From For a Lasting Peace, for a People’s Democracy!
No. 27 (87), July, 1950
Editorial: Latest Step of Tito Clique to Restore Capitalism in Yugoslavia
A few days ago the Skupshtina in Yugoslavia enacted a law annulling the
nationalisation of enterprises and placing the management of industrial
enterprises, railways, ore-workings and mines in the hands of so-called
“labour collective”. Thus the Tito clique has taken another step
towards resorting capitalism in Yugoslavia.
As is known, the Tito clique never gave serious thought to building
Socialism in Yugoslavia. It had to adopt measures such as
nationalisation of industry and transport to mislead the working people
and to establish itself in power.
After the Tito clique effected its counter-revolutionary coup and
seized complete power, the State sector of Yugoslav economy ceased to
be people’s property. The Yugoslav fascists used the nationalised
enterprises as a means of exploiting the working class, i.e., of using
surplus value extracted from the workers for the purpose of enlarging
and maintaining the fascist army and the Rankovic police apparatus for
suppressing the people.
The Tito clique subordinated the country both economically and politically to the Anglo-American imperialists.
And now the Yugoslav fascists are making a further step along the path
of restoring capitalism and are openly annulling the nationalisation of
industry. What reasons forced the Tito clique to hand over industry,
ore-workings and railways to private enterprise?
The reasons for these Tito measures are as follows: (1) Utter failure
of the so-called Five-Year Plan, failure of the organisation of
“planned economy”, which the Titoite propagandists had lauded to the
heavens; (2) The demand of the Anglo-American imperialists for the
restoration in Yugoslavia of private ownership in the means of
production, for development of private enterprise.
Yugoslav economy is experiencing a decline. It suffices to say that
many pits yield no coal because miners are refusing to work. A similar
state of affairs prevails in the non-ferrous ore-workings. The reason
for the decline in Yugoslav economy is the treacherous, adventurous
anti-people’s policy of the Tito clique and the growing resistance of
the working class to the policy. Yugoslav workers see that they are
toiling for the benefit of the Tito satraps, of the Anglo-American
imperialists who buy at absurdly low prices the timber, copper, lead,
antimony, and other natural wealth of the country. Only by means of
widespread forced labour in the guise of so-called “voluntary brigades”
has the Tito clique succeeded in partially meeting the demands of the
Anglo-American trusts for supplies of strategic raw materials.
Now the Anglo-American ruling circles have placed a direct task before
the Tito clique: to open up every possibility for the further
penetration of foreign capital into the economy of the country, to
clear the way for complete restoration of capitalism in Yugoslavia.
But can the Yugoslav fascists immediately, by means of a single decree, completely restore private ownership in industry?
Of course not.
They cannot, because to do so would mean provoking a direct revolt on
the part of the working class, would mean a spontaneous explosion.
The Tito clique decided on another, a round-about way, by means of which it hopes to deceive the workers.
By their demagogic talk about abolishing bureaucracy, “enhancing the
role” of the working class, transferring enterprises, railways and
mines to the “labour collectives”, stupid, ignorant talk about “the
dying of the State” and a “rapid switch to Communism”, Tito and company
are throwing out a smoke screen under the cover of which they are
turning the enterprises over to their protégés.
In this Tito undertaking there is nothing new or original: it resembles
in every detail the fascist cooperative system of Mussolini. The
Italian fascists also formed so-called “labour corporations”, “drawing”
workers into the management of industry. But this was simply a cloak to
screen the imperialist essence of Italian fascism. It is quite clear
that in the conditions of a fascist State such as Yugoslavia is
industry, and with it the entire economy, will be managed as before by
the Tito clique – the servant of Anglo-American imperialism.
Like every other fascist regime, the Tito regime seeks to disguise its
capitalist make-up by means of “Socialist” slogans. But this reveals
not the strength, but the weakness of fascism. It will be impossible to
conceal from the peoples of Yugoslavia, that private enterprise has
been given rein in their country, that private ownership has been
openly restored, and that their country has been placed under complete
control of the American monopolies. This cannot take place without
further intensified exploitation of the working class, with the
inevitable result that the indignation of the working people will grow
more and more, and that it will organise a rebuff. As a result, the
Tito clique will have to resort to still greater terror and repressive
As for “theoretical” statements of Yugoslav fascist chiefs, they can
only be characterised as the ravings of lunatics. The “speech”,
delivered by the blockhead and ignoramus Tito, about the new law is an
eclectic hash and consists of bits of Hitler, Ford and Mussolini
statements strung together, a mingling of their “ideas” with those of
the anarchists, trotskyites and other enemies of the working class and
filled with rabid Churchill anti-Sovietism.
To declared that the “functions of the State are dying away in
Yugoslavia”. Actually, the economic functions of the State are being
restricted in Yugoslavia, restricted for the purpose of openly
restoring private ownership in the means and instruments of production.
The abandonment by the State of the function of organising economy is
designed to secure that, in the conditions of anarchy of production now
being revived, the factories, ore workings and railways will pass into
the hands of exploiting elements. Such is the iron logic of economic
relations. But in Yugoslavia, the Tito clique is developing, in every
way, the military-police functions of the fascist State with the aim of
suppressing the masses of the people.
Tito declared that “State ownership was the lowest form of public
ownership”. In this, too, there is nothing new. It has been always said
by the bourgeoisie, the upholders of private ownership in the means of
production. It can be said in passing that Mr. Churchill, representing
the most reactionary circles of British imperialism, uses this same
argument in his opposition to so-called “nationalisation” in Britain.
The Class essence of the latest Tito clique undertakings will be more
easily discerned when one hears how they are lauded by the
Anglo-American imperialists. This praise fully expose the Tito clique,
exposes its vile designs aimed at the complete restoration of
capitalism in Yugoslavia.
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