Daily Worker (USA)
March 27, 1931

75 Killed; 500 Hurt by Labor Gov’t Soldiers
Fighting Spreading in India; Gandhi for Real Betrayal

(Cable by Inprecorr)

Berlin, March 28. – A rigid censorship has been clamped down in Cawnpore, India, by the British labor government to prevent the truth of the widespread fighting from being known.

Seventy-five are already dead and at least 500 have been wounded. An exodus of 30,000 people took place from the city last night, due to the fighting. Large British military forces are enforcing martial law. All railway bookings to Cawnpore have been stopped, unless a special permit is issued.

New fighting has been started in the Tharawaddy forest where two British platoons were reported to have killed 22 rebels. The outbreak is spreading. Reinforcements, including armored trains are being rushed by the British to the affected districts.

The fighting in Cawnpore followed the lynching by the British imperialist labor government of three Indian revolutionists, after they had been frightfully tortured.

Latest reports from Karachi, India, by the Associated Press and the United Press tell of the growing opposition to Gandhi. Gandhi is trying to put over his sell-out with Lord Irwin, British viceroy of India, by all means, threatening to retire for life if the betrayal is not accepted.

The United Press staff correspondent in Karachi where the Indian National Congress is meeting writes:

"The independence leader, who was the object of hostile demonstrations by ‘red shirts’ throughout last night, told newspapermen that the execution of Nationalist extremists at Lahore had not affected his position toward the peace settlement." That is to say, Gandhi’s object is to do the dirty work for British imperialism, despite everything. He said that the British or with his lieutenant DWILNNUPNI government had "committed a first-class blunder," making it harder for Gandhi to put over his sell-out.

Refused an interview with Gandhi or with his lieutenant, Jawarhalal Nehru, who is parading as a "left," the "red shirt" representatives departed shouting: "Who killed Bhagat Singh?" and answering "Gandhi! Gandhi!"

More "red shirts" are arriving at Karachi. The "red shirts" are a militant youth organization who do not approve of Gandhi’s program of uniting with the British imperialists."

Not only are there reports of fighting in Cawnpore and the Tharwaddy forest as well as the Insein regions, but mass demonstrations against the British are taking place in Bombay and Calcutta.

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