Press Release

Formation of Stalin Society, India

Representatives of people from different walks of life met on 23.2.2014 in New Delhi and established the Stalin Society, India.

The Stalin Society, India comprises of diverse membership with workers' representatives, academicians, lawyers, democratic right activists and progressive individuals, who all are united with the sole mission of defending the revolutionary legacy of the invincible Marxist-Leninist, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

In days to come the Society visions to roll out multiple initiatives to limelight the necessity and historical relevance of Stalin’s theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism for the current conditions of global proletariat and working class masses.

The specific aims and objective of the society are thus:

1. To defend the historical fact, that Comrade Stalin was an uncompromising class warrior, the teacher and leader of the world proletariat who defended, applied & progressively evolved the principles of Marxism- Leninism.

2. To expose the systematic false propaganda regarding the USSR and Stalin.

3. To disseminate the theoretical and life time works of Stalin in all forms of their communication including written, audio, video et al.

4. To apply Stalin’s theoretical contribution to Marxism-Leninism to contemporary national & international questions.

5. To organise study circles, seminars, conferences, and art events, on the various historical and contemporary issues from the Marxist-Leninist standpoint.

6. To publish a theoretical journal with focus on Comrade Stalin specifically and Marxism-Leninism in general.

The following intellectuals were included in the Provisional Committee of the Stalin Society, India, namely: Prof. Vijay Singh, Editor, Revolutionary Democracy; Padam Kumar, Workers Unity Trade Union; Dr Kari Kalan, medical researcher; Manu Kant, Poet/Journalist; Malem Ningthouja, Convenor, Campaign for Peace & Democracy, Manipur; Krishan, social activist.

Dated: 7th March, 2014.

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