
Programmatic Declaration of the
All-Union Communist Workers' Guard (Bolshevik).


1. The AUCWG (B) is created as a political organisation of the working class, as an organisation of professional proletarian revolutionaries. The All- Union Communist Workers' Guard (Bolshevik) is established as a political organisation on the basis of the only correct, scientific socialism and communism. In its struggles it is guided by revolutionary scientific Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism. (Just as Marxism embraces the thinking of Marx and Engels, and Marxism-Leninism includes the thought of Lenin, so Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism comprehends the precepts of Stalin, Molotov and Hoxha). From 1961 to 1985 Albania was the only land of the dictatorship of the working class for the proletariat. The Party of Labour under the leadership of Enver Hoxha constructed a scientific-atheist state of contemporary proletarian socialism.

2. The organisational basis is democratic centralism. The party strengthens, purifies and augments its ranks by dint of revolutionary- proletarian struggles against the bourgeoisie, by means of organisational and ideological struggles directed against revisionism and sectarianism of all kinds.

3. The party does everything to preserve the unity of its proletarian ranks on the basis of the revolutionary science of the working class - Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism. The single objective of the existence of the party in conditions of capitalism is to engage in revolutionary struggle against the capitalist system. It, therefore, does not tolerate an attitude of conciliation and opportunism in the face of the bourgeoisie. The party engages in struggle with all its strength and means at its command.

4. The sources of bourgeois counter-revolution (restoration of capitalism) in socialist countries are:

5. The task of the AUCWG (B) is not only the elimination of capitalism and the re-birth of the socialist state of the dictatorship of the proletariat but also to establish the mighty (strong) centralised power of the working class. Workers' and Peasants' Soviets are the main help of the party in the struggle for the construction of socialism.

Minimum Programme

1. The fighting capacity of the party will be formed by revolutionary methods of struggle against the capitalist government of Yeltsin and its bourgeois successors, in the first instance against the nationalist-fascists. This will express itself in all forms of struggles inclusive of the revolutionary-emancipatory.

2. To develop preparation for active work. The objective of active work is to take power and to establish the revolutionary rebirth of socialism in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

3. The AUCWG (B) must become the chief organisation of the struggle of the working class against the bourgeoisie. It has to participate in strikes, meetings, manifestations, to draw young revolutionary workers (as, of course, the proletarian members of the Guard), to participate in the basic struggles against the Yeltsin regime and its possible bourgeois successors. It has to take part in the anti-capitalist and anti-fascist fronts as well as the anti-monarchist and anti-feudal movements. The non-peacible proletarian socialist revolution is the task of the near future. For this it is necessary to link up with all forces who are in active struggle to achieve this.

5. To carry out the socialist revolution and to hold power.

Maximum Programme

1. Only after coming to power and fulfilling the minimum programme will the AUCWG (B) start the fulfilment of the maximum programme. This includes:

2. The establishment of the centralised dictatorship of the proletariat, the power of the working class and its realisation through the power of the victorious party and with the help of the Workers' Soviets. After coming to power it will implement: (a) a six-hour working day; (b) the re-establishment of state farms and collective farms; (c) the elections of new Directors of Factories with the help of the Workers' Soviets; (d) accountability of the leadership of the workers' collectives to the workers' collectives.

3. Establishment of the property of the whole people in the means of production and a planned socialist economy.

4. The gradual but firm transition from commodity-money relations to non-commodity relations. That signifies: a) in place of the sale of commodities, the distribution of products; b) in place of money, individual electronic (or magnetic) labour cards; in place of the capitalist measurement of labour through money, the socialist measurement of work by labour-time. The surmounting of commodity-money relations is an important condition for the victory of socialism. Not the annihilation of money, as the "left" opportunists propose, but its replacement by individual electronic (or magnetic) labour cards.

5. Accountability to workers' control with the aim of securing the carrying out of the workers' interests and the reproduction of the dictatorship of the working class, the dictatorship of the proletariat.

6. All working people will become workers. In the process of the construction of socialism and communism all labourers will gradually become workers.


1. In its entire revolutionary activity in the struggle for the fulfilment of the Minimum Programme and in the struggle for the fulfilment of the Maximum Programme the AUCWG (B) follows the proletarian revolutionary science of Bolshevism, Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism which alone leads to victory.

2. Only the understanding that the immediate aim of socialism must subsequently grow over to proletarian communism can lead to victory.

3. Only the understanding that proletarian property, the property of the whole people, must replace the semi-proletarian collective farms and co-operative property by measures to advance the construction of proletarian socialism, can lead us to victory. Proletarian socialism is based on machine technique and the social labour of the working class. Only social labour can lead us to victory.

4. Only continual struggle against all aspects of private property until its eradication and prohibition can lead to the victory of the property of the whole people.

5. Only the struggle against the market (commodity-money relations) under capitalism, socialism and against the remnants of its altered aspect under communism gives us victory.

6. Only the road to a united single working class and Soviet (at first) and world (then) single national society takes us to victory.

7. Only proletarian internationalism and Soviet socialist patriotism will carry us to victory. "Workers of the World, Unite!" is ever our slogan. "The Socialist Fatherland in Danger!" is the slogan of the day till imperialism and separate nations exist. Proletarian internationalism, friendship and brotherhood with the workers of all the world and with the socialist countries is the basis of our victory. Only in this way can we win!

8. Only as the revolutionary party of the working class can we achieve victory!

9. Only in struggle against capitalist degeneration of the communist workers' party, which begins inevitably when the leadership of the party and of the country separates itself initially from the working class and subsequently from the peasantry and the working masses, and, in general, begins to protect the interests of the declassed administrators who orientate themselves at first to the petty-bourgeoisie and afterwards to the bourgeois practice and ideology, can we achieve victory.

10 Only the protection of working class interests by the revolutionary party of the working class, through the Workers' Soviets and the Workers' and Peasants' Control, may arrest the movement to the direction of capitalist restoration and bourgeois counter-revolution. Only the revolutionary movement of the working masses from below, supported, expressed and consolidated by ideology and science takes us to victory.

11. A continuous watch on the expansion and contraction of commodity-money relations is necessary (while it exists) and on its remnants (when it no longer exists). Only a watch on this index and barometer will take us to victory.

12. Socialism distinguishes itself from Communism in that under socialism the principle "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his work" is applied; under communism the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is operative.

13. It is necessary to begin the construction of a commodity-free socialism and communism.

Proletarii No. 1, January 1995.

Translated by Vijay Singh

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