
Peruvian Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

The move towards fascism of the Ollanta Humala regime

After four years of Ollanta Humala’s regime, the move towards fascism has been accelerating by implementing the policy of looting and destruction of the country. Other governments on the continent are carrying out the same model: Mexico, Colombia and Chile, members of the Pacific Alliance, recently met within the framework of the UN General Assembly, in New York. This openly demonstrates that these governments are puppets, and that they do not care about world public opinion, which sees that these governments are betraying their people and subjecting them to the world's richest. The Ecuadorian government of Rafael Correa is marching in the same direction, practicing an ever more repressive policy, handing over the natural resources and carrying out privatization.

During these four years, Ollanta Humala’s regime has done nothing other than apply the same plan signed by Alberto Fujimori 25 years ago, called the "letter of intent" to the IMF, in which it undertakes to implement a plan for handing over all natural resources. For this it had to eliminate all the rights won by the peasant and indigenous communities and the rights of the peoples and nationalities, of the working masses, students, teachers, etc. The plan was initiated with two aspects:

1. The implementation of a plan of mass annihilation and "ethnic cleansing" developed by the Maoist gang "Sendero Luminoso" [“Shining Path”] in conjunction with the army for two decades since 1980. The Peruvian people were subjected to two fires. Thousands of peasant, teacher, student, etc. leaders were killed, tens of thousands of neighborhood residents were eliminated and millions of Peruvians fled from their communal lands, leading to depopulation in order to leave the natural resources: gold, silver, copper, etc., at the mercy of the capitalist gangs. Shining Path applied the Maoist policy of allying with the U.S. in order to defeat the other powers; this same policy served to support the coup d’état of Pinochet.

2. The approval, under threat of death, of the Fujimori Constitution of 1993, obviously after the coup by Fujimori on April 5, 1992. This Constitution legalized the seizure of communal territories that were protected by property titles which could not be taken away as guaranteed by the Constitution of 1979. A committee of members of our party participated in the drafting of this Constitution, fulfilling the agreements of the mass assemblies and struggles carried out for decades. In its response to the historic national strike of July 19, 1977, the government established the legal framework for privatizing education, health care and public services such as electricity, drinking water and social security. According to the letter of intent this plan should have been completed by 2020. In this way the deadlines were shortened. The intermediary bourgeoisie subjected to imperialism and organized under the CONFIEP [National Confederation of Private Enterprise Institutions] pressured the governments in office to implement this plan to the letter. Despite the protests of the Peruvian people, despite all the threats and the fact that we were able to oust the satrap Fujimori in 2000, the subsequent governments deceived the masses. They said that they would change the constitution, but they did nothing but follow the same Fujimori plan including the "transitional government” of Valentin Paniagua Corazao. Toledo, Alan Garcia (APRA) and the current government of Ollanta Humala do nothing other than make more laws that are increasingly harmful to the people. At the end of the Toledo regime, U.S. imperialism imposed the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the U.S. During the campaign, then-candidate Alan Garcia made a public commitment to review word for word the FTA signed by the sell-out Toledo and his minister PPK [Pedro Pablo Kuczynski]. Once in office Alan Garcia not only preserved it but the first thing he did was to travel to the U.S. to kneel before Bush, the U.S. president at that time. Toledo signed the law to support capitalist investment in the communal territories based on the Fujimori constitution, called the "law to promote private investment." Alan Garcia kept that law and signed other, supplementary ones, such as Decree 1096, of order to fire on the people, signed the law of "public teaching career" to evaluate teachers and subject them to dismissal. The teachers' struggle led to the law not being applied. The military-mining regime of Ollanta Humala has as prominent representatives the same ones who were at the order of Montesinos (of the CIA) during the Fujimori decade at the end of the last century. These include Urresti, accused of the murder of journalist Bustios; Colonel Villafuerte, also a member of the sinister SIN [National Intelligence Service]; recycled elements of the Velasco regime such as Lerner, the prime minister in the first year of Humala. Lerner was unmasked when he tried to impose the Conga project in Cajamarca with fire and sword, apparently supported by talks with Patria Roja which headed the regional government of Cajamarca according to undisputed statements of the same Lerner. Lerner was succeeded as prime minister by a prominent member of the Fujimori government. Furthermore, the economic portfolio was held by Miguel Castilla, representative of the IMF who is well-known in the U.S. today as the ambassador from Peru, forming a power structure orchestrated by the U.S. Embassy that is more repressive each day. During these two decades, the masses, mainly the peasants, have maintained their firm opposition to the mining concessions, with the uprising of the people of Tambogrande in Piura at the beginning of this century when more than 50,000 people from Piura rose up in struggle and took over the facilities of Manhattan Mining, forcing the repressive forces to flee and thus making the Canadian company withdraw. Although the concession has not been canceled, so far the mining company has not dared to resume activities. The struggle of the people of Cajamarca took place under the guidance of the historic experience of the people of Piura. However, this time, the military-mining regime of Humala is implementing increasingly repressive laws, such as Law 30151, giving orders to kill so that the police can shoot knowing that they will not be punished. Under this law there took place the murder in cold blood of Cajamarca citizen Fidel Flores, who opposed being evicted from his own home. Applying the law, the police shot and killed him without any of the criminals being punished, although they were all fully identified. There was only the light sentence for "disobeying orders" within the military regime, that is, without a judicial authority. This was carried out by then Interior Minister Daniel Urresti, who is today a possible candidate of Humala’s party for the presidency of Peru.

During the last two years, the Humala regime has enacted the law on "teaching reform" and "university reform" in order to privatize education. He issued Decree 001-2015 [of the Ministry of Energy and Mines], under which more facilities are being given over to the capitalists for them to gain concessions on the backs of the owners, the rural inhabitants and the indigenous peoples.

Even earlier, in 2012, he had already made Law 29785 of "prior referendum" that ignores the binding nature of the prior referendum. That is, if the people say no, the law says that it reserves the concession so that the company can hold more informational workshops until the "campaign for public awareness" bears fruit. And if that does not work now it provides that the signature of just two or three directors is needed for the concession to be valid, even if the rest of the villagers oppose it.

The Arrival of the U.S. Military

By a resolution of Congress this year, foreign armed forces are authorized to establish elite forces in order to conduct exercises and maneuvers inside the country. Thus 3,600 U.S. troops have begun to set themselves up in the communal territories as an open threat to the people's struggles. In this context the Peruvian people held a national day of protest last July 9, despite the betrayal by the revisionists of Mario Huaman and Patria Roja. Throughout the length and breadth of the country great days of protest were held, declaring an indefinite strike.

The military-mining regime of Ollanta Humala is moving towards fascism. The repressive offensive can be seen in the 30 selective assassinations committed by the Humala regime during these four years, aimed at the people in struggle. This week there were four more murders in the region of Abancay, as part of the struggle of the people against the mining project "Las Bambas" pushed through under the regime of Toledo – PPK. Hundreds were wounded by bullets, many of them with irreversible consequences; this is the result of the political repression so far. And the count rises every day throughout Peru. Only the popular unity, only the people organized can oppose this. This is the present task of the Marxist-Leninist communists as we move to demarcation with Trotskyism and Maoism, harmful currents that have demobilized and are the right arm of imperialism who infiltrate themselves among the masses.

The other arm is Shining Path. The press is trying to revive it by making people believe that the struggles of the masses are the work of Shining Path. And many fraternal parties swallow this information as we have seen in Mexico, where the Sendero Maoists have managed to make people believe that Shining Path is leading the struggles of the Peruvian people, when it is quite the contrary. Shining Path is the armed counter-revolution.

The Electoral Scene

In this context imperialism is preparing the successor of the Humala regime, which has fallen into disgrace due to its unconcealed betrayal and corruption. New evidence appears every day against Nadine, the wife of Humala, but the alliance with APRA and Fujimori will once again lead to impunity, with the complaints coming to nothing with the complicity of the judicial power.

Surveys show that 80% of the Peruvians reject the candidates of neoliberal continuity. All of them have already ruled. Alan Garcia, Toledo – PPK, Urresti and Keiko Fujimori are fighting over the sad role of maintaining this colonizing system under the reign of terror, corruption and fascism. There is desperation among the right-wing.

Meanwhile the popular sectors in struggle do not feel represented by the more than 10 political movements that have achieved the right to appear on the ballot.

Our Party has no ballot status. In this context we are evaluating an alliance with a group that would ensure the inclusion in its program of certain points to confront fascism: a new Constitution, the abolition of the laws criminalizing protests, the cancellation of concessions that do not have the support of the respective consultation (which the mining law itself recognizes), environmental protection, respect for human rights, respect for labor rights, respect for national sovereignty and the exercise of the right to free self-determination of the peoples. So far progress has been made with a front under the orientation of democratic elections that would allow the possibility of presenting candidates to the lists in addition to the above program.

Demarcation with Revisionism

Considering that imperialism has maneuvered strongly in world public opinion, taking as its basis the attack on Comrade Stalin, and that this has permeated even many revolutionaries who understand the strategic task of the dictatorship of the proletariat, we propose that the conference develop an ideological mobilization in defense of Stalin.

Long live the PCP ML!

Long live Marxism-Leninism!

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