Revolutionary Democracy

Vol. XII, No. 2, September 2006

Down With the US-backed Israeli Invasion of Lebanon!
Based on a poster of Youth of Lebanon

Long live the great undefeatable flag of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin!
A. Kossov, 1953.

Our flag, victorious flag
Viktor Koretsky, 1945.

Is There a Real Dilemma Facing the Revolution in Nepal? Rajesh Tyagi

The Many Dimensions of Primitive Accumulation, C. N. Subramanian

The Peoples’ Movement in Kashipur, Debarpita Manjit

The Quest for the Truth About Stalin, Yuri Yemelianov

On the Shanghai Political Economy Textbook, Rafael Martinez

Answer to a Letter, Ilya Ehrenburg

Communism and Anti-Semitism: A Rejoinder, Grover Furr

Report of the Founding Conference of the New Trade Union Initiative (New Delhi, 4-7 March, 2006)

The Trade Unions and the Kashmir Question, NTUI

History of the Dyal Singh College Case, D. Manjit, Rita Sinha, Tripta Wahi

The Telengana Movement, Amit Kumar Gupta

How Much Longer Can the Dollar Reign Supreme? Linda Heard

Immigrants Bring Back May Day to the U.S.! Daniel Vila

Let Us Rise Up Against the Barbaric Imperialist Threat Against the Iranian People! Toufan

Down With Zionist Occupation and Aggression, Long Live the Intifada

Not in print edition: The Country Has Been Taken Hostage, Union of African Workers, Senegal

Statement of the X International Seminar: Problems of the Revolution in Latin America

Repudiate the Israeli Aggression Against the Peoples of Palestine and Lebanon, Latin American Seminar

20th International Youth Camp Against Fascism And Imperialism, Malem Ningthouja

Stenographic Record of the Discussion of the Members of the Committee of the CC A-UCP(B) with the Representatives of the CC Communist Party of India on 4th and 6th February 1951

Record of the Discussions of J.V. Stalin with the Representatives of the C.C. of the Communist Party of India Comrades, Rao, Dange, Ghosh and Punnaiah on 9th February, 1951

The Siege of Leningrad, Lyubov Tsarevskaya

Muradeli’s Opera The Great Friendship, Decision of the Central Committee, C.P.S.U. (B.), February 10, 1948

Wretched Events, Pablo Neruda

Stalin, Jābir Jambūl, Makhdoom Mohiuddīn

Views expressed in signed articles are those of the authors and not necessarily of the Editorial Board.

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