (Many Chechens and other representatives of the North Caucasian peoples are enlisted in the militia of Novorossiya, and bravely proved themselves in this war. – S. G.). But I’m a local Armenian. I live in Lugansk. I only look like a Chechen.... When they pushed needles under my nails, I managed to hold on. Did not even scream. I decided that I will endure, just like the members of Soviet underground group “Young Guard!” in Krasnodon endured during the Nazi occupation. But when they began to nail something sharp between my fingers, right into the pain points... then, Yes, I screamed quite a bit…
I, a grown man, carefully take crippled hands of this boy and bring them to my lips. I’m not crazy, although from these pictures and stories one may well go off one’s hinges.
Now I want that bastard Poroshenko’s hand with which he signs his gangster decrees to be torn off. I want his Ministers and generals to lose their legs (along with their balls!). To every Deputy from his party I wish that shrapnel will blow their heads into two, and their half-heads should lie there, where now lie the bones of the fallen Donbass people. To Vice President Biden during his next visit to Kiev, I wish them to choke on Ukrainian dumplings and die from lack of medical care, of which by the grace of him and others like him thousands of residents of Donbass are deprived.
That’s what I want!!!
04.10. Donetsk. The centre of the city. Lenin Square. A lot of people. The end of the working day and working week. Suddenly above our heads three loud bangs are heard. All look at the sky. Thus at the height of 1.5 km we see three neat white clouds. The deafening explosions are somehow not following. We found out about what happened, or rather, what could have happened only in the evening.
To the centre of Donetsk from the area of Kramatorsk three ballistic missiles “Tochka-U” were fired by the Ukrainian army. According to NATO classification, they are called “Scarab” or SS-21. In the non-nuclear option each missile carries at a distance of 120 km nearly 200 kg of explosives; the area of damage is up to three hectares. Before they always hit the target.
But today, they were successfully destroyed by the missile defence of the DPR’s army.
–Look, what I want is not a pipe dream.
1. This article is exclusively for the magazine “Revolutionary Democracy”.
2. Sergey Golovchenko (1959) – Soviet and Russian documentary filmmaker, screenwriter, essayist. Graduated from the Institute of Countries of Asia and Africa in Moscow (in Chinese Philology), as well as from the journalism faculty of Moscow State University. Winner of national and international literary and film awards. Worked in newspapers, on television and radio. In the last 15 years, he shoots documentary films. He specializes on documentary journalism of an historical and political nature. They are a major contribution to the fight against neo-fascism.
Translated from the Russian by Irina Malenko