We Condemn the Immigration “Decree of Shame”

The decree adopted by the Parliament of the European Union last June 18 is a clear demonstration of the imperialist and repressive nature of the EU, champion of neoliberal and anti-people measures.

This decree, which allows any “illegal” immigrant, that is an undocumented immigrant, to be jailed for 6 to 18 months, is in contradiction with all international agreements on human rights; it is a discriminatory, racist measure, marked by xenophobia against the peoples, especially the peoples of Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Those European governments, such as those of Berlusconi, Merkel, Sarkozy, Zapatero, etc. show a total lack of any historical memory. They forget that the Europeans cruelly colonized the American continent, India and a great part of Asia; during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries millions of Spanish, Italians, Germen, English, French, Swedish, Portuguese, in other words, people from all of Europe were forced to emigrate to the Americas, seeking a better life, a job which was unavailable in their countries, some security that was denied them because of local and civil wars (recall the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939).

They were welcomed and accepted everywhere. Their integration into these countries is plain reality. Europe now denies this same right to the peoples of the Americas that these peoples had generously granted to the European immigrants.

The African people have been plundered, slaughtered, their local economies have been destroyed, they have been subjected to slavery by the European capitalists (of Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, France, Portugal and Spain) and today, after having plunged them into poverty and endemic famine, they prevent them from working in Europe. The immigrants risk their lives in fragile canoes or ruined ships trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Gibraltar or the Atlantic Ocean.

Today, neo-colonialism and the penetration of military and economic powers continue the plunder and ruin of the African continent; they maintain the reactionary and bloody governments in power and support them against their own peoples, as is the case with the autocrat Ben Ali of Tunisia, or the satrap of Morocco against his own people and the Sahraouian people.

In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed, in which it said (article 13): “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State”. The immigrants, because they are without protection, must have the right granted in this article. Unless human rights are only for rich countries, for the colonialists and imperialists?

Evo Morales, the President of Bolivia, having been informed about the content of this infamous decree of the EU, wrote a courageous and sharp letter, which was rapidly supported by many prominent leaders of Latin America, such as Correa, Chavez, and others. Morales states correctly: “the immigrants are not responsible for the problems of social cohesion that affect Europe; these problems are the result of the model of development imposed by the North, which is destroying the whole planet and is dismantling human society.”

Even if we doubt their ability to do it, because of their capitalist interests and neoliberal policies, we demand that the EU draw up a policy which respects the immigrants and their rights, which does not stigmatize them or segregate them. As President Morales said, it is time for the European governments to fix “once and for all, the tremendous historical, economic and ecological debt that the European countries owe the Third World. (…) You cannot fail today with your “policies of integration” as you failed with your so-called “civilizing mission” in colonial times …”

The workers of Europe and the whole world must unite to stop this criminal policy of discrimination by the reactionary European Union, which is like the policy of US imperialism and the other imperialisms all over the world. The slogan shouted these days in the streets of Paris by French workers and their immigrant brothers must resound forcefully in all countries where workers of other countries and continents are living; it is a slogan of solidarity, of fraternity, of resistance to the mechanism of exploitation of capitalism.

“They work here, they live here, they remain here!”


Latin America and Caribbean countries
Revolutionary Communist Party of Brazil – PCR
Communist Marxist Leninist Party of Ecuador – PCMLE
Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist Leninist) – PCM(ML)
Communist Party of Labour of Dominican Republic – PCT
Communist Marxist Leninist Party of Venezuela – PCMLV
Chilean Communist Party – PC(AP)
Avanzar Group of Argentina
Communist Current Gustavo Machado of
Venezuela – CCGM


Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark – APK
Communist Party of Spain (Marxist-Leninist) – PCE(ML)
Communist Youth of Spain (Marxist-Leninist)
Proletarian Union (Spain)
Platform of Citizens for the Republic (Spain)
October 17 Publications (Spain)
Republican Associations of Coslada (Spain)
Workers’ Communist Party of France – PCOF
Group Che Guevara (France)
Collective of the Communist Circles: Circle Henri Barbusse, Communist Coordination 59/62, Communist Circle of Alsace, Communist Circle of the Region of Paris
Union of Communist Revolutionaries of France
Editions Democrite
Movement of the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55
Communist Platform of Italy
Editorial Board of Land and Liberation (Italy)
Marxist-Leninist Organization Revolution of Norway
Communist Platform (Marxist Leninist) of Norway – KPml
Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey – TDKP
Organisation for the Construction of a Workers’ Communist Party of Germany
Communist Party of Germany
Communist Party of Germany (Roter Morgen)
Communist Party of Germany Marxist-Leninist) (Roter Stern)
Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany – MLPD
Association of the Worker Trade Unions of Russia “Defence of Labour” (Russia)
Working Youth Organization "Red Kommuna" (Ukraine, Kharkov)
Marxist organization of the workers "Orion" (Latvia)
“Proletarskaya Gazeta” (Russia, Leningrad)
The Communists (Switzerland, Geneva)

Revolutionary Communist Party of Upper Volta – PCRV
Revolutionary Communist Party of Ivory Coast – PCRCI
Workers’ Communist Party of Tunisia – PCOT
Democratic Party of Labor (Tunisia) – PDT
Communist Party of Benin – PCB
Cultural Committee for Democracy in Benin – CCDB
Collective of Militants of Morocco, of Immigration, Action and Struggle
Fernent – Movement of Pan African Workers of Senegal – Fernent/MTP-S
Sanfin, the Cloud, of Mali
Democratic Front of the Comoros
Collective of Associations and Friends of the Comoros

Asia and Middle East
Party of Labour of Iran – PTI Toufan
Revolutionary Democracy (India)
New Trade Union Initiative (India)
Workers’ Front of Pakistan (Pakistan Mazdur Mahaaz)
Communist Party of Pakistan Mazdoor Kissan Party
Socialist Party of Malaysia – PSM

International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations

This text exists in French, English, Spanish, German, Danish, Farsi and Greek.

It is open to the signature of the organizations that agree with its contents. Send your signature to Communist Party of the Workers of France – PCOF:

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