International Communist Movement
Santo Domingo (November 2003)
In its issue of December 2003 Roter Morgen noted that the recent ICMLPO meeting had the norms and relationship between the Marxist-Leninist parties and organisations as its central theme of discussion. The text, reflecting the experiences since the founding of the conference in 1994, was prepared by the co-ordinating committee of the conference and was passed. By accepting the norms the conference has provided theoretical, political and organisational tools with which the parties and organisations can better organise their work and carry out the class struggle internationally. A second highlight of the conference was the discussion on the international situation. The conference unanimously agreed to the political declaration which is published here. The journal of the ICMLPO, Unity and Struggle, which thus far has been appearing in English, French, Spanish and Turkish is now, on the initiative of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Brazil, published also in Portuguese.
Political Resolution
The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations was held in Santo Domingo. Among others things it analysed the international political situation, emphasising those factors which will promote a tactical link between us and the masses, to win their political leadership and strengthen the perspectives of the revolution; to affirm the struggle to put an end to capitalist domination and the establishment of socialism in the world.
1. The Conference affirms that the general crisis of capitalism, which began with the monopoly capitalist era, is deepening; the conditions of life and work are deteriorating; the fundamental contradictions of the system are sharpening; the factors for a multidimensional crisis are accumulating and also affect the advanced capitalist countries, confirming the Leninist theory of imperialism.
2. Under these conditions the social bases for the revolutionary and popular struggle are broadening and we the Marxist-Leninists parties should take advantage of this, placing a great emphasis on accompanying and leading the masses in the struggle against imperialist aggression.
3. The Conference also confirmed the deepening of the framework of the present crisis, of the contradictions among the imperialists. It also pointed out that the war of aggression is an immediate question, part of the imperialist policy of recolonising territories in a dispute over a new territorial distribution of the world.
4. It also showed that the contradictions between the imperialist countries and the oppressed nations continue to be characteristic of the epoch. Therefore, the continued validity of the Leninist thesis of the ‘weakest link’ in the chain of imperialist domination is confirmed.
5. A particularly important question is the growing awakening and upsurge in some parts of the world, of the mobilisation of the people and particularly of the workers. The Conference also emphasized that these broad mass movements are showing a greater level of consciousness in rejecting imperialist politics.
6. For the participants of the Conference there are consequently some objective conditions for the advance of the revolutionary process. The main challenge is the question of the subjective factor, that is, the building and strengthening of the Marxist-Leninist parties and the raising of the organisation, consciousness and struggle of the masses; stimulating the formation of ML parties where they do not exist, and strengthening the international action of those that do exist.
7. Especially after the events of September 11, 2001, U.S. imperialism played the role of victim and took on an audacious and shameless war-like attitude. After the occupation of Afghanistan, and against the opinion of the great majority of the peoples of the world, it embarked on a war of conquest against Iraq and, in conformity with the role assigned to it, it has increased even further the factors for war on a world scale and the threats against the independence of nations and the democratic rights of the peoples, including the U.S. people themselves.
8. The Conference takes up the just struggle of resistance of the peoples subjected to the most varied forms of imperialist aggression, especially military occupation, such as has taken place in Afghanistan, Iraq, and others countries. It also stands in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people.
9. This attitude has led to the revival of fascist methods in the leadership of the bourgeois States, which has once again been aided by Social-Democracy.
10. There is a great urgency and significance of the slogans and tasks such as the struggle against imperialist aggression and wars, for the self-determination of nations and solidarity among the peoples. We have already seen the strength and ability to call out the masses that this has led to, when during the aggression against Iraq the streets and plazas of countries in all continents were scenes of impressive demonstrations against the war, in which the working class and working people in general had a significant participation.
11. A particularly important fact in these demonstrations challenging the imperialist policy is that at the same time they put forward demands for social rights.
12. Since in the name of the war against terrorism, the rulers of the United States and other powers have shown themselves ready to violate the people’s rights and take away their liberties, the struggle for democracy and political rights is a vital question in these times in which the methods and tendencies of a dictatorial and fascist type are being heightened.
13. The aggressiveness of the imperialist powers is sharpening the contradictions between these powers and the oppressed and threatened nations, and the national and patriotic character of the struggle must be an important part of our political efforts, both in the underdeveloped countries as well as in some of the developed countries.
14. From the point of view of our doctrine and principles, the march of world events demands that the communists reaffirm two fundamental aspects: 1) The reaffirmation of the validity of the Leninist doctrine that imperialism is the source of wars and reaction all along the line, and 2) The need to build parties that are sufficiently steeled and skilled in leading the struggle of the workers, nations and peoples.
15. As a necessary complement to the previous point, it is necessary to repeat the importance that we have always given to the practice of proletarian internationalism, as well as the unrelenting fight against bourgeois values, culture and ideology, against revisionism, as an expression of right opportunism and its history of sellouts and betrayals, as well as against ultra-leftism.
Another World Is Necessary, Socialism!
Revolutionary Communist Party of Brazil
Communist Party of the Workers of Denmark – APK
Communist Party of Labour – PCT (Dominican Republic)
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador – PCMLE
Communist Party of the Workers of France – PCOF
Communist Party of Germany – KPD
Organization for the Reconstruction of the Party of the Proletariat of Italy
Communist Party of Mexico (M-L)
Marxist-Leninist Organisation ‘Revolution’ of Norway
Communist Organisation October (Spain)
State Coordination of Communist Organizations of Spain (observer)
Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey – TDKP
Red Flag Party of Venezuela
Revolutionary Communist Party of Volta (Burkina Faso)
Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic,
9th November 2003.
1) To the IV Congress ‘Sergio Barrios’ of the Communist Party of Mexico M-L
The Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations, meeting in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, sends your IV Congress ‘Sergio Barrios’ its fraternal greetings.
In the present political situation, imperialism is becoming more and more aggressive, the peoples of the world and the working classes are the object of various forms of oppression, while at the same time they are increasing their struggles both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. It is our communist duty to strengthen our parties and organisations, which will allow us to lead those struggles against imperialism and to prepare the conditions to overthrow capitalism and establish socialism, that ‘other possible world’ which is the only one that can guarantee peace and fraternal relations among the peoples.
This is the importance of your IV Congress and its success. The conference is certain to strengthen your party, and therefore our strengthening, the strengthening of the International Communist Movement.
Accept our best wishes for the success of the work of your congress.
Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!
Long Live the IV Congress of the Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist)!
Honour to Comrade Sergio Barrios!
Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
November 9, 2003
2) Greetings from the Conference to the VI Congress of the PCMLE
Comrades of Ecuador,
The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations meeting in the Dominican Republic sends its fraternal greetings to your VI Congress.
We are sure that the work of your Congress will help in consolidating and strengthening the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador.
The existence of powerful communist parties is of vital importance at times such as the present, in which imperialism is more and more bloodthirsty and the peoples and the working class are suffering from its action, the peoples and working class who are beginning to rise up and confront it.
Only the Communist Party is able to unite the popular masses and lead their struggles, an example of which is the work that you are carrying on; an example of this is the MPD. Your successes confirm the idea of the need for a Communist Party; confirm the correctness and ability of your leadership.
We wish from our heart that your VI Congress will be a success, a success that will also be ours, that of the peoples and the working class of the world.
Long Live Marxism-Leninism!
Long Live the VI Congress of the PCMLE!
Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
November 9, 2003
3) Greeting to the Caravans for the Defence of National Sovereignty
The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations greets the working class, the poor peasants and other popular sectors that today are bursting onto the scene of the class struggle in Mexico with the caravans for the defence of national sovereignty.
Your commitment to this struggle makes clear the decision of our peoples to struggle against the bourgeoisie and imperialism.
Your fighting ability demonstrates the best qualities of the Mexican people to work for and develop the revolution.
We take on our solidarity and support as a task of the international communist movement.
International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
November 9, 2003.
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