A New Plot of the Khrushchevite Revisionists Against the Interests of the Socialist Countries

The «Naim Frasheri» Publishing House
Tirana, 1966


Note of the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania regarding the meeting of the political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty

A new plot of the Khrushchevite revisionists against the interests of the socialist countries

Note of the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania Regarding the Meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty Held in Bucharest

Acting upon instructions from its Government the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Albania handed on July 19, 1966 its Note with the following content to the Diplomatic Representatives of the other Member countries of the Warsaw Treaty accredited to Tirana to be transmitted to their respective Governments:

An unconstitutional meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty has been held in Bucharest from July 4 through July 6, 1966 to which the People’s Republic of Albania was not invited. In this connection the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania deems it necessary to communicate the following:

The Government of the People’s Republic of Albania, in its capacity as the Government of a sovereign Member State of the Warsaw Treaty of full and equal rights, was not invited to take part at the meeting of the Political Consultative Committee held in Bucharest. This discriminating act is a further violation of the dispositions and spirit of the Warsaw Treaty gravely infringing the legitimate rights of the People’s Republic of Albania in the Warsaw Treaty and damaging the interests and lowering the prestige of this Treaty itself. The meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty itself is part of the chain of illegal and hostile acts perpetrated by the Soviet Government and the Governments of the other Member countries against the People’s Republic of Albania.

The method pursued by the organizers of the above meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty confirms once again that the Government of the USSR, brutally ignoring the sovereign rights of Member States of the Warsaw Treaty, continues to unscrupulously violate the fundamental principles and dispositions of this Treaty, which it tries to use as an instrument of its chauvinistic policy of the big Power and as a means of capitulation to U.S. imperialism.

The course the Soviet Government has laid out for the Warsaw Treaty does by no means serve the high objectives for which this organization was set up. Its basic principles are not only impudently trampled upon but they are being transformed and losing their real meaning. The Soviet Government is placing the Warsaw Treaty more and more into the service of the policy of Soviet-U.S.A. collaboration against the interests of the peoples of the socialist countries.

In face of this very serious situation the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania has exposed in due time all the unilateral, hostile and treacherous acts of the Soviet Government, it has' warned the Member States of the Treaty against the danger of this course and the very grave consequences for the fate of the people of the socialist countries and of peace in general.

The Government of the People’s Republic of Albania has firmly and publicly denounced the Soviet Government for trampling upon the sovereign and inviolate rights of the People’s Republic of Albania in the Warsaw Treaty merely because it refused to submit to the anti-Marxist line and chauvinist dictate of the big Power of the Soviet leadership and has upheld the high principles of parity, mutual respect, independence, sovereignty and of non-intervention in internal affairs which are consecrated in the Treaty.

The Government of the People’s Republic of Albania, in its letter of January 15, 1965, to the meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty held in January of the same year, stated clearly and in a clear-cut way its stand towards its participation at the meetings of this Treaty. Events so far confirm that the other members of the Warsaw Treaty have taken no steps to create the necessary conditions for the People’s Republic of Albania to participate at the meetings of the Warsaw Treaty, moreover the Soviet Khrushchevite leaders continue to perpetrate grave anti-socialist and anti-Albanian acts, a thing which was clearly evident also at the recent meeting.

In view of the above the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania considers this year’s July meeting of the Warsaw Treaty as abusive, unlawful and of no value and its decisions null and void.

Meanwhile the Albanian Government cannot but denounce the dangerous conspiring acts which, according to official communiques and the press, were decided upon at this meeting in the name of the Warsaw Treaty.

According to official information for the press, it seems that this meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty took up matters concerning peace and security in Europe as well as the question of the U.S.A. aggression in Vietnam and approved relevant statements on them.

The Statement «on the consolidation of peace and security in Europe» as well as that «on the aggression of the USA in Vietnam» clearly show that the Government of the Soviet Union and those who follow it used the Bucharest meeting as a rostrum to intensify their demagogical campaign to waylay peoples and to hatch up new plots directed against the vital interests of the socialist countries and against peace.

The Statement «on consolidating peace and security in Europe» built on the basis of the general spirit of Soviet-American collaboration to divide spheres of influence and to have the world dominated by the two big Powers, lays bare the basic intentions of strengthening relations with imperialist powers rather than those of the future of the socialist camp and of ensuring peace in Europe and in the world on sound, principled foundations. Proceeding from anti-socialist positions to the detriment of the vital interests of all the people of the world, the Statement makes a wrong appraisal of the real situation of the relations among the states of Europe and the world and pretends that conditions are ripe «to take constructive measures» towards strengthening peace and security in Europe, a thing, which they claim, would foe arrived at through «calling together a pan-European meeting». The desire is even expressed in the Statement of concluding «an agreement to do away with the military organizations of both the North Atlantic Pact and the Warsaw Treaty».

The Warsaw Treaty was set up as a result of the aggravation of the situation in Europe and the rise of international tension as a consequence of the aggressive policy of U.S. imperialism and its partners in Europe. One of the main purposes for which the Warsaw Treaty came to being was to ward off the danger a rearmed Western Germany, which was being admitted to the NATO military bloc, constituted for the socialist countries and peace, it was set up to guarantee the security of the socialist states as well as to preserve peace in Europe from any aggression of the imperialists and their North Atlantic military bloc directed by the U.S.A.

Facts go to show that international tension in Europe and in the world has not eased, that the U.S.A. is constantly strengthening its military potential and is launching repeated aggression against the freedom and independence of people. It is persisting on its abominable policy of blackmail and intrigue, it is carrying out open aggression in various countries of the world as in Vietnam and elsewhere, and it is feverishly preparing for a third world war.

In Europe the U.S.A. has pursued and pursues the policy of dictating to and subjugating the western states, it has strengthened its military bases more than ever before, it has equipped them with most up-to-date armaments including nuclear weapons, has directly helped the revival of the German Wehrmacht and is doing its utmost to equip the West-German army with nuclear weapons, the U-S. Fleet is sailing from comer to comer on European waters, ready to vomit flames of fire, while towards the socialist countries it pursues the deceptive policy of «bridges» and «peaceful evolution» at the same time. It is precisely this policy that the Bucharest Statement «on consolidating peace and security in Europe» corresponds to and serves.

The German problem, which is one of the main links of guaranteeing European security, continues to always remains unsolved. It is well known that not very long ago all the socialist Member States of the Warsaw Treaty were unanimously of the opinion that the main problems that needed as early a solution as possible were those left over from the Second World War and above all, the solution of the German problem and the question of West Berlin through the conclusion of the Peace Treaty with both German states or with the German Democratic Republic alone. By examining this problem of so much significance to the German people and to the world at large the socialist countries, Members of the Warsaw Treaty declared in unequivocal terms at the meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty held in February 1960: «The conclusion of the Peace Treaty, renunciation of any idea of revenge and of a revision of boundaries, renunciation of the policy of re-arming and supplying Germany with nuclear weapons, this is the best way to guarantee the security of all the European people and the peaceful future of the German people.» Whereas now the Parties undersigning the Statement «on consolidating peace and security in Europe» speak of their intentions of «continuing to seek for a solution of this problem», which, in reality, means that they are in favor of postponing the Peace Treaty with Germany to infinity. The Statement undersigned in Bucharest abandons and betrays the German Democratic Republic and the German people thus inciting the expansionist policy of the German Federal Republic, a thing which leads to the aggravation of the situation in Europe.

To speak of easing tension and securing peace in Europe on the basis of agreements that may be concluded between certain socialist countries, on one side, and the western countries including the U.S.A., on the other, at a time when U.S. imperialism is launching in Asia open aggression against a fraternal socialist country like the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and is preparing for aggression against the People’s Republic of China, is tantamount to plotting with U.S. imperialists against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the People’s Republic of China, to becoming partners with the U.S.A. against fraternal socialist countries. This shows once again that the Soviet Government is proceeding further and further on the road to high treason.

The proposal for an immediate dissolution at the present time of the Warsaw Treaty and the North Atlantic Pact is only to the benefit of the United States of America which aims at creating in Europe a period of relative calmness for the US imperialism and on the base of «an agreement» of this kind to let the U.S.A. a free hand to draw its armed forces from Europe and to dispatch them to its criminal war in heroic Vietnam and to concentrate its military potential in Aida against the People’s Republic of China, against the other countries of Southeastern Asia as well as against all the peoples who fight for freedom, national independence, social progress and peace.

To speak of breaking up the Warsaw Treaty through «an agreement which may be reached for this purpose with the NATO countries before solving the fundamental problems is tantamount to betraying the principles which lie at the root of the Warsaw Treaty and to openly and unscrupulously trampling underfoot its clear-cut dispositions. A proposal of this kind is in open contradiction to Article 7 of the Treaty in which it is clearly set forth that Contracting Parties pledge themselves «not to conclude any agreements the objectives of which are «at variance with the objectives of this Treaty».

The Statement on the aggression of the U.S.A. in Vietnam sets forth in a demagogical way the alleged «support» of the participating states for the Vietnamese people in their struggle against U.S. aggression, warns «the Government of the U.S.A. in a most categorical way» against its aggression against the Vietnam people, expresses their «readiness» to dispatch volunteers to Vietnam to give the Democratic Republic of Vietnam «an ever greater moral and political support and all-round assistance», appeals for «joint actions» by the socialist countries, and so on.

It is clear to all that hypocritical statements of this kind by the Khrushchevite revisionists are one thing while their practical deeds bespeak quite another. Facts have shown that the Soviet revisionist leaders collaborate and plot together with the U.S. imperialists against the fraternal Vietnamese people, that they are interested not in the victory of the Vietnamese people but in supporting the aggressive war and global strategy of U.S. imperialism with which they are bound from head to foot through overt and covert agreements and which they try their uttermost to save from disaster for the defeat of the USA would at the same time be a catastrophe for the revisionists themselves as a whole.

The demagogy of the Soviet revisionist leaders regarding the U.S. aggression in Vietnam is clearly evident also in recent events: the ink had not yet dried on the Statement signed in Bucharest about Vietnam when the Soviet revisionist leaders started new bargainings with the emissaries of U.S. imperialism to the detriment of the heroic Vietnamese people.

The Party of Labor and the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania have made it clear more than once that «the support» for the war of the Vietnamese people of which the Khrushchevite revisionists speak is a bluff, while their «assistance» is insignificant, in fact, null in comparison with the heroism and sacrifices of the Vietnamese people. In its letter of February 11, 1966 addressed to the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party, the Party of Labor of Albania laid bare the falsity of the call for «united action» by the Khrushchevite revisionists; they stated in all clarity that «under their slogan of «united action» the Khrushchevite revisionists aim at making accomplices in crime all the socialist countries, for it is now clear that the Khrushchevite revisionists do not intend to help Vietnam but to sabotage its struggle and to hide the spoors of their new crime which consists in encouraging and supporting the assault the imperialists are getting up against the People’s Republic of China which is waging a tit-for-tat struggle against U.S. imperialism and giving unreserved and active support to the heroic struggle of the Vietnamese people.» These aims of the Khrushchevite revisionists are laid 'bare also in the Statement signed in Bucharest regarding the aggression of the U.S.A. in Vietnam in which mention is made of the danger which the U.S. aggression presents for other countries like Laos and Cambodia but in which silence is intentionally kept of the fact that the ultimate objective of the escalation of the U.S. aggression in Vietnam is the launching of aggression against the People’s Republic of China, a thing which is already clear to the whole world. Silence on this matter in the Bucharest Statement at a time when the U.S.A. is intensifying its provocations and hostile acts against People’s China means, in fact, that as far as China is concerned, the U.S.A. may deploy all its forces in order to carry out its criminal designs. Out of this emerges in a new light and more forcefully the treachery of the present Soviet Government, and its complicity in the schemes of U.S. imperialism to set up an «iron ring» against the People’s Republic of China, in preparation of open aggression against it.

The published resolutions of the Bucharest meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty are nothing but an offer of compromise to U.S. imperialism in Europe for the purpose of its expanding the war in Vietnam and in the People’s Republic of China.

In its letter of February 11, 1966, the Party of Labor of Albania stressed also that «in the Vietnam question the only principled stand acceptable to the genuine Marxist-Leninist Parties and socialist countries is the full, militant and unreserved support to the fraternal Vietnamese people and a tit-for-tat and uncompromising fight against U.S. imperialist aggressors and rupture of all relations with them». This thing has neither been done nor will ever be done by the Soviet revisionist traitors and those who follow them.

The meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty held in Bucharest is, thus, a great plot which, far from serving the cause of peace, European security and the victory of the fraternal Vietnamese people, clearly shows that the present Soviet, leaders and those who follow them are prone to offer as a sacrifice at the altar of the Soviet-American collaboration the vital interests of the German Democratic Republic, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, People’s China and of other socialist countries, the achievements of socialism and the very existence of the socialist camp. This plot incites West German militarism in its expansionist and revisionist policy, it serves the aggressive policy of U.S. imperialism in Asia and in other regions of the world, it leads towards a further deterioration of peace and security in Europe and in the world.

The Government of the People’s Republic of Albania deems it necessary to emphasize that it has been and continues to be resolutely in favor of guaranteeing collective security in Europe, it has always upheld and upholds the view that the guaranteeing of security and the preservation of peace in Europe cannot be detached from the guaranteeing of international security and peace in general, that an agreement for collective security in Europe like that proposed in the Bucharest Statement, based on the betrayal of the unity and fundamental interests of the member countries of the socialist camp, of the freedom of peoples and of world peace would be a crime indeed against the peoples of the socialist camp, against the peoples of Europe and of the world, against communism and peace.

Therefore, the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania, which pursues a deeply peaceful policy and wages a resolute struggle against world imperialism headed by that of the U.S.A., for which the future of its people, of the fraternal peoples of the socialist countries, and of other peace-loving countries are dear, denounces with utmost determination this new plot hatched up in the Bucharest meeting for which the Government of the Soviet Union, in the first place, and the Governments of the other participating countries bear a grave responsibility, and it expresses its conviction that the day will come when they will have to render account to their peoples, to the peoples of the socialist camp and of the whole world for the great damage they have caused to the cause of socialism and peace in the world.

Tirana, July 19, 1966.

A New Plot of the Khrushchevite Revisionists Against the Interests of the Socialist Countries

(Reproduced from the «Zeri i Popullit» daily, dated July 21, 1966).

A meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty was held in Bucharest during the first week of July. Two Statements, one regarding Vietnam and the other on European security, were issued at the end of this meeting.

A correct, principled and deep assessment is made of this meeting and the documents approved by it in the Note of the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania regarding the meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty held in Bucharest, which was published yesterday in our press. Pointing out that the Soviet Government is placing the Warsaw Treaty deeper and deeper into the service of the policy of Soviet-American collaboration, against the interests of the people of the socialist countries, the Note rightly stresses that the meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty itself forms part of the repeated illegal and hostile acts which have been perpetrated these recent years within the Warsaw Treaty by the Soviet Government and the governments of the other member-countries against the People’s Republic of Albania.

«The course followed by the organizers of the above meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty», the Note points out, «confirms once again that the Government of the USSR, brutally ignoring the sovereign rights of the Member States of the Warsaw Treaty, continues to unscrupulously violate the principles and basic dispositions of this Treaty, which it tries to use as an instrument of its chauvinistic policy of a big Power and as a means of capitulation to U.S. imperialism».

The Warsaw Treaty was set up eleven years ago for the purpose of guaranteeing the security of the socialist States, members of the socialist camp, as well as to safeguard peace in Europe from any aggression on the part of the imperialist powers and their military bloc of the North Atlantic. It was set up for the purpose of strengthening and further developing the friendship, collaboration and mutual assistance among the eight socialist countries of Europe in compliance with the principles of respecting the independence and sovereignty of states, as well as of non-intervention in their internal affairs. These high principles, which sprang from the very nature of the system of socialist states, from the ideology that guided them, from Marxism-Leninism, were never carried out by the Khrushchevite revisionists. Time showed that the latter trampled underfoot the principles and norms of the Warsaw Treaty, trampled its basic dispositions and stripped it of its effective' power as an important international instrument to serve the interests of socialism and peace. Renegade Khrushchev made the first experiment in changing the nature and aims of the Warsaw Treaty at the expense of the People’s Republic of Albania, using the Treaty as a means of blackmail, pressure and intrusion against it and the Albanian people. It is publicly known that, among other things it did, the Soviet Government tore up in an arbitrary way the bilateral agreement on the obligations it had taken, on the basis of the Warsaw Treaty, of arming the Albanian army and protecting the People’s Republic of Albania. It stopped the delivery of all arms and other equipment to the Albanian army, it seized 8 submarines, property of the Albanian State as well as the Albanian warships which were undergoing repairs at the Sevastopol shipyard, weakening its defensive power and that of the entire camp, whetting the appetite of the imperialists and coaxing them for attacks and aggression against a small socialist country, one of the founders of the Warsaw Treaty. It hatched up plots with the Titoite traitors and Greek monarcho-fascists, the 6th U.S. Fleet and their agents in Albania in order to overthrow our people’s regime by force and through armed intervention. Through their stand and policy the other signatory governments of the Warsaw Treaty helped the Soviet Government in its treacherous, anti Marxist-Leninist intriguing activities against an allied socialist country, under pressure from the Khrushchevite revisionists they allowed that it be ’de facto’ expelled from the Warsaw Treaty for the only reason that it stood faithful to the Marxist-Leninist principles on which this Treaty was set up and came to being.

But by accepting that the principles on which the Treaty had been built be trampled upon with regard to Albania, the governments of the participating countries left a free hand to the Soviet revisionist leaders to act as they pleased with them, to make them submit to their orders, dictates and threats.

By changing the character of the Warsaw Treaty, the Khrushchevite revisionists use it now just as the U.S. imperialists use the North Atlantic Pact towards their allies in that Pact. From an instrument of security for socialist countries, the Warsaw Treaty was turned into an instrument of predominance of the Soviet revisionists, of disintegration of the Treaty itself, of the camp itself, into an instrument of political, economic and military pressure against the countries of the socialist camp, into a means for base and criminal bargainings with the imperialists.

The Khrushchevite revisionists rigged up the present meeting of the Political Consultative Committee for the purpose of hatching up new plots against socialist countries and peoples, of meeting the wishes and needs of U.S. imperialism, of dividing their respective zones of influence in Europe, of achieving the imperialist-revisionist alliance to establish the Soviet-U.S. domination over the world. This is clearly borne out in «the Statement on consolidating peace and security in Europe», since the Statement regarding the Vietnam question is nothing but a commonplace bluff of the Soviet revisionists who, with a view to throwing dust on the eyes of their people and of other peoples, pose as champions of the Vietnamese people in words, whereas in deeds they help the U.S. imperialists to force them to their knees, to stab them in the back. «It is clear to all», the Note of the Albanian Government has it, «that such hypocritical statements by the Khrushchevite revisionists are one thing while their practical doings bespeak quite another thing. Facts have shown that the Soviet revisionist leaders collaborate and plot together with the U.S. imperialists against the fraternal Vietnamese people, that they are interested not in the victory of the Vietnamese people but in supporting the aggressive war and global strategy of U.S. imperialism with which they are bound from head to foot through overt and covert agreements and which they try their best to save from disaster, for the defeat of the U.S.A. would be catastrophic also for the revisionists themselves as a whole».

But the substance of the Statement «on the consolidation of peace and security in Europe» itself is nothing but a mass of demagogical phrases, of contradictions in ideas, a view of matters not from the prism of the class struggle in the domain of international relations, but from the angle of Soviet-U.S. collaboration for world domination. The Statement «on consolidating peace and security in Europe», built on the groundwork of the spirit of Soviet-U.S. collaboration to divide zones of influence and to have world dominated by two big Powers, lays bare the basic intentions of consolidating relations with the imperialist Powers rather than of securing the future of the socialist camp and peace in Europe and in the world on a sound principled basis. Thus, for instance, while the authors of these documents spare no maledictions against imperialism and «the aggressive circles of the U.S.A., supported by the reactionary forces of Western Europe», while speaking of the aggressive intentions of Western Germany and its demand to be equipped with nuclear weapons, they arrive at the conclusion that the present conditions and atmosphere in Europe make possible the dissolution of the NATO and Warsaw military pacts and the achievement of an European treaty of collective security. One of these «new conditions», according to the Statement, is «the growth in the Western European countries of the influence of forces which understand the need for rising above differences, above political convictions and views and favoring an easing of international tension». One may pose the question: «In which West European state has the influence of these forces grown? In militarist, revanchist and anti-communist Western Germany? In England, the closest ally and collaborator of U.S. imperialism? It is clear that we have here to deal with the continuous persistence of the Khrushchevite revisionists to prettify imperialism, to present things as if it has changed its nature, as if it has become peace-loving, to present the chiefs of imperialism and the reactionaries of the other countries as reasonable, realistic, as people who rise above «ideological convictions and views». After all the Brezhneervs and Kosygins in this case do nothing else but follow N. Khrushchev’s course who issued certificates of peace-loving individuals to the Eisenhowers and Kennedys. As a matter of fact, in Europe, as the Note of the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania points out, «the U.S.A. have pursued and continue to pursue the policy of dictating to and subjugating the western countries, it has strengthened more than ever before its military bases, it has equipped them with most up-to-date weapons including nuclear ones, it has directly helped to revive the German Wehrmacht and it is doing its utmost to equip the West German army with nuclear weapons, the U.S. military fleet sails from corner to comer on European waters, ready to vomit flames of fire, while towards the socialist countries it pursues the deceptive policy of ’bridges’ and ’peaceful evolution’» at the same time. And the Bucharest Statement «on consolidating peace and security in Europe» corresponds precisely to this policy. If any changes have been effected these have been made in the reverse direction and consist of the Khrushchevite revisionists doing their uttermost to restore capitalism in the countries they have usurped power, while the old communist parties of Western Europe, plunged as they are in the quagmire of revisionism, play the already discredited role of social-democracy in the traditional opposition to the interest of the bourgeoisie. Now the main objective of the policy of the imperialists towards the revisionist countries of Eastern Europe is no longer military pressure for which the Atlantic Pact was set up, but ideological and political pressure, finding all ways and means to build «bridges» between capitalist and revisionist Europe, in order to speed up the economic, political and cultural integration of the latter into the former. At a time when this new strategy of imperialism is made more than clear, the Khrushchevite revisionists, through their new proposals within the framework of the Warsaw Treaty, hurry to comply with the desires of imperialism by proposing a sharing of the European «cake», which could be achieved with the breakup of both military alliances and European security. Through this proposal the Khrushchevite revisionists try to secure the division of the zones of influence in Europe with the U.S. imperialists, to secure a period of relative quiet for the latter on this continent in order to allow them to throw all their military weight on Asia.

«To speak of easing tension» our Note has it, «and securing peace in Europe on the basis of agreements that may be concluded between certain socialist countries, on one side, and the western countries including the US. A., on the other, at a time when U.S. imperialism is launching in Asia open aggression against a fraternal socialist country like the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and is preparing for aggression against the People’s Republic of China, is tantamount to plotting with U.S. imperialists against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the People’s Republic of China, to becoming partners with the U.S.A. against fraternal socialist countries».

Reading between the lines of the «Statement on European security» observers have at once noted that this text consists of a further «denunciation» of West German revanchism, of attempts to allow Bonn to have nuclear weapons in its hands. But this denunciation, they stress, seems less peremptory than Moscow’s reply to Bonn’s peace plan presented in March 1966. The Western Powers have long been used to the bluffs of the Khrushchevite revisionists who start in a harsh and threatening tone and finish up with complete and shameful capitulation, with selling off the interests of other countries towards whom they pose as friends and allies. This is borne out by their stand on the question of Cuba and on the German question itself. It is known that not very long ago the member countries of the Warsaw Treaty were of the opinion that the German Peace Treaty should be signed as early as possible, even if only with the German Democratic Republic alone, and on this basis to settle also the question of West Berlin. At that time Khrushchev used to deliver bombastic speeches, banged tables with fists and shoes. But in spite of such dramatic gestures, he and his companions were frightened and capitulated. Witnessing this fright and capitulation of theirs, the U.S. imperialists proceeded more courageously, more zealously in arming the Bonn revenge-seekers. The latter became more stubborn and more unrestrained in their revanchist intentions and the question of the Peace Treaty was postponed ’ad kalendas Graecas’. It stands to reason that the question of the Peace Treaty with Germany is not even referred to in the Bucharest Statement «on consolidating peace and security in Europe». In its stead it speaks in general and hazy terms about the peaceful settlement of the German problem, appealing to West German imperialists «to be reasonable», «to take into account the existing situation in Europe», to give up their intentions of altering the European boundaries. Thus, the German Democratic Republic and the German people are officially abandoned and betrayed in the Statement signed in Bucharest, encouraging in this way the expansionist policy of the German Federal Republic and aggravating the situation in Europe in general.

Through their policy of conciliation, concessions and negotiations with the Western Powers, the Khrushchevite revisionists make it possible for U.S., West German and other imperialists to penetrate in an all-round way into Eastern Europe, to build the «bridges» Johnson is so much interested in. Through this policy and the recent proposals of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty, the Khrushchevite revisionists intend to turn into a broad avenue the road which has been opened for the imperialists to establish capitalism in those countries. In the Bucharest Statement it is textually said: «The European countries which are bound by traditional trade agreements can only stand to win from their economic collaboration on a reciprocal basis». Expansion of economic agreements among European states, lifting all discriminations and obstacles that exist in this field, are a particularly important factor of contact and establishment of an atmosphere of mutual good will and good understanding among people. Development of economic ties among European countries enables the expansion of exchange of goods with partners in other parts of the world (obviously this refers to the American partner). These ties together with the all-round technological, scientific and cultural development, which enable a better understanding among people, may, alongside its development, become a material basis for European security and consolidation of peace throughout the world.»

With this, the Khrushchevite revisionists give a positive and enthusiastic reply to Johnson’s statement made immediately after the 23d Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union according to which the U.S. Government «will continue to build bridges over the gap which has separated us from Eastern Europe». The building of these bridges, the free circulation of capital, of persons, of ideas, in short, the penetration of U.S. capital, of bourgeois ideology, of the American way of life, free entrance of spies and agents of all marks into the countries of Eastern Europe, the rapid reestablishment of capitalism in those countries, the complete integration of socialism in capitalism, a task which U.S. imperialism had at first trusted Tito with, that first «bridge» built between the capitalist West and the socialist East, is one of the main tasks U.S. imperialism has assigned to itself. This has been Kennedy’s policy, this has also been Eisenhower’s who, together with Khrushchev, inaugurated the road for this imperialist penetration in the spirit they established together at Camp David. Now the doors of the Soviet Union and of the other countries where revisionists hold sway have been flung open for circulation of people from the West, who, under guise of tourists, businessmen, journalists carry on various other missions as well. They have been flung wide open for circulation of ideas through books, films, the press, television programs, dramatic performances, western music and so on. These powerful means of ideological subversion were accompanied by the so-called economic reforms based on profit, experimented first by Tito’s clique. Moreover, the doors of the Soviet Union and of certain East European countries were opened to western monopoly capitalist investments. Thus, the re-establishment of capitalism in these countries is not only in full process but it is also intensified.

The Bucharest Statement on consolidating peace and security in Europe, the perspectives it opens up for the imperialist Powers to extend their economic, political and cultural influence towards the East will, no doubt, whet their appetite and increase their all-round efforts to coordinate their activities to speed up the process of re-establishing capitalism in those countries. This cannot but lead also to the growing aggravation of the contradictions and intensification of the centrifugal forces among the countries under revisionist rule themselves, for they would wish to establish their own «brigades» directly with the imperialists without applying to Moscow for permission for this.

It is known that before the Second World War the Soviet Government tried hard to conclude an agreement for collective security in Europe, an agreement directed against, the fascist aggressors. The western big Powers opposed this agreement to the very last although fascist aggression was knocking at their doors. Immediately after war, when victory was achieved over fascism and when the revolutionary anti-fascist forces had grown in Europe, the Soviet Government under Stalin’s leadership spared no. efforts in this direction. The aim of these efforts was to prevent the revival of West German militarism taking for granted the conclusion of the Peace Treaty with Germany, the solution of the greatest and most complicated problem in the heart of Europe. But, as everyone knows, the imperialist big Powers responded with a repeated and categorical refusal to all endeavors and proposals of the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries in this direction.

Our Government and people, who have been one of the early victims of fascist aggression in Europe, have always been and are resolutely in favor of collective security in Europe. They have given their whole contribution and have spared no efforts in this direction provided this security is really to the benefit of socialism, of peoples and of peace and not to the benefit of imperialism, aggression and enemies of the people. Our Party and people have always maintained a deeply principled stand on the question of European security. But conditions have altogether changed in Europe and in the world today, and «security» of the kind desired and proposed today by the Soviet revisionist leaders, detached from international security and general peace, is to the benefit of imperialism and a crime against the people of Europe and of the world, against communism and peace.

But in the last resort, to what European security is reference made here? Against what danger, against which enemy is this directed? Is it against the Bonn revenge-seekers who, far from being disturbed, are being encouraged in their dangerous schemes, or is it against the U.S. imperialists in whose alliance the Khrushchevite revisionists see their greatest objective and highest ideal?

The fact that the most frenzied enemies of European security, ranging from chiefs of British to those of U.S. imperialism, from the heads of the Catholic Church to those of European social-democracy, have turned, as if by magic tricks, into its partisans shows clearly that we have to do with a proposal beneficial to imperialism, that we have to do with a big imperialist-revisionist plot on an European and world scale.

The Khrushchevite revisionists have raised into a system the policy of discussions, of unprincipled concessions, of secret diplomacy and of bargainings which are typical of the policy and diplomacy of bourgeois states. We have a bitter experience of a policy of this kind. In order to score success in his bargainings with the reactionary circles of the Balkans and, above their heads, with the imperialist Power, N. Khrushchev went so far as to promise Sophocles Venizelos parts of Albanian territory as if these were out for sale. In the present case, in order to score success in their bargainings on a world scale, the Khrushchevite revisionists use the German Democratic Republic, from which, according to foreign press reports, the Soviet Government has drawn five divisions, as a medium of exchange, and Vietnam to which the U.S.A. dispatches the divisions of troops it draws away from Western Germany.

But neither the aim of the Khrushchevite revisionists nor that of the U.S. imperialists end here/ The question of an agreement on European security which is now being laid on the table of diplomacy' is more serious and far-reaching, it is a plot aimed at wiping away socialism from the face of the earth and to achieve this end the imperialists and revisionists are finding a common language and common means to direct the spearhead of their military and political potential against the countries which hold aloft the banner of socialism and, first and foremost, against the People’s Republic of China, the great: and insuperable obstacle to the plans of the imperialists, revisionists and reactionaries as a whole,

The Party of Labor of Albania in its letter to the Central Committee of the Polish United Party, denouncing the betrayal of the heroic and fraternal people of Vietnam by the Soviet revisionists, wrote among others: «Besides, it must be stressed that the present Soviet leaders try by all means to preserve the status-quo in Europe, they pursue the policy of reconciliation with the U.S. imperialists and Bonn revanchists, make repeated concessions in the European question rendering great service to the U.S. imperialists who, under such conditions of calm, are withdrawing military detachments from Western Europe and are dispatching them to extend their aggression against the Vietnamese people. It is dear that, in order to secure the necessary quiet for the imperialists, the Khrushchevite revisionists are in the mood of selling out not only the interests of democratic Germany but those of fraternal Poland as well».

In his speech at the mass rally in Tirana oil June 28 this year, on the occasion of Comrade Chou £n-lai’s visit to Albania, Comrade Enver Hoxha stated: «The U.S. imperialists, in complete agreement and close collaboration with the Khrushchevite revisionists have moved the center of gravity of their .aggressive policy and activity from Europe to Asia. They aim, thus, at setting up an ’iron cordon’ around China and at bringing the flames of armed war as near to her as possible».

This great treason of the Khrushchevite revisionists, which 'has been constantly exposed by our party, is becoming more and more evident. These renegades play now the same vicious role in the service of US imperialism as the socialist traitors played in the service of English and French imperialism when the latter tried to set up the ill famed «sanitary cordon» against Soviet Russia following the October Revolution. We have exposed with force and step by step this escalation of betrayal by the Khrushchevite revisionists. We have raised our voice against that large quantity of armaments which they delivered to the Indian reactionaries to use against the great socialist country in Asia. We have said time and again that it was in this framework, to set up «an iron cordon against China» that the renewed Soviet-Mongolia Treaty was recently signed assuming an anti-Chinese character instead of an anti-Japanese character it had before. It is in this same framework, that, is, to destroy the Korean socialist State and to carry out an aggression against China, that a Soviet-Japanese approach was effected which is making rapid progress to such an extent that chiefs of revisionism are paving the road for Japanese imperialists to penetrate into Siberia a fact without precedence not only in the history of the Soviet Union but also in that of Russia of the Czars.

In this new crusade, the Khrushchevite revisionists through a thorough policy of concessions and bargainings in Europe in favor of U.S. imperialism, are striving not only to direct the military and political potential of imperialism against the People’s Republic of China, the People’s Republic of Albania, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, but use the Treaty of Warsaw itself for criminal purposes of highest treason that the history of the international communist and workers’ movement has ever recorded.

This is to what undignified positions they have led Soviet diplomacy, to what low rank they lowered the Warsaw Treaty! The Political and Consultative Committee of this Treaty used at first to discuss questions of vital importance to the defense of the socialist camp, whereas now it is hatching up plots against the socialist camp and the freedom of peoples camouflaged under slogans of European security and East-West, accords. Thus, the people are clearly seeing how far the Khrushchevite revisionists have gone in their treason. But this Marathon race of theirs along the tracks of betrayal, this ignominious and dangerous role they have assigned to the Warsaw Treaty will expose them more openly as allies and faithful agents of U.S. imperialism. The wheel of history moves on, events in the international field roll on with such rapidity, the needs of imperialism become so urgent before the revolutionary struggle of peoples that no maneuver, no demagogy, no acrobatics in politics are of long lasting and masks stay but only a little while on the faces and renegades. This happened to Khrushchev. This happened to his forerunner and accomplice in treason Tito, and this is bound to happen to Khrushchev’s successors, the Brezhneevs, Kosygins and others.

But for the betrayal of the socialist camp and of the freedom of people by the Soviet revisionist leaders responsibility weighs also on the other members of the Warsaw Treaty who will have to render account to their people for this. Under Soviet dictate they allowed a violation of its principles, the trampling underfoot of the rights of Albania in this Treaty and its ’de facto’ expulsion from it, they allowed then the violation of the rights and national interests of their countries and are now allowing the hatching up of the great betrayal against socialism.

The Note of the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania regarding the meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty in Bucharest points clearly out once again our clear-cut stand towards this new plot of the Khrushchevite revisionists. «The People’s Republic of Albania» it has it, «which pursues a deeply peaceful policy and wages a resolute struggle against world imperialism headed by that of the U.S.A., for which the future of its people, of the fraternal peoples of the socialist countries and other peace-loving countries are dear, denounces with utmost determination this new plot hatched up in the Bucharest meeting for which the Government of the Soviet Union, in the first place, and the other Governments of the participating countries bear a grave responsibility and it expresses its conviction that the day will come when they will have to render account to the people of the socialist camp and of the whole world for the great damage they have caused to the cause of socialism and peace in the world».

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