Central Prison, Visakhapatnam
28th May, 2014

Dear Editor,

Hoping you and other friends are fine. We are also near to well here. Firstly, please accept our warm greetings and thanks for sending us the issues of ‘Revolutionary Democracy’ and ‘Unity & Struggle’. Also want to inform you that after April, 2013 issue we’re not getting ‘Revolutionary Democracy’. Hoping we will get the new issue in the near future. Just got the April, 2014 issue of ‘Unity & Struggle’, you know the issues of this magazine is how much informative about world’s contemporary issues/debates and overall situation. So, we use to wait restlessly for this. In the present issue of April, 2014, there are two articles on the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union (Part II and Part IV) by Movement for the Reorganisation of the CP of Greece 1918-1955. From the notes we came to know that Part I & II of this same article have been published in previous issues of this magazine. We will be grateful if you may send those issues to us. Rest of the things are OK. One more thing, we are interested to go in depth in the causes behind the restoration and reversal and for this already managed some related study materials. We need Bettelheim’s book. We hope for your active help.

B.P Singh.
(Political Prisoner).

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