Pranab Mukherji's Reply to Home Minister L. K. Advani's Statement in Parliament on 18 December 2001

Extract with emphasis added.

Nobody is denying the fact that our security personnel did the right type of things to prevent it. We are proud of them. I am sure the Government can take some credit for that also because they kept them alert. They were in a position to keep them in a state of alertness. I do not mind that. But, at the same time, if you want to take the credit, you will also have to take the responsibility that there was a failure of the Intelligence to find out what these people were doing, and as per the Police Commissioner's report, it was going on from February onwards. Despite the fact that the Prime Minister knew it, despite the fact that the Home Minister knew it, sometimes I am really at a loss to understand this thing.

Mr. Chairman Sir, everybody knew everything except a few fools like us, who only depend on the Government source, and who do not know anything. We are told by another very important political leader that she knew it and she informed the appropriate quarter that something is going to happen on 13th of December in the Parliament. I do not know. But if the information is correct, if the statement is correct, what action has been taken by the appropriate authority? The appropriate authority should come and tell us: "Yes, these are the measures we took."

At least, we thought that in this statement, there should have been some narration by the Home Minister that he had the information, and in order to prevent such occurrences, he did take certain measures. It may happen that despite that, some desperate group could succeed. But, at least, you will enlighten us about that. In para 10 of the statement, it has been mentioned that the Home Minister had some prior information. What action has been taken by the Home Minister after getting the prior information to protect the Parliament House Building?  Is it not the legitimate expectation of this House to know from you as to what action has been taken by you? Whether I am satisfied with your answer or not, that is a different question. But, at least, you could have been clear to yourself: "Yes, I had the information, and after obtaining the information, I took these measures." But there is no such mention.

You did not consider it absolutely necessary to mention it in this statement, which you are making at the earliest opportunity, to take the House into confidence, because, 14th was not the occasion. Today is the occasion. If we could have given any suggestions, say that is fine, those measures are all right. But you add to it, you supplement it. If you want to fight against terrorism, if you want the nation to be united, for God's sake, as we have to come out of our narrow partisan approach, you too will have to come out of your narrow partisan approach. Unless you come out of that, nothing will happen.

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