Mao Zedong
The Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party has decided to publish a collection of writings on the life and activity of Comrade Dimitrov. I want to use this opportunity to say a few words on the relations between Comrade Dimitrov and the Chinese people.
During the entire period when he was the leader of the Communist International, Comrade Dimitrov paid a lot of attention to the Chinese revolution. When he was selected as the General Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Communist International at the 7th World Congress of the Communist International, he appeared before the Chinese people in the name of the world revolutionary proletariat:
'We have decided to support you in your heroic struggle for national freedom. We have decided to render our support to help you in the complex problems of oppression by all the imperialist bandits and their Chinese lackeys and to help you to achieve full independence'.
On several occasions - during November 1937, September 1938 and during May 1939 - The Communist International turned to the world working class with the call to extend all possible support to the Chinese people in the war against Japan. In response to the call of the Communist International the working class of different countries expressed great sympathy and rendered valuable help to the Chinese people and the Chinese army which resisted the aggression of Japan.
Comrade Dimitrov in good time paid attention to the question of creating an Anti-Japanese United Front in China. In the special article written in July, 1936 on the occasion of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Dimitrov gave especially great significance to the politics of the Communist Party of China relating to the organisation of the United National Front and the need of the struggle against 'left' sectarianism and right opportunism in the process of the creation of this united national front. These conclusions drawn by Comrade Dimitrov rendered great help to the Chinese Communists in the correct realisation of the united Anti-Japanese National Front during this period.
In China wide attention is paid to the works of Comrade Dimitrov on revolution. His book Fascism Means War has a particularly large circulation in our country. In June 1939 the publishing house of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China published a volume of The Selected Works of Dimitrov which carries many important articles of Comrade Dimitrov relating to the questions of the international anti-fascist front.
In 1942 when the Communist Party of China was carrying out a campaign for its ideological rearming, the Central Committee wanted all its members to study the conclusion of the Report of Comrade Dimitrov to the 7th Congress of the Communist International when he spoke of the cadre politics and for the necessity for easily understood propaganda work. All party members paid extraordinarily great attention to these two points in the report of Comrade Dimitrov.
Comrade Dimitrov has left us for ever. The Chinese revolution, which he supported with such great enthusiasm is victorious. The People's Republic of Bulgaria from which his death has separated him is bravely walking on the path of socialism and has created strong friendship with the People's Republic of China. All these victories are the greatest tribute to Comrade Dimitrov who now is resting in peace.
Comrade Dimitrov is Immortal!
Georgi Dimitrov belezhit deets no mezhdunarodnoto rabotnichesko dvizhenie, Sofiya, 1954, pp. 6-9.
Translated from the Bulgarian by Nirmal Kumar.
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