Revolutionary Democracy

Revolutionary Democracy is a half-yearly theoretical and political journal published in April and September from India. It contains materials on the problems facing the communist movement, particularly relating to Russia, China and India, the origins of modern revisionism, the restoration of capitalism in the USSR and developments in the international communist movement.

Vol. XV, No. 1-2, April-September, 2009

Monumental Head of Karl Marx at Chemnitz, Germany
Lev Efimovich Kerbel (1917-2003)

’And Comrade Stalin Thinks of Us’ (1952)
Viktor Semenovich Klimashshin

Hunger in the Ghetto (1946)
Lea Grundig (1906-1977)
A Requiem for the Left? Nirmalangshu Mukherji

Lalgarh: All for the SEZ of the Jindal Group, Mahashweta Devi

Revolt in Jangalmahal, Santosh Rana

Jammu and Kashmir State Assembly Elections 2008: Survey and Observations, Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society

Return of the Red Flag & Demonstration against privatization by Pakistan Mazdoor Mahaaz, PMM (not in print edition)

Indian Central Government and Sri Lankan Tamils, Vehujanan

Lalgarh: A People’s Uprising Subverted by the Ultra-Leftists Santosh Rana (not in print edition)

Document: The National Question in Ceylon (1944), Communist Party of Ceylon

Bastar: Gravest Displacement… Bravest Resistance, Sudha Bharadwaj

The Murder of Dr. Kishan in Manipur, Malem Ningthouja

Joint India-Pakistan Trade Unions’ Statement on Terrorism in South Asia: A Challenge for Democracy

Prevent the Supreme Court from being Converted into a Barrack! Lawyers’ Campaign for Democracy

Ivan Van Sertima: Fighting Racism Through Science, Glen Ford

Stalin’s Death and the Fight for the Leadership of the CPSU, Yuri Yemelianov

Why was Stalin Denigrated and Made a Controversial Figure?, Moni Guha

British Eyewash, Finsbury Communist

The British Road to Revisionism, Lalkar

Patrick Kessel (1926-2008), Secrétariat, Société chauvinoise de philosophie

Tributes to Moni Guha, 1914-2009

Zionist Barbarism Must Stop Immediately! ICMLPO

Fourth Congress Held of the Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark (APK)

Manifesto to the People, Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela

Great Success of the General Strike of January 29, Communist Party of the Workers of France

Guadeloupe and Martinique: ‘Stand Up Against The Profiteers’!, La Forge

Solidarity Statement from France with the Strikes in the French Colonies (not in print edition)

Further Articles on the struggles of the peoples of Guadeloupe and other French colonies (not in print edition)

Two Years Since the Death of Pinochet, Anti-Fascist Coordinator of Santiago – CAS

Political trials in Ukraine and Russia, Zaschita Truda & Proletarskaya Gazeta (not in print edition)

Progressive Summit or Summit of Political Swindlers?, PC(AP) Chile (not in print edition)

Let us commit ourselves to the new fatherland and socialism, PCMLE (not in print edition)

NATO: Organization of War and Terror (not in print edition)

Declaration of the 13th International Seminar: Problems of the Revolution in Latin America, Quito, Ecuador, July 13 to 17, 2009

Changes in the Backyard, Proaño A. Guido

Film Review: Delhi-6: Articulating Utopian Desires, Sandip Bajeli

Culture in the Fight for Peace, Dmitri Shostakovich

Rosa Luxemburg in the Works of Brecht, tr. fowpe Sharma

The Song of the Party, Louis Fürnberg

Ten Poems of Bilquis Zafirul Hasan, Tr. Arjumand Ara

Truth and Justice for Victor Jara!, Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)

Views expressed in signed articles are those of the authors and not necessarily of the Editorial Board.

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