Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela (PCMLV)
New wars, revolts and revolutions will certainly be on the order of the day in the coming years, since the general crisis of capitalism is progressing and is linked with the cyclical crises, leading to the exacerbation of all the contradictions. Fundamentally these are those existing between the imperialist powers, between these and the dependent countries and between capital and labor. These open the way to increasingly harsh struggles that are expressed, on the one hand by internal repression, interventions and wars of aggression, by the impossibility of imperialism to continue subjecting the proletariat and peoples by ordinary methods, and on the other hand there is an immediate response by the working class and peoples who, mobilized in the streets, are fighting to curb the bourgeois onslaught, defend our interests and build a society without exploitation.
We Marxist-Leninist organizations have an obligation to evaluate such situations, to look at perspectives of the future and study the experiences of the past, and especially to analyze those that are before our eyes. The cases of recent years, where different types of confrontations have developed, such as the wars of aggression in Iraq, Libya and Syria, the processes in Tunisia, Egypt and Mali, as well as the permanent interference of imperialism in Latin America and the countries of Eastern Europe, as well as the economic problems in the imperialist countries themselves enable us to understand, and to explain to the masses, based on actual experience, the methods the bourgeoisie has developed to try to maintain its rule of exploitation. This should lead the revolutionaries to develop a policy of preparation to confront these clashes that are taking place and will continue in the immediate future.
It is clear that, along with the crisis, a new wave of struggles has
arrived. In such a situation we should be prepared to carry out a clear
and correct line of action, seeking agreements with the patriots,
anti-fascist and anti-imperialist fighters to confront reaction, laying
bear the manipulations of reformism, which with its vacillations is
playing the game of the bourgeoisie. In this scenario the revolutionary
organization is obliged to strengthen itself, to take firm steps as the
only way to assume the role of vanguard.
It has been proven that only the working class and its allies, under the leadership of the party of the proletariat, truly assumes to the very end the defense of the interests of the majority. This was shown during the Paris Commune, during the proletarian revolutions: Russian and Vietnamese among others, and even during the world wars. For this reason we are obliged to lay bare the bourgeois and petty bourgeois politics expressed in the social- democracy, reformism and revisionism, with their manipulative discourse and their conciliatory actions, in order to make clear to the working class and the oppressed masses the way forward to achieve national and social liberation through the only way possible: the revolution.
As happened during the First World War and the beginning of the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, openly confronted reaction and at the same time denounced the leaders of the Second International for their politics of conciliation with “their own” bourgeoisie, by approving the war budgets with their votes in parliaments, assuming a role of puppets in the interests of imperialism, which led to the collapse of the Second international.
Lenin stated in this respect: “The masses deceived by the bourgeoisie have good faith. You have to show them their errors carefully, with perseverance and patience, show them the indissoluble link between capital and the imperialist war, explain to them that one cannot end the war with a democratic and non-im- posed peace without overthrowing capital.”
The present situation of conflict allows us to see whether the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie are capable of carrying the struggles through to the end, or whether only the proletariat has the conditions and organizational structure to do that. The cases of Iraq and Libya are illustrative, especially when we compare them with the experience of Vietnam of Ho Chi Minh where our comrades truly took the path of popular resistance, of building the people's army under the leadership of the proletarian party, as the way to confront and defeat the imperialist aggression.
Despite the propaganda shows of the “left” that characterizes the petty-bourgeois leaders of some progressive governments, at the time of the real confrontation they have resorted to the bourgeois techniques of struggle and not to the organization of the people. They cannot act in any other way, since they distrust the masses, especially the working class and the poor peasants, who have continued to be exploited under their governments. Even though some use the name socialist, they are a form of social democracy that is responsible for maintaining capitalist relations, under a different form, with a mask, without transcending the limits of bourgeois democracy. This forces them to be under the shadow of one of the forms of imperialism in order to be able to maintain themselves.
The slogan “Workers of the world, unite” is becoming more relevant every day; it expresses the need to support our class brothers, to consolidate the international unity of the proletariat in struggle against imperialism and the bourgeoisie. In every country, in every region, in the whole world, this demands concrete expressions of support for the revolutionary parties, the true Marxist-Leninists, the working class and poor peasantry who fight in various forms against the class enemy.
“The crisis of capitalism continues to advance, paving the way for wars and revolutions, which open the possibility of a third stage of the general crisis of capitalism, wars that every day become more imminent, although they are still focused on the dependent countries, the revolutions are developing and are so far barely expressed as protests and partial uprisings.”
CC of the PCMLV
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