Declaration of the Marxist-Leninist Parties of Latin America

The parties of Latin America, members of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations, ICMLPO, have held a productive meeting in which we analyzed the economic, political and social scenario in which the region is developing; we evaluated the fulfillment of our revolutionary political activity in each of the countries; and, we defined activities for the immediate future.

• Latin America is one of the regions in which poverty, extreme poverty, social inequality, unemployment, underemployment and other manifestations resulting from capitalist exploitation and oppression exist with the greatest intensity. The forecasts for its economic growth for this year (2.1%) are below the world average, which indicates that these problems will continue and, in some cases, become more acute.

• The region is a victim of inter-imperialist disputes, of the struggles to gain niches for the investment of foreign capital, a phenomenon that occurs mainly between US imperialism, Chinese imperialism and the imperialist countries of the European Union. These have political formations and bourgeois factions that are pressuring for privileges or to maintain links with one or another capitalist power or bloc. U.S. imperialism today maintains the predominance of capital investments in the region.

• In recent years there has been a change in the correlation of political forces in governments. So-called "progressivism", which is nothing more than a social democratic expression of the bourgeoisie itself, has been displaced from the government in some countries and those places have been taken by the traditional right. In economic management, the difference is small between "progressives" and the traditional right: they are sheltered by the neoliberal policies of the IMF. At most, what differentiates them to some degree is the extent of welfare and populist policies.

• The growth of the right – a phenomenon that also exists on other continents – does not imply that all these forces are expressions of fascism. There is a range that goes from the liberal, conservative, neoliberal, ultraconservative, fascist and anarcho-capitalist-libertarian right. The most reactionary, fascist right wing had expression in the Bolsonaro government, in Brazil, and continues to act; in Argentina, Xavier Milei is a clear exponent of anarcho-capitalism-libertarian. In both countries, the struggle of the workers, youth, women and people in general is an example of how these governments and regimes should be confronted.

• The workers of the city and countryside, the youth and women of the popular sectors, the indigenous peoples, the semi-proletariat are carrying out important actions of struggle against the anti-popular policies of the governments. In all of them, there is discontent with the difficult living conditions and shows the desire for change. Latin America is home to rebellious, dissatisfied peoples who have had the most combative way of expressing themselves, in popular uprisings.

• Our parties are there in the struggle of the workers, youth and peoples. They are making efforts to improve their links with the social movement, to provide a political perspective for the struggle for the material demands of the masses; they are working to spread the ideas of the revolution and socialism. We are fulfilling the obligations and responsibilities that the organization of the revolution demands. We are aware of our limitations and are working to overcome them. Our commitment is to the proletarian revolution and socialism; to these purposes we devote our best efforts.

Revolutionary Communist Party of Brazil
Communist Party of Colombia (Marxist-Leninist)
Communist Party of Labor of the Dominican Republic
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist)
Peruvian Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

Quito, July 2024

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